Saint Clamps of the Nipple

This puts me in mind of religious imagery. Not the woman obviously. Religions have never been big on women in corsets wielding canes. Or women of any description really. But his posture has a touch of the martyred Saint about it. The supplicant pose, the straining muscles and the rictus of agony are all very familiar from religious paintings. Sadly, while the renaissance artists got up to all sorts of sexual shenanigans, I don’t recall nipple clamps featuring anywhere in their work.

Nipple clamps and the Cane

It’s originally from a Men in Pain series. I found it on the I Own his Key tumblr.

Tumblr technicalities

Apologies in advance to my regular readers. I intend to use this post for selfish ends. Specifically to pick the brains of tumblr owners. Anyone looking purely for femdom related material should probably skip to the picture at the end.

For anyone with a tumblr still reading, here’s my issue: As I’ve mentioned in the past, I maintain a tumblr for animated femdom material. Today I noticed that the front page was throwing up spammy pop-up windows and trying to get readers to download something that looked like malware. I spent sometime hunting around the tumblr dashboard and the settings, but couldn’t find anything that looked like suitable for debugging the issue. Eventually I used Firebug to poke around the page and found that one of the reblogged posts had smuggled in some suspicious looking javascript. It was trying to look like a Google analytics script, but when I deleted the post all the issues went away. I don’t think this was happening when I did the original reblog, so I’m guessing it got enabled once the initial post had spread around.

This seems like a horrible tumblr security hole. I would have assumed that any reblogs would be filtered and scrubbed for scripts. Or at the very least there would be a warning that the reblog contained a script. I can’t see any options in tumblr to block this kind of behavior. I also can’t see any good tools on the dashboard to debug this kind of issue. Am I missing something? Has anyone else observed similar behavior? Is tumblr reblogging this badly broken or am I just stupid?

Great as the tumblr idea is, I think its dashboard programmers need a good talking to. The functionality is very limited. Perhaps a good beating by the lady below would help focus their minds?

Bent Over for a Beating

I found this image on the Domination on My terms tumblr. I should also add that’s not the tumblr where I reblogged the problematic post from.

What a feeling

A couple of weeks ago I was ragging on guys wearing socks in femdom shots. Today it’s the women’s turn. Or rather a particular woman’s turn, as this is (hopefully) a singular example rather than a trend.

I like this image. I like her feet on his arms, that’s a powerful position. But what’s the deal with her legwear? The 80’s style leg warmers are odd enough (although I’ve been told by fashionable friends they’re coming back), but what’s with the chrome studded leather things? Has she got leather ankle warmers? They don’t look like standard bondage cuffs, so I can only assume it’s flashdance style interpreted as fetishwear. I can’t see it catching on.

Femdom with legwarmers

Tracking down an attribution for this image was a little strange. It’s all over tumblr, and I originally found it on the Slave Of Elena tumblr. However, doing a Google reverse image search just returned dozens of blogs, but no original source. That is until I noticed that Google claimed to have edited their results based on the DMCA, and pointed me at this copyright complaint. So based on that, I’m guessing the image is from the X-Art site. I’m not sure if it’s ironic, amusing or depressing that it was the copyright take down notice that allowed me to work that out. Hopefully I will not end up as one of the sites added to that DMCA notice.

Oh, and for anyone wondering about the post title, I give you a little taste of the 80’s. It was the kind of movie that I hated as a child, but it seems like a quaint period piece now.

The serious end of the flogger

Mentioning Dan Savage in yesterday’s post prompted me to go and catch up with the latest entries in his advice column – ‘Savage Love’. It’s an entertaining column and his answers are frequently funny and insightful. Even the comments, normally garbage on any popular mainstream public forum, can be thoughtful.

For kink lovers his column from a couple of weeks back, entitled Working the Kinks Out, was particular relevant. Of the three kinky folk featured, the letter that caught me eye was the third one on the page, sent by a woman married to a submissive man. She didn’t fancy ‘squeezing into an uncomfortable corset and using a flogger on him’ so allowed him to see a pro-domme. Now she’s upset that he’s going too often and spending too much money. Dan’s answer is a fair one, but I think it’s impossible to judge the situation without a hell of a lot more context than the letter gives. What really piqued my interest was the comments that followed the column.

As you’d expect the comments covered a lot of viewpoints, but a common one was that she should stop complaining and start hitting him. The reasons given ranged from being GGG, being financially smart, learning to like it, not being selfish and it’s easy once you try it. I’m all for more women topping and playing the dominant role, but I can’t help feeling that these comments overlook the complexity of D/s play. I wonder if they’d say the same kind of thing if the husband were dominant and wanted to tie her up and beat her? Would they suggest a non-submissive should just suck it up, stop being selfish and take the punishment? I doubt it.

Submission is often treated as something fixed, an in-built need that must be satisfied. Conversely dominance is treated as an act or activity, an option that can be turned on or off. I understand that coming from a vanilla perspective (nobody wants pain, but anyone can choose to inflict it), but it doesn’t make sense from a kinky background. Dominating someone is a very complex dynamic, and scenes can create a lot of powerful emotions. Nobody should feel they have to tap into that kind of energy if they don’t want to. I don’t know where the wife in question chose to draw the kinky line in the sand, but I do think she can’t choose to be dominant anymore than he can choose to not be submissive.


Given the letter writer seemed unhappy about using a flogger, this seemed a particularly apt picture to use. This lady certainly doesn’t seem unhappy about her flogging options. This is from a 2012 Divine Bitches shoot with Phoenix Marie and Parker London.

Happy travels

I’m coming to the end of my San Francisco adventures. It has been a fun few days, lots of kinky fun and excellent food, but sadly all good things must come to an end.

My flight back is Sunday evening, but before then I’m going to get together with Mistress Ai-Li. I’m sure we’ll enjoy playing together, but I also realize I’m playing with fire by meeting immediately before I fly. Past experience tells me that dommes just love making life uncomfortable for submissives long after the session is over. Hearing that I’m going to be stuck sitting in meetings the day after seeing Lydia always puts a gleam in her eye and an extra swish her swing. Similarly flying anywhere offers a great opportunity to inflict some extra long lasting torment by tenderizing suitable bits of the body. I can only hope Mistress Ai-Li doesn’t leave my bottom quite as bruised as the gentleman’s below.


This is Mistress Janay and Jonathan shooting for Men in Pain. I originally found a version of it via the Spanked 2 Tears tumblr.

Tumblr Egotism

I like this image from the Men in Pain site. I like (a lot) the Work is Never Over tumblr where I found it. I intensely dislike the fact the tumblr owner felt the need to stamp their watermark on the top right corner. I also hate the fact they felt the need to move the very clear MiP attribution from the bottom left to right edge, where it’s easily missed (the original image can be seen here).

Screwing around in an image editing package for a few minutes doesn’t confer a creative credit. I enjoy seeing tweaked images on tumblr (the Alternative Female Domination tumblr does a good job in that respect), but nobody should fool themselves that somehow that’s equivalent to hiring professional models, and then lighting, rigging and shooting a scene. Please leave original watermarks alone and don’t add new ones. Even if you have worked hard and spent literally seconds of your life shoving the file through an image filter or two.



Somebody had the bright idea to put up a web site to award the best animated gifs for the year. It’s not exactly the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and quite honestly I think you can find funnier animated gifs in 10 minutes of tumblr browsing, but it was enough to get featured on what passes for news coverage these days.

The awards feature a number of categories (animals, news, sports, the unavoidable cats), but the glaring omission is sex. Looped animated gifs are perfect for sex clips and somebody needs to step up asap with the animated adult GIFYS.

I maintain a tumblr for femdom gifs, mostly to avoid paying the bandwidth costs of featuring them here. If I was looking for an adult GIFYS nomination, I’d start with the one below (click the image to see it). The look on her face at the end is priceless (and sexy). It’s a condescending stare of “Really? Did you have to? What a mess….”

The Look

Heading South

I’m taking a few days vacation, so blogging might be a bit erratic until next week. This is my “Oh my God, the holidays are over, I’ve got months of work stretching before me, I need a vacation” vacation. I booked it Jan 2nd, just as soon as the New Years hangover wore off. I wish everyone could have one.

I’m heading down to San Fransisco. I’m not sure it’ll be as relaxing a time as this lady seems to be enjoying, but I will be following her example with books, cocktails and kinky fun. In between all that I’ll try and keep the blog updated.


I found this on the Femdom Style Counsel tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution.

Worthless worms revisited

My post ‘Worthless worms : Hot or not?‘ attracted a lot of thoughtful commentary. It’s clearly a topic that provokes strong opinions from both sides of D/s slash. This post is intended to address a few follow-up points that struck me after writing it and reading the responses.

In the original post I used degradation, humiliation and objectification interchangeably. That was careless as they’re related but different concepts. If I had a virtual whiteboard I’d be standing at it now drawing partially overlapping circles. The worthless worm trope is primarily about the sense of self and personal identity. It’s very directed degradation (you pathetic sniveling coward, you’re not fit to lick my boots, etc.). Humiliation is more situational. Anyone can be humiliated in the right circumstances, no matter how self-assured and confident they might generally be. Objectification is about removing humanity and personality. It’s not about being worthless, but identifying worth through function and utility. A lot of people get off on a mixture of these kinks, but when writing about a possible F/m mismatch, I was primarily thinking of the first. I rarely observe female dominants write or blog about degradation, but objectification and, to a lesser extent, humiliation, does crop up in positive contexts.

Ferns astutely observed that this is a style of play that often conflates the person with the kink. Presenting themselves primarily through their fetish is a common problem for guys who’ve spent too long surfing femdom porn. I think it’s particularly likely to happen with this kink, because it’s primarily about the perception of the person and their value. i.e. Exactly the things that are emphasized, normally in a positive fashion, when building a new relationship. I guess the (badly broken) thought process is ‘Why bother to put myself forward as a valuable person to know, when I ultimately want to be treated as if I’m not?’

It’s also true that cliches of commercial femdom don’t help anyone into this style of play. For men it gets them lumped into the same bucket as the jerk offs writing emails about how they’re not fit to lick the dirt from the boots of any female dominant blogger they encounter. For many dominant women it’s a stereotype they’re trying to push against, and writing about it is only likely to lead to more emails from the aforementioned jerks offs.

All that said, I do standby my entirely anecdotal observation that there’s a mismatch here in F/m that doesn’t exist in M/f. As someone who doesn’t have this kink, I’m selfishly kind of glad about that. Many of the F/m tumblrs that focus on degradation and humiliation tend to veer all to easily into misogyny. I’m happy that it’s incredibly rare to encounter misandry in femdom blogs or forums. If you are a submissive guy who occasionally enjoys a bit of pathetic sniveling, then the best advice would be to make sure you compartmentalize it and treat it strictly as a kink like any other. While there might be male dominants who’ll respond to a new submissive describing themselves as a worthless slut in need of training, your odds of success with that opening line and a female dominant will be very close to zero.

Her feet in his face

Trampling beneath a dominant woman’s feet often seems to be a theme of the ‘worthless submissive’ style of play. This is from the appropriately named Woman Worship site. I particularly liked her choice of reading matter.

Transurethral probing

This post is shamelessly cribbed from Mistress Matisse’s twitter feed. I consider it ecological blogging. Recycling for the good of the planet and my readers.

In her tweet she linked to an amusing and thoughtful video by Sarah Silverman on women’s reproductive rights. Sarah mocks the transvaginal ultrasound procedure that some states are trying to legislate, and suggests men should get a metal probe and camera shoved down their penis prior to masturbating. As Matisse points out, that’s not guaranteed to turn a guy off. In fact, in many cases they’ll probably enjoy it.

The unfortunate gentleman in the image below appears to have suffered a terrible facial injury. I’m not quite sure how sticking a tube into his urethra is going to help with that, but I assume the nurse knows what she’s doing. After all, they wouldn’t let any random unqualified young lady wear an official medical uniform like that one.

Medical Sound

This is from the CBT and Ballbusting site.