I don’t really do role playing. Most of my fantasy involve me being helpless while a sadistic woman enjoys tormenting me in creative ways. That pretty much fits with standard kinky play, no extra layer of acting or creativity required. I also dislike having to think too much when I’m playing. I spend most of my life having to think creatively and solve problems. It’s therefore great to simply let go in a session and slip into subspace, where my opinions don’t count for anything.
That said, I do appreciate the idea of role playing, and I like reading about what other creative fantasy’s people manage to come up with. I was therefore very entertained by this post on The Hang, where regular contributor loucabrazzi listed some of his favorite sessions. All the sessions he describes are a little outside the usual cliches of school mistresses, nurses or prison guards. And his number one session is definitely not one you’ll see in the average kinky porn shot.
1) A Mime session with Mistress Tess in which she plays a mannequin and I’m the “Poor Soul” who wishes her to come to life, but it turns out that once she did come to life, she was a sadistic woman. I did a funny dance routine, with my pants falling down, to Frank Sinatra singing, “All I Need Is The Girl” while she was standing completely still. The whole role play was done in mime with neither of us saying a word or making a sound (even when I was thrashed) and the music was fantastic.
Every time I read that it makes me laugh out loud. I think it’s brilliant. Whenever I happen to drive past a known dungeon location I have a secret smile to myself about what exciting hijinks may be taking place inside. I’d never considered that they might include mimed dance routine to Frank Sinatra in front of a domme pretending to be a mannequin. Followed by a silent thrashing. Now I’ve got a great new mental image to carry with me.
Unsurprisingly, it’s pretty hard to come up with any images of femdom mimes or mannequins to go with this post. I did find this weirdly amusing pornographic shot featuring a mime, but it’s pretty much the opposite of femdom. So instead, given loucabrazzi is a corporal punishment fan, I thought I’d go with something a little more old school and traditional. This is Julia Jameson in an Leda shot that I think was published originally in Ma’am magazine.