The thrill-clit cult

The title sounds like something from a Russ Meyer movie, but it’s actually from a Gawker article on a practice known as Orgasm Meditation (OM). It’s not femdom at all, but I thought it’d be interesting to my readers. After all, they’re from a community that tends to focus on orgasm frequency, either limiting male ones or promoting female ones. Plus, I can actually tie the whole thing back to BDSM indirectly.

The OM practice is summarized as…

The woman removes the clothing from her lower half, and only from that half. The partner—the stroker, typically a man—remains fully dressed. The lights stay on. Over the course of 15 minutes, timed, the partner rubs the upper left quadrant of the woman’s clitoris, and she surrenders to involuntary sensation.

The ‘interesting’ bit is that partner in this case doesn’t refer to a romantic connection. It could be someone you just met. Someone you’re working with. A friend. It’s sold as type of meditation, a way to bond and a way to feel good about yourself. The driving force behind it is a company called One Taste, which comes off in the article as a cross between a cult, a commune, a therapy provider, a tech start-up and a sex club. Much as I like the idea of more orgasms in the world, I can’t say the article inspired me to get involved with them.

The connection I can make back to BDSM is that they relate the benefits of OM to the release of oxytocin. That’s a hormone that’s often associated with subspace and the high that comes from an intense BDSM scene. Both OM and BDSM are ways to hack the brain to deliver it. A psychiatrist in the article claims that the only things that can match OM for triggering oxytocin release are childbirth or breastfeeding. I wonder if she ever studied bondage, whipping and ball spanking? Probably not.

Oral sex and nipple torture

This image of a couple bonding in their own particular way comes from Mean Dungeon. I found it on the Geek Domme tumblr. It seems to combine two excellent ways to generate oxytocin – pain for him and an orgasm for her.

My favorite kind of people

The New York Times has an interesting but annoying article on the subject of sadists. Interesting because, well, it’s about sadists, my favorite kind of people. They’re the Yin to my masochistic Yang. Annoying because it suffers from all the usual problems these kind of pseudo-scientific articles often suffer from. It simplifies, conflates and doesn’t define terms clearly. I’m left with way more questions that I started with. Not to mention a desire to quit my job and do a doctorate on the topic.

The basic point of the article is that sadism is far commoner than people traditionally assume. You don’t have to be a Hannibal Lecter to be classed as a sadist. However, it seems to tangle a lot of things together in strange ways. I’m left wondering…

  1. What’s the correlation between sexual sadists who get off on the reactions of their consensual partners and everyday sadists who get off on hurting whoever they come across? My experience is that the former don’t strongly overlap with the latter.
  2. What’s the split between people who enjoy power, those who enjoy destruction and those who enjoy the suffering of others? The article conflates them all, but for the first two the sadism is incidental to the main goal. Someone watching a clip of a race car crash is typically watching it for the awe and the spectacle of the crash, not because they’re hoping the driver got hurt. Similarly I don’t think shooting a collection of pixels in a videogame necessarily identifies someone as a sadist.
  3. How many people identified as sadists are conscious of their sadism? And of those that are, how many seek out opportunities to act sadistically? Does being aware of the trait cause people to act on it or attempt to control and diminish it?
  4. How many people act sadistically in groups but not in one on one situations? It would seem to me that the dynamics of social bullying are very different, although this article conflates them.
  5. Are sadists typically selective in how they inflict pain? Is it the reaction of the victim that matters? Or the way in which the sadist provokes the reaction?

It’s a fascinating area, and sadly this article doesn’t get to the heart of it. I’m surprised the scientists haven’t paid more attention to people who self-identify as sadists and masochists. They can’t use them to decipher the broader story, but they’d at least be a good starting point. And it’d be way easier to set-up ethical experiments with a pool of subjects who will happily zap and whack each other for fun!

Nipple Torture

I’m not entirely sure where this shot of two sadists indulging in a little nipple torture comes from. I’d guess it’s one of the Kink sites, but my search foo is failing me.

Back to reality

I’m safely back in the Pacific Northwest, feeling a little zonked after taking a (delayed) red-eye flight from Hawaii. I’ll miss the sound of the surf, but I’m looking forward to some decent coffee and some well made cocktails that don’t feature a blender in anyway. Hawaii is famously relaxed, but in some aspects island time isn’t so much slow as 40 years behind the curve.

After all the sunny outdoor shots of the last few posts, this seems a good image to mark my return. It’s more my speed, featuring a dark interior coupled with some nice rope bondage and intense nipple torture. It features Daphne Rosen and Wolf Hudson in a Men in Pain shoot. You can see another fun image from the scene here.

Daphne Rosen and Wolf Hudson

Oh, and just for the record, the post title is a small nod to a famous Red Dwarf episode.

Nipple torment and good hair

I’m safely back in Seattle after an interesting few days in Vancouver. While I was there I was lucky enough to meet up with Mistress Eleise de Lacy. We had a few scheduling issues that cut into our time together, but the session time we did have was highly enjoyable. In a painful ass beating, cocking piercing, type of way. You know – all the good ways.

A close-up photograph of the piercing part of the session did feature on Mistress Eleise’s twitter feed. However, I’d rather not drive all my readers away with a cock piercing shot right on the front page, so I’ll reach back into her twitter archive and pull out an older and slightly less explicit image. Here’s something she entitled ‘Heavy nipple torment meets good hair day. Happy all round’. That seems to capture the moment pretty well.

Mistress Eleise de Lacy

Mistress Eleise has feature on this blog in previous posts (here, here and here). Her site Femme Fatale Films is a most excellent source of femdom erotica. Her professional site for arranging personal sessions is here.

Gripping and grinning

I had a number of topics I wanted to write about this weekend, but social events and sunshine got in the way. So I’ll keep this short and leave you with a simple but enjoyable image of gripped nipples and big grins. In her case I think the expression is one of straightforward delight. In his, there’s a probably an element of surprise and pain, but I think there’s still a big smile in there somewhere.

Gripped Nipples

The image is originally from Divine Bitches. I found it on the Girls Rule, Subs Drool tumblr.

Post M

This is my 1000th post. I knew it was coming, but I’m still kind of amazed to type that. It has taken exactly 1010 days to get to it. Given that I do actually have a reasonably full non-kinky life featuring work, friends and family (against all the available evidence to the contrary here), I think that’s pretty good going.

I was initially going to make it a retrospective post on the blog itself. I still might write something like that in the next few days, but for today I’ll make it a post that best characterizes my goal here. I’ve always aimed to provide useful links to interesting people, mixed in with some fun and erotic visuals. So here’s an image that I love from the artist and writer Yumine. I only discovered her work in the last day or so, and hopefully it’ll be new to a lot of my readers. She has both a tumblr and a blog called Storyland. Both feature some excellent artwork and writing and are well worth checking out. As her blog introduction says…

If the promise of men bound, abused, and enslaved stirs your senses and whets your appetite, then you have come to the right place.

Sweet Revenge by Yumine Guo

Smart people saying stupid things

I’m starting this post with a warning about the links it contains. Normally that would mean I was about to discuss edge play and feature potentially disturbing images. However, in this case the links are to conservative journalists talking about kink. I realize that may still constitute edge play for some people. On the face of it they’re discussing extreme porn from, but it quickly gets into general issues of consent and sexual ethics.

What started this unlikely flurry of posts was an essay by Emily Witt entitled What Do You Desire. The heart of the piece is a description of a shoot for the Public Disgrace site, but it also encompasses the tech culture, San Francisco culture and Emily’s own personal life. It’s an essay that got a lot of attention across the web, not just from the writers below. Personally I was unimpressed. As a kinky and techy person, who lives on the West Coast and visits the Bay Area often, I expected to read something I could relate to. Something that reflected, at least in some way, my experiences. Instead it comes across as a high concept piece. Rather than immersing herself into the culture and drawing conclusions from it, I got the impression Emily went in with a concept and cherry picked her observations to match.

While I might not have been impressed, a lot of other people were. What particularly entertained me were a series of posts from conservative writers. Roughly in order (as they responded to each other) there was: Rod Dreher, Noah Millman, Alan Jacobs, Noah Millman 2, Rod Dreher 2, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, Conor Friedersdorf and Rod Dreher 3.

There’s enough material in those articles for a dozen posts, but I’ll try and limit myself to just this one. As you might expect they have a few interesting insights scattered randomly through a whole steaming mound of ignorance. I don’t fault them too much for that. No doubt if I was writing about Conservative Evangelical Christians in the South on the basis of a single provocative article I’d also reveal a lot of my ignorance about that group. What I will fault them for is the horrible underlying logic in some of their arguments. Particularly Rod Dreher writing here on the subject of consent.

His argument is, at the heart of it, a variant on the slippery slope fallacy. He starts out by defining consent as the way people judge right from wrong. He then points out consent alone can never be enough, because people can consent to terrible things. For example, the cannibal who ate a willing victim. And therefore, if consent is not your guiding light, then what can be? How can anyone define what is morally right? The only answer must be God.

For all its many flaws, Christianity (like Islam, like Judaism) at least offers a standard by which to judge right and wrong….
…Christianity at least holds on to the idea that Truth exists, and is knowable, however imperfectly.

The huge glaring flaw in this appeal to absolutism is of course the problem of defining religious Truth. Saying Jesus would have frowned on cannibalism is uncontroversial. But what was his position on silk scarves tied to the headboard? Or a little nipple biting during coitus? And if that’s OK, does he draw the line at nipple clamps? How about anal sex between a loving couple? What if it’s a loving gay couple? I haven’t noticed too many burning bushes appearing recently to give us guidance on these areas.

Of course what people like Rod Dreher really want to impose with a religious standard is their standard. They really know what God meant to say. Of course in reality they have no divine hotline. They’re just people making judgement calls about right and wrong like everyone else. They just don’t trust the rest of us to do it properly.

I’ll leave you with an image of two sinners doing terribly wicked things. I know it might look like a beautiful image of two people enjoying an intense and intimate moment, but that can’t be right. Nipple clamps are clearly the work of Beelzebub.

Sinners with nipple clamps

The image is from the always excellent bondage is not a crime tumblr.

Nipples and nosh

Today was a good day. I spent part of it being tortured by Domina Ai-Li. I now have a well striped back and very sore nipples. She has a pair of nipple torturing devices that are pure concentrated evil. Most clamps hurt when they go on, then things get numb, and then it hurts when they come off. These hurt a lot when they go on, become more painful over time and are agony when pulled off. Whoever invented them was a perverted evil genius.

After that I went to Benu, where a very cute red headed server brought me some wonderful food and made me an extremely happy bunny. A day of attractive women hurting me and then bringing me much food and wine is a good one in my book.

In honor of my sore nipples I’ll finish with this enjoyable image. I found it on the Work Is Never Over tumblr. It’s originally from Men in Pain.

Squeezing his nipples

Better living through chemistry

I’m always curious about the physical processes associated with subspace. I’ve written about it in the past (for example here), despite the fact I know very little about the subject. Fortunately this is the internet, and they let any idiot with a keyboard post his random thoughts.

I do know that Oxytocin is thought to be a part of the subspace brain chemistry. I was therefore intrigued to encounter this article describing how it can be purchased and administered as a nasal spray. The sales pitch is based on improving love and relationships, but it made me wonder what affect it would have on BDSM play. I love the strong wave of emotions I get deep in a scene, so would this make it easier to get to that point? Or would combining the intensity of a scene with a heavy dose of this hormone just end up screwing you up? And if it did work, would that be actually be a good thing? Or would it feel like shortchanging your BDSM relationship?

For someone who tends towards a hedonistic lifestyle, I’m surprisingly straight when it comes to drugs. Big fan of food, drink, and sex, but never smoked a cigarette or done a line in my life. So I’m unlikely to be the guinea pig for this particular experiment. But I would be fascinated to read the results if someone ever repeated the article writer’s experiment in a kinky context.

Nipple Torture

I’ll leave you with a shot from Men in Pain that represents one of the best ways to get me into subspace – nipple torture. No nasally administered hormones required. Just squeeze and twist.

Purple nurple

I’ve never been a fan of schoolyard pranks. Most of them would see you facing assault charges if you did them as an adult, yet somehow you take a few years off, and it’s just kids messing around. I guess that’s not too surprising a view coming from a boy who was bright, wore glasses and grew up like a strip of willow.

Their one redeeming factor is that they do have interesting names – nipple cripple, wedgie, swirlie, noogie and button face. I sometimes think that the standard BDSM terms could use a touch of similar naming creativity. After all, what sounds more fun? A play session featuring ball torture, caning and forced-bi, or one featuring pounding plums, red stripe delight and blowing the beef bugle? It’d certainly make listing interests and limits a lot more entertaining. Although given the endless arguments about terminology in the kinky community, perhaps greater naming precision rather than creativity is a better goal.

I’ll leave you with the image that started this whole train of thought. I found this in a gallery on the Femdom Times site. It features Goddess Ira inflicting a rather painful looking purple nurple.

Goddess Ira and a purple nurple