Good nose, a fruity body and a long lingering finish

The US media has recently been having fun with a story about college students ‘butt chugging’. For those of you that missed this vital news feature, it started with a Tennessee student being hospitalized with alcohol poisoning, after allegedly having a wine enema. Of course this being the US, the story quickly spun out of control, adding religion, lawyers and press conferences into the mix. And while it sounds exactly like the kind of stupid thing a frat house might try, the media also has a reputation for making up ridiculous scare stories about alcohol and young people.

I’m sure most people regarded this story either as an amusing freakshow or as a sign of America’s moral decline. However, I suspect there might have been a few of my readers thinking to themselves – “What a brilliant idea! I like alcohol. I like enemas. Let’s crack that bottle of ’96 Burgundy we were saving for a special occasion!” If you are thinking exactly that, then firstly please don’t use a ’96 Burgundy. That would be a crime against grapes, and probably an arrestable offense in France. Secondly, please be careful. As this older news story makes clear, it can be a lethal activity. Drinking alcohol has the natural limits of vomiting and unconsciousness. It’s pretty hard to order another round of shooters when you’re face down in a puddle of your own stomach contents. That doesn’t apply to a tube and an enema bag, so lethally poisoning yourself is much easier.

For all those enema fans who play safely, here’s a nice image from the artist known as German. While enemas are not my favorite kinky activity, I think I’d be willing to give the scene below a try should I ever get the opportunity.


In your face

I like this shot because it’s simultaneously conventional and unusual. The composition is very conventional. There are a million shots out there featuring a woman sitting on a man’s face. What makes it unusual is the very shallow depth of field, which blurs him out and pushes her very much to the fore. There’s a vibrant immediacy to her. She’s both in his face and in our face.

Shiloh Avery photographed by Eric Kroll

The model is Shiloh Avery and the photographer is Eric Kroll. I found it on the We Like the Weird Stuff tumblr.

The decade that taste forgot

When it comes to fashion disasters, the 1970’s have a lot to answer for. It’s easy to laugh at strange fashions from other decades, but I don’t think any managed to date quite so quickly and look so ugly as those from the 70’s. Judging by this first photograph, BDSM and fetish fashion was no exception. That is some seriously ugly leather gear.

On the plus side, when they lost the weird clothes, the 70’s era porn did at least boast some very natural looking naked people. The second shot is of the great Sharon Mitchell. She’s a true porn star, meaning someone who stands out and illuminates, rather than simply a paid performer. I’ve no idea whose face she’s sitting on, but I think it’s a pretty good bet that he’s a hairy gentlemen, probably sporting a beard.

Vintage leather fetish outfits

Sharon Mitchell cunnilingus shotTo be honest, I actually don’t know for sure the date of these photographs, but that wallpaper and those hairstyles look awfully 70’s to me. The first came courtesy of the At Her Feet tumblr. The second I found via the Femdom Empire tumblr.

The reality of the fantasy

I used to worry that getting involved in real BDSM – the physical, sweaty, dear God don’t put that in my….oooohhh! – kind, would spoil the fantasy. I enjoyed my rich and somewhat warped fantasy life, and didn’t want to discover that everything my fevered imagination created was really about as much fun as getting hit by a flying brick, and then discovering there’s a courts summons wrapped around it.

Fortunately the reality turned out to be a lot better than the fantasy and actually gave my internal porn producer a whole new set of scripts to work with. However, just now and again I find myself over analyzing an image that catches my eye. For example, I like this shot from the TopGrl site a lot. It’s got elements of bondage, objectification and worship all rolled in together. But now I’ve done suspension scenes I can’t help thinking about how comfortable (or not) the rope harness might be. How long it took to set-up the shot and get all the knots right. How much the submissives neck might ache. It doesn’t spoil the shots for me, but occasionally it does make me second guess them.

All that said, my imagination still keeps itself pretty busy. In this case it’s picturing a second domme at the other end with a cane. Cunnilingus mixed with screams of pain sounds like a wonderful combination.

Suspension I found this on the blouxsterville tumblr.

On the tip of my tongue

I was out celebrating a friend’s birthday tonight. Neither of us are exactly old, but we were both bemoaning the aging process. Hangovers take longer to recover from, bodies don’t bounce back quite the way they used to and memory gets just a little more flaky. I’m only in my late 30’s, and already significant chunks of my conversation seem to consist of “You know, they guy on that show, with the restaurant, what’s it called? The one in New York. You know the guy. He was in that other thing, with the woman.” If it wasn’t for smart phones and web search we might never get a proper noun into the conversation.

If I’m going to struggle with something just on the tip of my tongue, I’d rather it was a little more exciting than media trivia. This gentleman seems to have a much better alternative.

On the tip of his tongueI found this on the Lash Kisser tumblr site.

Spooky internet moment

Earlier this evening I poured myself a glass of wine and began browsing the archive pages of the Gorean Kajirus tumblr. It’s one of my favorite tumblrs to look at when I’m simply hunting for eye candy. The curator obviously puts a lot of effort into it, as there’s a huge amount of aesthetically and erotically interesting material. There’s beautiful women or all types, ripped guys in restraints, interesting bondage shots and fun BDSM play in many different flavors. There’s even the odd bit of auto porn.

And then, in the middle of all the visual loveliness, dear God, I spotted myself. Twice. That was a spooky internet moment. It’s one thing to appear on my own blog, or on a domme’s site. After all these shots started life on Domina Yuki’s tumblr, and I even spotted my torso on Lydia’s testimonial page the other day. However, it’s quite another sensation to stumble across them on a random tumblr. Particularly one which tends to the more aesthetic than the functional side of kink.

In the meantime, while I get over the weirdness, let me leave you with a couple of shots of genuine eye candy from that tumblr. The first I think is Goddess Miki, a pro-domme from LA who has been on my ‘to visit’ list for a while. I’ve no idea about a source for the second one.

Domme using hooded slave as ashtrayMistress receiving oral worship from bound slave


A lost fashion accessory

I’ve posted multiple times in the past about the sexiness of dominant women in glasses (for example here and here). But this image represents the first time I’ve posted what looks like a dominant women in a monocle. I’m not about to forsake my love of the bi-lense design, but there is something appealing about this drawing. It makes me think of aristocratic accents, decadent countesses and perverse sexual practices in secluded chateaus. You know, all the good stuff.

The text is in Italian, and as best I can make out (from a combination of google translate and bing translate), says something like – “I have nothing against play spanking as an erotic game, even as mild aphrodisiac I don’t mind”.

Dominant woman with monocleI’m afraid I don’t know the artist. I found it on “Yes, Mistress” tumblr site.

Updated: Once again my excellent blog browsers come through for me with an attribution via the comments. This is by Leone Frollo. You can read a little about him and see more of his work here.

These are a few of my favorite things

Apologies for the title reference. I blame Ms Marie for making me think musicals. I realize this isn’t exactly ‘Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens’, but when I saw this image it did make me think of some of my favorite things. That’s one lucky oxygen deprived gentleman. I’d love to try and come up with some updated lyrics, but I’m not sure what would rhyme with breathplay, smothering and oral worship. Although the thought of Julie Andrews skipping over the Alps singing about them does make me smile.

Oh, and if you’ve never seen the Sound of Music, my apologies, this must all look like crazy talk to you. You can hear the original version here, although for something a little more my speed, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes also covered it in their inimitable style.

Forced Oral WorshipI found this on the Slave of the Goddess tumblr site.

Suck it

I debated about posting this particular image for quite a while. TS women seem to provoke a fairly strong reaction in some people, and I’m not referring to the good type of reaction. I’ve been surprised in the past by the hostility I’ve seen displayed from kinky subs on forums and message boards towards the idea or existence of TS dommes. However, after considering the relative pro’s and con’s, I came up with what I thought was a decisive argument. Namely – “Goddamn it, this is my blog, I like it, I’ll post what I like.”

I have to admit I was also prompted to post it from a comment by Orlando on his 333images tumblr blog, where he claimed a lot of the models in TS porn were being exploited in a particularly twisted way. I normally enjoy his images and comments, but this one bugged me slightly. Alarms bells always go off for me whenever I hear someone outside a particular group claim exploitation on behalf of that group. And I think it’s particularly difficult to make a claim of exploitation when you’re talking about consenting adults voluntarily choosing to be paid to perform safe (albeit sexual) activities. Which isn’t to diminish the problems or obstacles TS people face. But I think it cheapens and devalues the real sexual exploitation that’s out there (trafficked women, third world sex tourism, etc.) if you employ the term widely and carelessly.

Jade and LeRockThis shot is from the TsSeduction site and is from a shoot featuring Sexy Jade and Le Rock. It’s available either as part of their subscription package or can be purchased as an individual shoot.