Continuing my image theme from yesterday’s post of public objectification, here’s a man making himself useful. She gets somewhere comfortable to rest while texting her friends. He gets to provide her with somewhere comfortable to rest while texting her friends. It’s a win-win.
As a side observation, it does seem that the style of public play scenes often differs between Asian countries and US/Europe. Obviously I’m broadly generalizing here, and only going from what photographs show up on-line, so treat this as a very casual observation. But it seems when US/Europeans make a scene in public they do it in a very clearly kinky way, often with props and costumes involved. I’m thinking of images like this or this or this. These feature people who clearly left home with a kinky plan to execute. In contrast a lot of images I’ve featured from Asian countries look like this or this or the image below. They have a more casual look and a sense of normality to them. You can almost believe that they’re going about their daily lives, just with a kinky slant. It’s a style I personally find a lot hotter than the overtly fetishistic public scenes.