Back in Seattle

As the title says, I’m back home. I’m also tired and dying to crawl into my own bed. As usual I come back from vacation feeling like I need another vacation.

I did get to indulge in some more kinky fun today. Hopefully I’ll have a couple of shots from the session to share in the near future. I was actually down around the Folsom Street area, which is the home to the eponymous street fair.  So while I go throw my dirty laundry in the wash, I’ll offer up this image from last years event. This features Mistress Liliane Hunt as the carriage rider and is taken from her blog post on the topic. Should you wish to attend this year’s event then next Sunday is the magic date.

Folsom Fair

You can see Mistress Hunt’s professional web site here, although she’s sadly no longer accepting new clients for private sessions.

A nice neat package

Apologies to anyone who has recently left a comment I haven’t responded to. My blogging time on this particular vacation is proving to be even more limited than I expected. I will get back to all the comments in the next day or so.

In the meantime here’s a fun bondage shot featuring Princess Kali and a neatly packaged male. I really like the little extra touches like the big toe ropes and the wrap around his balls. I imagine that’s a pretty stressful position to be in.

Princess Kali rope bondage shot

The image has been messed with as so often happens on tumblr (I found it via Continuous State of Desire). I believe it’s originally from a Men in Pain shoot with Princess Kali.

A lack of forethought

Today I learned that drinking a lot of rum cocktails is not a wise way to prepare for a scene the next day, no matter how delicious said drinks are. Being hungover and feeling extra delicate really adds an edge to nipple piercing and ball spanking. On the plus side, the rush of endorphins those activities provoke do help ease the symptoms of over indulgence. I can’t sell them as a hangover cure, but they certainly helped take my mind off my aching head.

Fortunately I was playing with Mistress Ai-Li who, expert that she is, worked well around my planning failure. She managed to push me, without provoking any unpleasant reactions, which I’m sure was a result we both desired.

Domina Ai-Li

The image is from Mistress Ai-Li’s website. She’s based in the Bay area should you wish to experience her session skills for yourself.

My favorite kind of people

The New York Times has an interesting but annoying article on the subject of sadists. Interesting because, well, it’s about sadists, my favorite kind of people. They’re the Yin to my masochistic Yang. Annoying because it suffers from all the usual problems these kind of pseudo-scientific articles often suffer from. It simplifies, conflates and doesn’t define terms clearly. I’m left with way more questions that I started with. Not to mention a desire to quit my job and do a doctorate on the topic.

The basic point of the article is that sadism is far commoner than people traditionally assume. You don’t have to be a Hannibal Lecter to be classed as a sadist. However, it seems to tangle a lot of things together in strange ways. I’m left wondering…

  1. What’s the correlation between sexual sadists who get off on the reactions of their consensual partners and everyday sadists who get off on hurting whoever they come across? My experience is that the former don’t strongly overlap with the latter.
  2. What’s the split between people who enjoy power, those who enjoy destruction and those who enjoy the suffering of others? The article conflates them all, but for the first two the sadism is incidental to the main goal. Someone watching a clip of a race car crash is typically watching it for the awe and the spectacle of the crash, not because they’re hoping the driver got hurt. Similarly I don’t think shooting a collection of pixels in a videogame necessarily identifies someone as a sadist.
  3. How many people identified as sadists are conscious of their sadism? And of those that are, how many seek out opportunities to act sadistically? Does being aware of the trait cause people to act on it or attempt to control and diminish it?
  4. How many people act sadistically in groups but not in one on one situations? It would seem to me that the dynamics of social bullying are very different, although this article conflates them.
  5. Are sadists typically selective in how they inflict pain? Is it the reaction of the victim that matters? Or the way in which the sadist provokes the reaction?

It’s a fascinating area, and sadly this article doesn’t get to the heart of it. I’m surprised the scientists haven’t paid more attention to people who self-identify as sadists and masochists. They can’t use them to decipher the broader story, but they’d at least be a good starting point. And it’d be way easier to set-up ethical experiments with a pool of subjects who will happily zap and whack each other for fun!

Nipple Torture

I’m not entirely sure where this shot of two sadists indulging in a little nipple torture comes from. I’d guess it’s one of the Kink sites, but my search foo is failing me.

Pink, black and gold

I’m going to be taking a few days vacation down in San Francisco. That’s usually my cue to say that posting will therefore be a bit erratic. Unfortunately I’ve been so busy in Seattle recently, this might actually improve my chances of blogging more. Flying is usually a good chance to catch up with any writing I need to do, but given the subject matter, this site might cause a few raised eyebrows in nearby seats if anyone is peering over.

I do have some kinky fun planned for my trip. Any SF visit that missed out on that would seem like a wasted opportunity. Although scheduling it around my friends plans is proving tricky, particularly given that only a few know of my kinky interests. One thing I’m confident of is that I will not be doing is any public humiliation scenes, despite how much fun Mistress Alice and her submissive look like they’re having on the Golden Gate bridge with this one. I’d love to know how many tourists went home with a snap of them and their striking outfits to share with friends and family. No doubt it confirmed a few preconceptions about the typical inhabitant of the Bay area!

Golden Gate Humilation

You can see other shots of this scene at her tumblr post. Her main site is available here.

Understated uniform

Apologies for the lack of posts this weekend. Once again I had plans for stuff to write and, once again, life got in the way. I hate it when that happens.

To start the new week, here’s a nicely composed example of a well worked theme – a dominant lady in a military uniform. This is Lady Stella of Studio Avalon. There are a million shots in this genre floating around, but I like this particular example because it’s quite understated. It’s not a crazy over the top uniform. The camera isn’t shooting from the worms eye viewpoint. And she’s standing on what appears to be a military parade ground. It looks like a great starting point for a serious and intense roleplay.

Lady Stella

A lick and a look

I’m not a huge fan of tumblrs that automatically treat oral sex as a D/s act. Sometimes sex is just sex, and there’s no reason to impose a dominant dynamic on it. Everyone enjoys having soft wet squidgy bits rubbed on their genitals.

That said, it is an act that often lends itself to the D/s fantasy. This image is a great case in point. Her look really makes the image work for me. It’s very knowing.

Ass Licking
I found this on the Loves to Lick tumblr.

So it has come to this…

Shameless attention whoring ahoy! I figure if Ferns can get away with it, why not me?

Rori is once again taking nominations for the best sex bloggers. Last year I was nominated and ended up on the list, as I blogged about at the time. Now obviously as a serious and dedicated sex blog blogger, I’m above such petty popularity contests. It matters to me not one whit should I be nominated or not. My only concern is to bring you, my dear readers, the best femdom based material I can. But it strikes me that getting nominated would encourage more readers to visit. And that would mean more readers to write witty and insightful comments. And that in turn would create a better quality blog for everyone. So I’m really doing it for all of you out there.

Anyone buying that unimpeachable logic, and wanting to help me help you, can do so by leaving a suitable nomination comment on Rori’s site. It’d make me, I mean you, as happy as a Deviant Kade being tied up by a Simone Kross.

Deviant Kade with Simone Kross

The image is originally from the CBT and Ballbusting site. I found it via the Happy BDSM tumblr.

Slavery. Not as fun as it sounds.

I was amused by this article about an enterprising woman trying to get farm chores done on the cheap.

Masochists who responded to an advert by an Austrian woman seeking “submissive, well-to-do” men found themselves forced to do farm chores such as stacking wood in the nude or cutting the grass while wearing fetish masks.

Instead of the punishment they were expecting, the men were put to work as labourers around their mistress’s farm in north-eastern Austria, near the town of St. Pölten.

Unsurprisingly it turned out that doing real manual labor wasn’t quite as fun as the outdoor fetish frolics they were expecting. I’m not sure what kind of punishment she advertised, but stacking wood in the nude and cutting grass in a leather gimp mask sounds pretty punishing to me.

What’s particularly strange is that she ended up being charged with “illegal prostitution”. Since prostitution is the selling of sexual services, and the lack of kinky sex fun was precisely their complaint, I’d be intrigued to know what tortuous logic led to that charge. If she’d turned up in leather boots and hit them occasional, would that have made it “legal prostitution” ?

I’ll finish with a picture that is probably more in line with what the men were hoping for. It still looks like hard work, but I’m sure the pony gear, fetish outfits and whipping would have made them a lot happier.

Buggy Racing at OWK

This buggy racing shot is from the Other World Kingdom.

A delicate slap to the penis

This post was supposed to be a thoughtful follow-up to yesterdays one on the topic of negotiation. Unfortunately I got sucked into watching an old Columbo movie and ran out of time. If there’s one thing I like more than blogging, it’s well, many things actually. Sex. Bondage. Pain. Wine. Food. Books. Art. Fast cars. So really, among the many things I like more than blogging, one is classic Columbo movies. And that’s where my time went tonight.

I’ll therefore settle for a simple post with an interesting image. I love their expressions. I love the slapping action. But what’s with his blue shirt and her pink boots? It’s good that they’re not in stereotypical fetishwear, but is this the best alternative they could come up with?

Men in pain

The image is originally from the Men in Pain site. I found it on the Femdom Times site.