Capturing the moment

This is less of a post and more of a pointer to an animated gif on tumblr. It features a vigorous pegging and a woman clearly  enjoying herself. That’s a description that could be applied to a million similar tumblr animations, but what caught my eye here was her expression just after he orgasms. It’s a great half smile – partly rueful, partly amused and with a hint of ‘Now look what you’ve done!’

I reblogged this to my tumblr to make sure it sticks around, but I found it via the Pegging with a Smile site (which has a magnified version).

What’s in a name?

Peroxide has been having some anal fun with a new toy he’s named Dita. While I’m a fan of anal play, I’ve never got into naming things. Doesn’t matter if it’s a car, boat, body part or half a foot of silicon cock. Somehow it always felt odd for me to assign it a name.

Men giving their penis a name seems fairly common. I’ve been asked what mine is enough times to suggest women must encounter the phenomena fairly often. I kind of get it, as cocks do sometimes seem to lead independent lives of their own, but I’ve never smashed a bottle of champagne over mine and done an official naming ceremony. I’m always tempted to answer the question with “Edith”, and then when I get a confused look, follow it up with “You know, named after Edith Bolling, the second wife of Woodrow Wilson.”

I’ve absolutely no reason to pick that name, other than I think it’d get a laugh. And laughter is always a good thing to mix with sex. Unless it happens when you pull your trousers down. That’s less of a good sign.

Pulling His Balls

Here’s a nice shot of someone having a laugh while playing with male genitals. The name of the cock in question is sadly not recorded, but I’m willing to bet it’s not Edith. The image is from the FemaleDom site and I found it on the In a Humbler tumblr.

Payment and power

It’s widely accepted that the power dynamics within a BDSM scene are separate to the dynamics outside of it. In some cases they may happen to align (e.g. couples in 24/7 D/s relationship), but often they will not. Outside a scene the players might simply be casual play partners, or in a standard egalitarian relationship, or even enjoy a reversed dynamic, where a dominant outside the bedroom bottoms within it. Pretty much every combination possible is working successfully somewhere. Yet, if you add money into this mix, attitudes tend to change. I’ve often heard it said that a pro-domme’s client always has the power because he or she supplies the money. That no matter what the intended power dynamics in a scene are, it can never be genuine when money is involved.

As regular readers might predict, I find this an odd attitude. Firstly, it suggests a leaking of the power dynamic across scene boundaries that doesn’t apply in any other situation. Nobody would maintain that a couple can’t have a ‘real’ D/s scene because they regard each other as equals in daily life. Secondly, it implies that somebody paying for any kind of service can never have a submissive experience. That’s self-evidently not true when you look outside the sexual realm.

My favorite counter-example of this would be high end dining experiences. Eating at places like Saison (in SF), é by José Andrés (Vegas) and Uraswawa (LA) is always a submissive experience. These are restaurants where you don’t get to choose the food, you don’t get to choose the preparation and you don’t get to choose the accompaniments. You eat what the chef decides to present that night. Some places have even specific rules about how to eat. For example at Urasawa, the chef insists you eat each sushi piece in less than 10 seconds from when he places it in front of you. The restaurant’s clientele may be paying the bills, but nobody expects that in doing so they’re buying ownership of the chef. Instead, much like a session with a pro-domme, they’re paying for access to an experience.

Nobody would claim that my decision to dine or not at Le Bernardin puts me in a position of power over its chef Eric Ripert. Yet that’s exactly the argument advanced when it comes to pro-dommes and their clients. I suspect this contradiction arises from prejudice against sex workers. Some people erroneously believe, possibly subconsciously, that nobody would voluntarily choose to do sex work. They wouldn’t do it, so they can’t imagine anyone else choosing to. And if they believe a pro-domme isn’t there by choice, then she clearly isn’t operating from a position of power.

Note that I’m not claiming that all sex workers love their jobs, or that all pro-domme/client interactions are models of D/s perfection, or that a professional interaction is the same as a lifestyle one. I just to want break the idea that money inevitably corrupts and negates any BDSM scene it comes into contact with.

Mistress Wynter

Given the nature of this post it seemed appropriate to finish with an interesting image from a pro-domme. This is from Mistress Wynter. I’ve sadly never had the pleasure of doing a session with her, but by all accounts she is one of the most talented dommes in NYC. Certainly someone who enjoys her chosen profession.

I expect you to die!

The pose below shouts Bond villain to me. I can just imagine her murmuring – “Excellent. Excellent……The plan is unfolding exactly on schedule”. Except instead of a white pussy to stroke, she has a male minion on the case. And the location looks more like a living room than a hollowed out volcano.

To my recollection there has only been one significant female Bond Villain – Rosa Klebb. There have been plenty of femme fatales (as I listed in this previous post) but a sad lack of major female villains. Hopefully they can put that right in future films.

Dr Evil Pose

The image is originally from Femdom Empire. I found it via the forBABALON tumblr.

The post title, should you not recognize an absolutely classic line, is taken from a scene in Goldfinger. Although it’s not my favorite Bond villain witticism. That would be Hugo Drax’s line to his henchman – “Look after Mr. Bond. See that some harm comes to him. “

A uniform done right

Or if not right, at least better than the slightly over the top latex number in yesterday’s post. This is a lot more understated. I like the way their outfits captures the essence of uniforms, without actually being specific uniforms. I think that’s the ideal roleplay attire. You want to capture the idea for the scene, without tying yourself tightly to a facsimile of reality.

Brazilian military uniform shoot by Gui Paganini.

This is by the photographer Gui Paganini for ffw magazine. You can see more images from the same shoot here. I originally found the image via the Derekisme tumblr.

Zippers and a smile

I’m not a fan of Clair Adam’s outfit in this image. It’s fetishistic almost to the point of parody. However, I do like all those clothespins and the smile on his face. She has positioned those clips in some sensitive spots. If she’s going to rip them off zipper style then I predict that smile will be at least temporarily dispelled.

Clair Adams from Men in Pain

Image is obviously originally from the Men in Pain site.

Injury Timeout

Apologies for the lack of posts and comment responses in the last couple of days. Unfortunately I’ve been incapacitated with a screwy back. After years of being beaten, whipped, pierced and generally abused, it was a golf club that did for me. Or more accurately, my swinging of a golf club in a non-optimal fashion. One overly eager hip rotation landed me horizontal on the couch for two days with an icepack and a Firefly series DVD boxset. So safety tip of the week is stick to the whips and chains and steer clear of the Pings and plus fours.

I’m still having trouble sitting or standing for any length of time, so the next few posts will probably be short and sweet, relying on my image grab bag of fun shots. Here’s a perfect example of the type. Don’t know who it is, or where it’s from, but it’s hard not to like it. Two thumbs up indeed.

Two Thumbs Up

As I said, I don’t have an attribution for this, so feel free to leave a comment if you can help with that. I found it on the Pegging With a Smile tumblr.

The ambiguity of power

I’m currently reading Staci Newmahr’s Playing on the Edge: Sadomasochism, Risk, and Intimacy. It captures some interesting data but it’s a frustrating book. I’ll dig into why that is in a future post. For the moment I want to tackle one very specific phrasing that caught my eye. It’s on the subject of power in BDSM scenes and how it’s described.

Power and control are obviously significant parts of BDSM play and the author is careful to qualify them with terms such as ‘apparent’ and ‘illusion’. In describing the various phases of a scene (negotiation/play/aftercare) she wants to make it clear that what’s being constructed is an elaborate facade. A type of theater where the actors themselves have to suspend their disbelief. I should add that this isn’t unique to this book. A lot of academic BDSM books adopt similar descriptions, presenting it as an insight into the underlying reality that the players themselves don’t acknowledge.

I always find this approach a very facile one. It ignores the complexity of power in other situations and reduces the value of the descriptive term. Outside of kink we’re happy to use descriptions of power in a nuanced way, without the need for heavy qualifiers. For example, we would be comfortable describing the CEO of a company as having power. He has a degree of control and a corresponding freedom that his employees don’t have. That doesn’t mean he can do anything. It also doesn’t mean that his employees have no options. They can always quit and walk away from their job. But we don’t feel the need to describe his power as illusory just because he requires a degree of cooperation from those who wish to work for him.

To pick another example, when describing the dynamics of a conventional relationship, people will often use terms related to power and control. Those dynamics can play a role in all sorts of relationships, not just D/s ones. Yet nobody feels the need to say something like – “His wife is really in charge of vacation planning, she makes all the decisions. Although of course it’s only an illusion of control because he could always leave her if he wanted.” The second part is implicitly understood, but it doesn’t make the first part any less true.

When I’m stripped, bound and gagged in a BDSM scene, I’m giving up control and relinquishing power. There’s no illusion or suspension of disbelief necessary. I don’t get to control where she puts that needle, where the cane lands, where she puts the but plug (although I can probably guess in that case). The fact the dominant doesn’t have absolute power doesn’t make it an illusion of power. Yes, I can stop the scene at any time and walk away. I can also quit my job at any time and walk away. Neither fact means I’m the one with the power.

Hand To Throat

It seemed appropriate to finish with a shot featuring a classic demonstration of power – the hand to the throat. This is from the Divine Bitches site. I originally found in on Thy Queendome Come tumblr.

Journalism fail

See if you can spot the problem between the title of this article and the data presented. Apparently the author, Amanda Chatel, can’t tell the difference between an absolute value (as implied by the title) and a relative value (as measured by the survey). Based on this approach, a town than went from 1 to 2 kinky people would be kinkier than a town that went from 1000 to 1500 kinky people. I know most journalists find anything beyond grade school mathematics confusing (see any recent mainstream economics discussion for proof of that), but this is pretty poor even by their conventional low standards.

Personally if I had to pick the kinkiest town in the US, it would be between San Francisco and New York. Given that SF is considerably smaller, it would probably get the nod based on a percentage of population estimate. With that in mind, I’ll finish with a shot of San Francisco’s own Vinyl Queen. This image is from her tumblr and features tickle torture. That’s a love/hate activity for me. I often think about putting it on my hard limits list, but I do perversely enjoy the fact that many dommes seem to love tormenting me with it.

Tickle Torture with Vinyl Queen

Should you wish to be tickled or otherwise tormented by Vinyl Queen, her professional site is here

The delicate sounding of slaves

Domina Victoria Rage has a very informative post up on the subject of sounds. If you’re thinking of trying this type of play, it’s well worth reading.

I’m always surprised by how a lot of guys react to the idea of sounds. It’s often described as edge play, and seen as an intense masochistic activity. In reality it’s a very sensual and stimulating sensation. If it’s painful then you’re doing it wrong and should stop. As Domina Rage says, the idea is to let gravity do all the work. The sounds is simply supposed to slide in under it’s own weight. Nothing should be forced. Both the invasive act and the stimulation of the nerve endings makes it very enjoyable.

I’d add just two things to Domina Rage’s post. Firstly, drink some water beforehand and pee afterwards. That’ll flush out any lube left in the urethra. Secondly, don’t assume penis size is related to urethra size. I think I’m relatively well endowed, but I can only accept smaller sounds. I’m always amazed what some guys can take when I look at the range of sound sizes. Start small and experiment to see what works for you.


Both images come from the CBT and Ballbusting site.