Nipples and nosh

Today was a good day. I spent part of it being tortured by Domina Ai-Li. I now have a well striped back and very sore nipples. She has a pair of nipple torturing devices that are pure concentrated evil. Most clamps hurt when they go on, then things get numb, and then it hurts when they come off. These hurt a lot when they go on, become more painful over time and are agony when pulled off. Whoever invented them was a perverted evil genius.

After that I went to Benu, where a very cute red headed server brought me some wonderful food and made me an extremely happy bunny. A day of attractive women hurting me and then bringing me much food and wine is a good one in my book.

In honor of my sore nipples I’ll finish with this enjoyable image. I found it on the Work Is Never Over tumblr. It’s originally from Men in Pain.

Squeezing his nipples


I continue to be plagued with technical problems. Kind of ironic given I’m a tech guy in the heart of the West Coast tech area. This post is therefore a placeholder until I get them sorted out. I have many things to blog about, but an ipad keyboard is hopeless for writing on. Here’s a hot image to be going on with in the meantime.

Holding him
This comes from Mirtel Bloom. I found it on my Wife, my Goddess.

Cluck, cluck, gibber, gibber, my old man’s a mushroom, et cetera

I always knew I wasn’t crazy. And now I have proof. Proof I tell you!

According to the survey described in this article, people practicing BDSM are psychologically healthier than those who don’t. Admittedly the survey was of 900 BDSM practitioners from the Netherlands rather than me specifically, but I’ll take what I can get. Nice to know that paying someone to stick needles into my genitals is a sign of good mental health.

I’ve no idea how carefully they chose their sample set, but I was interested to note that the Dom/Switch/Sub percentages for men was 48/18/33 and for women 8/16/75. It was also interesting that while all categories scored higher than non-kink folks, the dominants scored the highest, then the switches and finally the submissives. So while I might saner than those people not hitting each other with sticks, I’m still bringing up the rear in the kink community.

Finally, to finish, here’s a picture of a well adjusted couple working on improving their psychological well being.

(Image Removed)

I found this image on the mira-mel tumblr. I’ve no original attribution. Weirdly, and for the first time I can remember, Google’s image search confuses it with other images and therefore returns the wrong pages for it.

All kinds of screwed

I’m taking a few days vacation down in San Francisco. Hopefully much kinky fun and great food will be involved. Although probably not at the same time unless things get really crazy.

Normally this wouldn’t affect my blogging output. Unfortunately my new laptop and the hotel WiFi have decided they don’t get on. So for the last hour or so I’ve done my best impression of Eddie Izzard trying to get his printer to work.

Luckily I also have an iPad. Unluckily I’ve never used it for blogging and it’s not exactly setup for the job. So apologies if my posts are fairly terse and poorly laid out in the coming week.

In the meantime I’ll leave you with a picture of a young lady about to do her man what the Windows 8 WiFi driver team have just done to me.

About to be screwed
This image is originally from the Strapon Dreamer site. I found it on the lashkisser tumblr.

Vintage discovered femdom

Discovered femdom is how I mentally classify images that are femdom as discovered by the viewer rather than intended by the artist. This is a good case in point. It features Tala Birell from a 1933 film called Nagana.

The film tells the story of a doctor’s search for a cure for sleeping sickness. That doesn’t sound like something that would contain a lot of female domination. Yet this image is great. I love the attitude, her expression, the dress and his subtly subservient pose. I’ve no idea what’s actually going on. A femme fatale in a tropical medical drama seems an odd mix. Is she secretly on the side of the sleeping sickness? But regardless, this single frame works for me.

Tala Birell in Nagana from 1933

Heels and ass

A little something for everyone here. A nicely sculpted male physique. Some fetishistic heels. And a painful looking trampling. I can just imagine the pressure of that heel digging into his muscles. Delicious.


Google image search weirdly knows that this is a photograph of male submission, but doesn’t give me any pointers to the original source. I found it on the I Am A Blasphemous Girl tumblr.

Geek Pride Day

Apparently May 25th is Geek Pride Day. It’s based on the release date for the first Star Wars movie (25th May 1977), but also ties into Towel Day (for fans of Douglas Adams) and the Glorious 25th of May (for fans of Terry Pratchett). Personally I can take or leave Star Wars. The positive feelings generated by the first two and a half movies have long since been dissipated by the crap that came afterwards. However, I am a big fan of the late great Douglas Adams and the prolifically great Terry Pratchett. So, as a geeky guy myself, a post to mark the day seems in order.

Cosplay is a natural fit for both Geek Pride Day and this blog. There are any number of classic domme style cosplay outfits I could have featured. For example, Black Widow, Cat Woman or The Baroness. But somehow the slightly less conventional Joker character below grabs me. Partly because it’s so well done, partly because of the gender twist, but mostly because of the intensity of that look.


This is from San Diego Comic Con 2009 and features TysKas.

Vampire Kiss

This beautiful image is entitled ‘Vampire Kiss’ and is by the artist Pain And Lust (free deviant art login required). A lot of porn color images get turned into monochrome to make them appear more ‘arty’ and erotic. This is a nice example of an original image using that palette in a very deliberate way to great effect. Based on the comments, I believe the artist with her slave is shown in this linked image entitled ‘My Slave’.

Vampire Kiss by Pain And Lust @ deviant art

Stages of transition

Welcome to my aftercare. Specifically stage 3 of my aftercare. I did a heavy breathplay session with Lydia earlier this evening, and now I’m slowly easing myself back into the world.

Stage 1 of aftercare happens while I’m naked and sweaty. Bits of equipment are still scattered around and straps or rope remain to be untangled. The conversation is light and giddy. I’m still floating from endorphins and want to chat about what we just did. Shaking and laughter may spontaneously erupt.

Stage 2 is when clothes have been pulled on, hair dragged back into place and my keys and phone located. It’s the casual conversation afterwards. What plans we have. Who is traveling where. What bizarre situations we’ve encountered recently (Lydia normally wins that one). It’s a nice way to transition from the slightly surreal confines of a BDSM play space to a damp Seattle night.

Stage 3 is my selfcare. It’s where I pamper myself. It’s not quite as elaborate as D humorously describes in her recent aftercare post. A massage, bubble bath and dinner at my favorite restaurant sounds perfect. I’m having to make do with some Jamón ibérico, French bread, brie and champagne. But that doesn’t suck as a way to unwind after a session. I guess I’m also writing this post, which is another way for me to relax. So thanks to everyone out there for being another part of my aftercare process.


It’s tough to find shots of aftercare. So instead he’s an image of somebody being pampered in the style to which she looks accustomed. I’m not normally someone who’d like naked slaves around, but a helpful body to bring me a glass of wine after a scene would be nice. I found this on the Vengeful Goddess tumblr. It’s originally from Divine Bitches.

Alternatives to ‘The Device’

Via a post from Tom I came across some interesting thoughts on chastity devices by Ms M. It’s on the subject of the honor system versus devices and why she feels a physical device is absolutely necessary.

Personally I’ve never deliberately got involved in chastity play. That’s not because I don’t like the idea. It definitely pushes a few buttons. Unfortunately I think it’d only work for me in the context of a lifestyle relationship, and I seem to have misplaced mine. Some pro-dommes do offer it, but it doesn’t appeal to me in that context.

Observant readers may have noticed my use of the word ‘deliberately’ at the start of the previous paragraph. That’s because I have accidentally stumbled into chastity play. In turns out that heavy CBT play will create that interesting side effect. I certainly don’t want to get stuck with weird marks or scars to explain on my special little friend. Nothing would kill a seductive mood quicker than a conversation that starts with – ‘No honestly, it’s not the result of a weird disease. Just the after effects of a cock piercing and then a lot of jerking off.’

So any significant bruising or burn marks in a delicate area means operating in a strictly hands-off mode for as long as it takes. I’ve had mornings where I wake up and my first thought is – ‘Has that bruise gone yet?’ Swiftly followed by a check beneath the sheets and a stream of cursing. There’s nothing like being cock-blocked by your own hemoglobin.

Mistress Madeline

Here’s a fun shot of Mistress Madeline leaving someone with a few nice marks of their own. It’s obviously originally from the Men In Pain site.