Today was a good day. I spent part of it being tortured by Domina Ai-Li. I now have a well striped back and very sore nipples. She has a pair of nipple torturing devices that are pure concentrated evil. Most clamps hurt when they go on, then things get numb, and then it hurts when they come off. These hurt a lot when they go on, become more painful over time and are agony when pulled off. Whoever invented them was a perverted evil genius.
After that I went to Benu, where a very cute red headed server brought me some wonderful food and made me an extremely happy bunny. A day of attractive women hurting me and then bringing me much food and wine is a good one in my book.
In honor of my sore nipples I’ll finish with this enjoyable image. I found it on the Work Is Never Over tumblr. It’s originally from Men in Pain.