I don’t typically look for kinky experiences when I visit Vegas. It’s a surprisingly mainstream town, big on the accepted thrills of booze, gambling and naked ladies, low on alternative and niche interests. However, I happened to notice Mistress Ariana Lexine was going to be in town, and since we’d played together a year or two before at her LA space, it seemed like a good opportunity to hook up again. It turned out to be a really fun session, made particularly memorable by an introduction to an entirely new sensation I’d never experienced before.
She’d brought her violent wand along with her, a toy I’ve played with in the past. What was new was the body contact attachment she had for it. Normally you plug some sort of bulb or probe into the wand and run it gently against the skin. It creates a prickly sensation, a little like hot needles, along with some cool visual effects. With the body contact attachment placed inside her clothes, and pressed tightly against her skin, it turned her body into the electrical probe. Just bringing her hand close to my skin would cause sparks to arc between our bodies, allowing her to both caress and torture me simultaneously. Each brush of her fingers created a crackle of purple sparks against my skin.
While the touching was cool, the licking was mind blowing. Having her trace the edge of a nipple with a sparking tongue was an incredible sensation, creating great pleasure with just a slight edge of pain. The moment she first did it we both almost simultaneously said “That was awesome! We have to do more of that!” I actually got to try it briefly from the other side, and it reminded me of checking batteries as a child. It didn’t really hurt, but it created an odd tingling sensation on the tongue and the faint chemical taste of ozone.
She also had a set of Eagle Talons that she used to create far more intense sensations. With those on the end of her fingers she could no longer feel the spark at all, but the pain level for me was significantly ratcheted up. It shifted the dynamic from sensual into masochistic, each talon leaving little red trails across my skin. They’d be a great toy to combine with bondage and heavier pain play. As I said, I’ve played with violent wands before, and found them fun but not ‘wow’. This time it was most definitely a ‘wow’.

The shot of a violet wand in action comes from the Captive Male site. The image linked to in the text comes from the UK site Bound 2 Tease.