The munchies

It’s Thanksgiving in America. As an Englishman I didn’t grow up with the holiday, so it doesn’t have quite the same resonance for me as I think it does for a lot of my American friends. However, I do always enjoy getting together with friends for a good nosh-up.

That eating theme seemed to tie in nicely with these images, which show the lovely Katie from Men Are Slaves chowing down on her submissive. He’s covered in bite marks, so clearly he’s a tasty treat.

I found these images on the rather excellent Femdom Times.

Who’s honoring me now?

I was very happy to learn that I featured at position 18 in the recently released Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2012. To be honest I’d never heard of this list until a few days ago, and I’ve no idea exactly how the nomination or judging process works. However, on reading it I was immediately struck by the great wisdom and insightful perception of the compiler, Rori. Clearly she’s someone whose judgement should be beyond reproach. And you can trust me on that. I am after all the 18th greatest sex blogger in the world.

A number of my fellow femdom bloggers, with whom I’ve exchanged many friendly comments and emails in the past, also made it onto the list. Ferns in 27th, D from Dumb Domme in 31st, Axe at 49th, Suzanne at 72nd, etc. To them, and all the thousands of nameless sex bloggers who toil over their keyboards every day for little recognition, I say: Suck It! Clearly you’re neither as sexy or as bloggy as me.

If I’m reading this right (and I am), then this is also implies I’m the 18th greatest blogger in the world at sex. I always thought that was true, but it’s nice to have it confirmed by a stranger on the internet. I knew those years of practice alone would pay off. Now I just need to find all the women I’ve slept with in the last few years and show it to both of them. They claimed I was rubbish, but I always said it was impossible for them to form a proper opinion in just a few seconds.

The only thing I’m disappointed by is the lack of an inscribed award statue to stick over the fireplace. Even just a badge or a T-shirt would have been nice. I’m going to be in Vegas again in a weeks time, and I’ve got to think that they would make a great conversation starter in bars. Just as long as nobody from positions 1 through 17 were there to sex-blog block me.

I’ve no idea what image would be suitable for a sex blog award, so here’s an attractive lady in lacy lingerie holding a riding crop. You’re welcome.

Lacy lingerie and riding crop

The picture is from the Dominant Ladies tumblr. For anyone who has never seen Stephen Colbert, and might be in danger of thinking I was being serious in the post, here and here are some examples of what you’ve been missing.

Sparkle free zone

My image search tells me that the first shot below (found on Mujeres Dominantes) is from a show called the The Vampire Diaries. I’ve never seen it, but I like the blood, knife and rather impractical manacles.

Scene from The Vampire Diaries

As an adolescent I loved vampire movies, particularly those from Hammer Films. They always had such a great blend of violence, control and sensuality. Dracula was an entertaining character, but my favorite moments came after he’d turned his first voluptuous and skimpily dressed victim to the dark side. While her family looked on in horror, she’d start seducing, biting and generally behaving like a outrageous hussy with anyone in cleavage range. I loved those sequences, and always hated it when some bible thumping puritan turned up and stuck a stake in her.

I was involved in a scene recently where, after tying me up, the dominant carefully bent back my head and then bit me hard on neck and shoulder. It was a great moment and gave me happy flashbacks to sitting in a dark bedroom watching the late great Ingrid Pitt snack on her latest victim.

Ingrid Pitt as a vampire

The complexity of corporal

I have a complex relationship with corporal style punishment. Before I got physically involved in BDSM it was one of the primary things I fantasized about, probably secondly only to bondage in my internal kinky hit parade. It was the focus of my very first play session, and I’d still describe it as a favorite activity. Yet, when I come to look back at the type of play I’ve done over the past couple of years, it has not been a frequently occurring theme. Things like CBT, breathplay, piercing and bondage have all been more popular picks. I’m not entirely sure why that is.

I do know that I’m typically more nervous before a corporal scene than other type of scene. There’s something a little more wild and uncontrolled about corporal play. Where I can relax and space out on something like CBT, a whipping or a caning feels more like a challenge. They’re a duet where I have a real role to play. There’s also a very different energy around it. Where some scenes can feel intimate, with a closed shared sense of energy, a corporal scene is far more cathartic. There’s a distance between myself and the dominant, with a creation and outward expression of energy.

I suspect that last factor is at least part of why I’ve done them less frequently in the last couple of years. I’ve felt more in need of close scenes, involving personal connection with the dominant, rather than powerful moments of catharsis. Although that might be changing. After last weeks beating I’m now feeling really antsy for another. Unfortunately both Lydia and I will be traveling over the next few weeks, so for the moment it looks like I’ll have to content myself with hot pictures such as this one.

Whipped and kneeling slave

This is from the Latin Beauties in High Heels site. I originally found it on the SM Images (aka fun fantasies) tumblr.

My what a big one

That’s a rather large black cock she’s sporting. It puts me in mind of an expression from my childhood referring to greed – “His eyes were bigger than his belly.”  In this case it’s not going to be his belly that the gentleman on the receiving end will have to worry about.

I also like the contrast between the big strap-on, her conventional attire and the few leather bondage/fetish items on the table. It suggests an interesting ongoing scene that we’ve just caught a single moment from.

Big black strap-on

I found this on the Prostate Lessons tumblr.

Committing Interesting Adultery

The US press has been full of the David Petraeus scandal recently (catch up on a summary here). I’m not aware of any specific femdom angle, but I did think it a great example of how incredibly stupid sex and sexual attraction can make people.

Here’s a guy who is clearly highly intelligent. He’s very well known, and in a high profile job. Any public scandal will be world news and taint his name and career forever. His position in the army and intelligence community make any kind of secret affair a sackable offense. It’s not like being an American CEO or European politician where you can get away with these kind of things. On top of all that, he’s in a job where he’s highly likely to get investigated and his communication scrutinized. Even if they’re not looking for an affair it might be exposed as part of another investigation that accidentally uncovers it. Yet, despite all that, he still goes ahead and fools around with his attractive biographer. What a very intelligent idiot.

I’d like to think there’s a lesson here. A morale that we can perhaps take to heart. But I suspect it’s the fact that horny people do stupid things. This is unlikely to be news to anyone. Or to influence anyone’s future behavior. Given that his paramour ended up blowing the whole thing by sending some crazy emails to a perceived rival, maybe the lesson should be a phrase that I picked up from Mistress Matisse: Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

I’m not sure where this uniformed lady is planning to stick her dick, but she looks a little pensive about it. Let’s hope crazy won’t feature on the other end of it.

Uniformed lady with strap-on

The top ways we injure our genitals

Picking titles for posts is always tricky. When I have time, I like to come up with something a little more than a simple description of the post itself. Ideally it’d be a joke or cultural reference that raises a smile. However, in this particular case, I didn’t think I could beat the title of this article in the Atlantic.

Apparently around 16,000 people in the U.S. injure their genitals every year, 69% of them men. The top risk is cycling, followed by trimming/shaving and then zippers. I know there are a lot of people out there that enjoy CBT, but sex/BDSM related injuries don’t feature in the top risk categories. So it looks like most people are playing safety. Just steer clear of those bicycles.

I’ll leave you with a couple of shots of Mistress Madeline risking making Rico one of the sixteen thousand. Not content with swinging the whip, she also tries a stun baton on him.

CBT Whipping
Mistress Madeline with Rico
All shots are from this shoot at Divine Bitches.

Too much kink

I’ve been debating putting up a profile on one of the kinky dating sites. For some reason, my plan A of sitting alone in my apartment anonymously blogging has not led to a throng of dominant women breaking my door down. Plan B might be in order. Plans C through Z are also not out of the question.

The first step in such a plan is to decide which site(s) to use. This in itself is problematic, as they’ve all got such a lousy reputation. There is a femdom specific one, Femdom Match, but the introduction on their front page does not fill me with great optimism.

IF you are looking to meet a Dominatrix to fulfill your fantasy of female domination you are at the right place. Your job as a slave/servant is to be at the service of your dominatrix.

My first thought on reading this was that obviously I wasn’t in the right place. I already know plenty of dominatrices who fulfill my fantasies. They’re called pro-dommes, and I think they’re wonderful people. But that’s not what I go to a kinky dating site for.

My second thought was what the reaction would be of any dominant woman reading that. What does it say about the kind of men she’ll meet on the site? Who is going to read that and want to sign-up to fulfill men’s fantasies? It’s the equivalent of a conventional dating site having the slogan – “A great place to meet hot women for sex.” I somehow can’t see Match or OK Cupid adopting that as their new tagline.

Ironically I think that the problem with most kinky dating sites is that they place too much emphasis on the kink. I know a few people out there have very specific fantasies that they need a partner to fulfill. If your only way to get off is wearing a pink onesie while being chased around the bedroom by a woman dressed as Margaret Thatcher brandishing a rubber chicken, then you should probably list that in your profile. But I suspect most of us are a little more flexible in our desires. No one individual activity, such as piercing or breathplay or spanking, is a deal breaker for me. As long as she’s dominant and GGG then that’s a big tick in the kinky box. What matters after that is what matters in any dating/friend situation. Is this person fun to hang out with? Do we have interests in common? When she pulls the gag out, will we have anything worthwhile to say to each other?

I do have some thoughts on how a good femdom dating site should be structured, but I’ll save that for another post. Instead I’ll finish with a picture of what looks like a fun dating moment found on the 24-7-Sub tumblr.


An amused smile

I’ve posted in the past about the effect a smile in an image can have. It’s often the difference between an average image I’ll zip past on a tumblr and one that’ll have me looking for the save option. The shot below is a good case in point. I like the shiny chastity cage, the fact she’s making him do all the work and her relaxed pose with the cigarette. But the thing that really makes it an image worth posting is her smile. There’s a nice air of amused anticipation to it.

An Amused SmileI found this on the sex is not the enemy tumblr.It’s originally from the strap-on dreamer site.

He fixes the cable? is running a porn script writing contest. The winner gets $2,000, a year’s free subscription and a chance to see their script on screen. A potentially unlimited number of runners-up get the same minus the cash prize. I’m sure at this point some of you are thinking “Wow! What a great competition” while the majority of you are thinking “They use scripts for these things?” Apparently so.

In many ways it seems to be a no lose scenario. They get free creative input from their fans and erotic fiction writers get a chance to see their ideas made flesh. However, I can’t help thinking they missed a trick here. I’ve read a lot of on-line comments, particularly from dominant women, that are very critical about the state of femdom pornography. There’s obviously a huge amount of content out there that plays exclusively to the submissive male and concentrates on the typical femdom cliches. Lots of snarling ice queens in leather and thigh-high boots swinging whips and flaunting enormous strap-ons. Personally I don’t mind a little stereotypical BDSM porn now and again, but I do recognize the imbalance in the market. A contest involving amateur content creation would seem a great opportunity to address that.

Presumably they’ll be judging the entrants against’s own criteria for success. They’ll be looking for the script they wish they’d written themselves. Wouldn’t it be great to have another prize for an alternative style of script? Something that would appeal to the kinky people who they’re not currently reaching? Perhaps using a judging panel drawn from the broader BDSM community, rather than people who normally make porn. It need not even have a cash prize, just seeing the script made would probably be reward enough. And I’m sure it’d be great PR for

I might give the competition a shot anyway, whatever judging criteria they use. If any of my readers enter with success then let me know. I’d love to feature an image from the eventual shoot. In the meantime, as a possible spark to the imagination, I’ll leave you with intriguing images from a couple of different shoots for Kink’s Divine Bitches site.

Doctors inspecting their specimens

Mistress testing slave