When no news is good news

The extended trailer for the movie Cloud Atlas was recently released. It’s a movie I’m really looking forward to, and it marks the return of the Wachowskis, who shot to fame with the original Matrix movie. They also released a short introductory video which is notable for featuring the first official public appearance by Lana Wachowski. She was formerly known as Larry until going through gender reassignment. As this Salon articles discusses, the real big story here seems to be what a non-event this was. There was no big media kerfuffle, just a lot of general positive articles that covered the facts in a non-judgmental way. What a pleasant surprise.

As far as femdom links go, there is a connection, as Lana was (and presumably still is) reported to be a fairly kinky person. She attended BDSM clubs and had a well publicized relationship with Ilsa Strix, a highly regarded pro-domme from LA, as described in an infamous Rolling Stone article. It’s an unwritten law of human nature that people tend to believe what they read, unless they happen to know something about the subject in question. In those cases the writing is invariably found to be horribly wrong and misinformed. Oddly enough, this doesn’t cause people to stop believing everything else they read. I have zero personal knowledge of any of the people in the Rolling Stone article, but it does seem like a lot of sensationalized gossip cooked up by people only peripherally involved. The BDSM comments and discussion of pro-domme behavior are also fairly ludicrous. My favorite was this one, describing how Ilsa Strix played…

If her submissive said, ‘I don’t really think I’m interested in needles,’ she might just come up and, boom, put a couple of needles under their fingernails

Any pro-domme who thinks that a good way to introduce piercing to a submissive is needles under fingernails is going to go broke in short order. By all accounts Ilsa was a smart and excellent domme, and so it’s quotes like that which make me doubt the veracity of the article beyond the very basic facts.

I’ll leave you with a couple of shots of Trinity, from the first Matrix movie. It’s one of my favorite movies, and the appeal of watching Carrie Anne Moss kick ass in slow motion never really fades.

Trinity from the Matrix

Trinity from the Matrix opening sequence

Playground antics

Hair pulling always brings out the kid in me. Normally when I’m hit, bitten or scratched I relax into it. I never feel the need to retaliate. But something about hair pulling makes me itch to fight back. I’m sure there’s some deeply buried reason for this that stems from playground fights as young child. I’d like to say it’s down to a cute but feisty young girl who used to pull my hair and tease me as a child, sending me down the path of femdom from an early age. Unfortunately she was only a figment of my childhood imagination.

The bondage around his wrists looks fairly hopeless in this shot, but I do like the red marks on his thigh. That crop she’s holding clearly isn’t just for domm-ey decoration.

Hair Pulling

Lessons in control

In the last few months there have been countless mainstream articles using the 50 Shades of Grey phenomena as a jumping off point to write about BDSM. I’ve commented on some of the poorer examples in the past. Today I’m happy to bring you one of the better ones. It’s by Vanessa Pinto and describes her experiences in a class on female domination run by Midori.

It’s a 3 day course and features lectures, a field trip and a lab session with a trainer bottom to practice on.

Something very primal came over me, and as I circled him like a bird of prey, I could see that he wasn’t as complacent as he once was. When I wound up to slap him in the face and saw the reaction that I yearned to see, one of peace mixed with excitement. I knew that he was mine to do with as I pleased.

It struck me that I’d absolutely love to be one of those trainer bottoms. And that’s not because I particularly like the idea of the play itself. I’m sure that an hour or two with a strange and novice domme is not going to compare to the regular sessions I enjoy with experts who have done it for years. I also don’t kink on semi-public play or exhibitionism. What makes the role so appealing is the chance to watch someone else discover the joy of BDSM. There’s a lot of discussion on femdom blogs about how the culture of kink puts potentially dominant women off. Just for once it’d be nice to see the other side, where a talented educator can help some women explore a repressed and potentially important part of their sexuality and personality. I think it’d be immensely fulfilling to be part of that process.

The image below features Midori and Mayan and is most definitely not taken from her introduction to female domination class. I’m fairly certain suspension scenes would be in the advanced school. This is from the movie Silken Sleeves by Maria Beatty.

Scene from Silken Sleeves starring Midori

Some foot on foot action

The sole of the foot is a wonderful body part to torture. It’s very sensitive, which is surprising given how much daily wear and tear it undergoes. Everything from tickling through to caning works well. Even the threat of punishment to it can be a powerful head-trip. I remember a scene where Lydia was scrubbing parts of my body down with antiseptic prior to doing some piercing. I was relaxing in the bondage she’d already put in place, thinking as she cleaned each spot – “Nipples, kind of expected that. Cock, OK. Upper leg, that’s unusual. Bottom of my feet! Oh shit….” Fortunately she never did get around to sticking needles into the soles, and she later confessed she was just doing it to scare me a little!

This photograph strikes me a quite a clever one. It works both from the fetishistic point of view and from the masochistic one. It also creates a nice contrast between the vulnerability of their respective feet. His are upturned, naked, defenseless. Hers are spiky, hard, wrapped in leather, forcing down. The more normally she stands the more it hurts him.

Boots pressing down on upturned soles of feetI found in on the 24-7-Sub tumblr. I believe it’s originally by the French photographer Jean Fabien. You can see it in this gallery on his site.

Concentration and surrender

After the strangeness of the last couple of posts, here’s a return to what passes for normality around here. It’s a simple shot. Some rope bondage, a naked man and a focused woman. It really caught my eye for the contrast between their expressions. It’d be hard to get a greater difference. She’s concentrating, trying to judge the exact pressure and movement necessary to achieve the effect she wants. He’s lost to the world, head back, surrendering to the sensation. It’s hard to tell if it’s pleasure, pain or both that he’s experiencing. Either way, it’s a great moment to capture.

Man and women caught in the momentI found this on the Gustos Extremos tumblr.

When the going gets weird…

Weirdness often seems to occur at the intersection between the ordinary and the extraordinary. For example, while BDSM dungeons are unusual places, I don’t find them weird at all. Everything is in a common context. However, discovering one of my distinguished elderly aunts sipping a cup of tea while browsing a collection of nipple clamps in a dungeon, now that’d be weird. And possibly therapy inducing.

Pornography is a similar story. I can look at a picture of a bound man sucking a half naked transsexual and just think it’s a hot visual. Yet, occasionally there will be some weird juxtaposition of elements in a scene that turn it into WTF moment. Take the shot below for example. It’s not the dog hood alone that makes it weird. It’s the nonchalant way he’s wearing it, relaxing on the living room couch in his weekend casuals. Exactly what’s the role play here? I think if he was naked and leashed on the floor, in a bizarre way, it’d be a lot more normal a scene.

Weird scene with man in dog maskI found this on the All About Me (aka dominant damp knickers) tumblr. It’s originally from the Sharing My Wife site.

Dressed for the occasion

I’m typically not a fan of outdoor femdom shots. Partly this is because I have some hard limits around public humiliation and creepy crawlies. So anything that risks combining the two is difficult for me to fantasize about. But it’s mostly because the domme’s clothing is so frequently hilariously inappropriate. Take the shot at the end of this link for example. Huge stripper heels and a skimpy leopard skin dress are really not ideal for a stroll through a field. It looks like she’d end up more uncomfortable than he would.

In contrast the shot below caught my eye as an example of how it should be done. It’s a nice autumnal parkland setting, and she dressed elegantly but appropriately. The boots are perhaps a little shiny and impractical, but keeping them polished and clean will give him something to do when they get back from their morning constitutional.

Mistress leading slave on a leash for a walk in the parkYou can see a second image from the scene in this post on the public humiliation tumblr.

A moment in time

Most of the images that I feature are dynamic, with a sense of movement or energy. They capture a moment that the viewer can extrapolate from, either forwards or backwards. This image is different. I don’t know how they got to this position, or what’s about to happen. There’s a sense of stillness to it. She’s beautifully dressed in an eye catching red and he’s naked, vulnerable, collared. There’s just this moment, and nothing more.

Moment in timeI found this image on the Heidi Silicium tumblr.

Opposites day

Highly observant readers may have spotted that this is a blog about the beauty of dominant women, written from the point of view of a submissive male. It’s a remit I interpret fairly broadly, but that’s the general theme of most posts. For today’s publication I’m going to flip it around and give a big shout out to Ferns over at Domme Chronicles. She’s a dominant female and has recently being putting together a tribute to the beauty of submissive males. The result is an animated collage of images constructed from photographs submitted by her readers.

I think it’s a beautiful idea and the resulting film is a lovely tribute to a group who don’t always get as much love as they should. As an added bonus you can also use it to play a game of guess the body part of the sex blogger. There are a couple of images of me, and I also spotted Tom and maymay in there. Apparently Peroxide is also featured, but I don’t know what his body parts look like.

When looking for an image to accompany this post I knew immediately where to go. The Dishevelled Domina’s tumblr always features a fine crop of submissive guys and here’s a nice shot of one getting bitten and pinched.

Male submissive being bitten and pinchedI believe the original source for this image is the Divine Bitches site.

Suffering for his art

The photographs below are the work of DanAkuma on deviantART (free sign-up required to view). And I really do mean all his own work, in the truest sense of the word. He’s the photographer, rigger, editor and sole model. He uses a real doll to stand in for the domme and then composes together photographs that are taken on a timer. He describes a little of how the first shot was created in the gallery comments.

It took a good hour to get the angle right with the right lens to show off both of us in equal proportions in the frame…
… it was 3 days worth of post to correct certain things like getting rid of the tripod legs, and warping the top part of my body to the right, so my head is inside the toilet (it was actually next to it when I took the photo), then adding all the shadows in.
Dan Akuma

I think they’re very creative images in their own right, let alone for something created by someone performing in every possible role. I always enjoy seeing someone with an imaginative vision just go for it, and do whatever it takes to realize it.

Double Jeopardy by Dan Akuma
Ownership by Dan Akuma