Public service film, British style

This advert for road safety strikes me as quintessentially British. Sexual innuendo, double entendres and weirdness in seemingly normal suburbs are a big part of British culture and humor. Road safety and kink aren’t obvious companions, but go ahead and click the link and you’ll see why I featured it. It puts me in mind of Personal Services, a British movie from the 80’s about commercial sex, kink and suburban strangeness. The scenes in the film bear no relationship to any kind of sex work I’ve ever encountered, but it is pretty funny, as this set of clips demonstrate.

While I’m on the subject of advertisements and motorbikes, am I the only submissive male around here with a crush on Carly Foulkes, the girl from the T-Mobile ads? I always kind of liked her in the early pink look adverts, and throwing on motorcycle leathers only added to the allure. There’s something very sexy about a girl who can ride a bike or drive fast. A skintight leather suit doesn’t hurt either. I’ll leave you with a picture of the beautiful Ms Foulkes herself.

Carly Foulkes

Submissive to aisle 3

Here’s a sweet little shot I came across on Reddit. The store’s produce section looks fairly poor, but their selection of submissives seems to be worth browsing.

I did a reverse image search on this, which I normally do for any image without attribution, and was amused to discover it had been widely used as an example of that ridiculous concept known as the ‘friend zone‘. I guess the implication is that she’s using his romantic feelings to get him to do humiliating things he’d never normally do, and he’s only doing them to get into her pants. This is obviously some strange new usages of the word friend I wasn’t previously aware of. I think it says more about the people making that association that the couple in the picture.

Kneeling man helping woman with her shoes

Any excuse for kink

I often enjoy getting annoyed at things I read. Which makes the internet pretty much the greatest invention ever. I’m never more than a few clicks away from something enjoyable.

50 Shades of Grey has been quite a blessing in that respect. It seems that no news or opinion site is complete without a regular article on the book and what it tells us about society (hint – nothing. The existence of Dan Brown had already proven that millions of people will buy badly written books). My ‘favorite’ article on the book so far is this one, which is so stupid you might actually getter dumber just by reading it. Apologies if you follow that link and then discover you can no longer complete a coherent thingy. You know. Lots of words all lined up.

The other common spin-off article, other than a review or social comment, is the “My hour/day/week as a dominatrix” confession. This typically gives the author a chance to titillate readers with some kinky fun, prove that she’s edgy and interesting, all while maintaining an air of superiority over the freaks. Here’s a pretty good canonical example of the genre.

These articles all follow a similar pattern. They start with “This’ll be fun! I get to boss men around. And I love dress-up!” Then they move into “Oh, there’s like all this equipment and stuff. This seems hard. Can’t I just look pretty and sneer at the clients?” After this comes the realization that not all men paying for a sexual experience look like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. Finally, it ends with a “Wow, it’s not like I’m judging or anything, but people who see pro-dommes are weird.” That may or may not be true, but coming from a person who appears to have made a career choice on the basis of wearing a sexy costume, it’s a little hard to take seriously.

I’ll leave you with a picture of someone who can definitely pull off a sexy costume, but also knows it takes a hell of a lot more to be a great domme. This is Domina Nyx, a NYC based pro-domme. This shot was featured on her blog.

Domina Nyx

Perfectly positioned

Here’s my last post in what turned into a trio of happy strap-on posts. This particular one has a teasing feel to it. The strap-on hasn’t actually been deployed yet, but judging from the smiles and the bound position of the gentleman, it can only be a matter of time. She also finds a few other uses for that tongue she’s grabbing.

Bound slave ready to be peggedThis is from a Divine Bitches shoot, featuring January Seraph with Adam Russo. I found it on the My Miss in Control tumblr, where you can get the original full sized version.

Tickling those hard to reach places

The smiling strap-on shots in yesterday’s post put me in mind of this shot. Not sure it’s strictly what I’d call femdom, but it’s such a fun shot it seemed a shame not to share. It’s from the Cocksexual site, run by the always interesting Furry Girl, and features Calico Lane and Dylan Ryan.

I’ve actually been in this position and can highly recommend getting your feet bitten while being pegged. Getting nibbled and bitten on any part of the body is always exciting, but there’s something weirdly effective about this particular combination. Just make sure your feet are clean first. It really wouldn’t be wise to upset the top with a sweaty foot odor when in as vulnerable a position as this. I know angry make-up sex can have its attractions, but angry foot smell sex really doesn’t have the same appeal.

Cocksexual shot featuring Calico and Dylan

What a big…smile

These two shots come courtesy of the Strap-on Dreamer site. From the public homepage it doesn’t seem much different to a lot of similar sites, with talk of hot dominant girls fucking submissive guys. However, whoever is shooting the images for it does seem to have a feel for the more playful side of pegging. From the images I’ve seen floating around tumblr (and featured here in the past) they tend more to the smiles than snarls.

Strap-on shot
Strap-on shot I found both these images on the Private Strapon tumblr.

Relieving the stress

In the last couple of posts I talked about stress and panic in BDSM scenes, particularly when playing with sensory deprivation and bondage. Dealing with just that pairing alone can be challenging for a submissive, and it gets even tougher when pain is stirred into the mix. I therefore thought in this third and final post on the topic I’d share a technique that I’ve found helps me deal with such sessions.

What I try and do when the hoods and straps go on, and I feel that first tickle of panic, is to visualize the scene from outside. I try and create a mental model of the room and imagine what a camera would capture. I picture what I must look like, where my limbs are, how they are positioned on the furniture, where the ropes are. I picture the dominant, where I think her body is in relation to mine, what equipment she has. I try to integrate what limited sensory input I have into this mental model – the feel of a cushion, the tightness of a rope, the touch of her hand.

The goal is to overcome the turning inwards that comes with panic. That overwhelming feeling that nothing else matters but to escape. Picturing the scene helps keep a coherent thought processing running. It also ground me in the reality of what is happening. I can ‘see myself’ and reassure myself that I’m in a safe place. Typically doing this mental exercise for a few minutes gets me past difficult moments and into a place where I can relax into the bondage.

A variation on this is just to picture the dominant’s face. I often do this when pain is added to sensory deprivation. It’s an easier picture to create when rational thought is hard. It also allows me to make a stronger emotional connection and to feel that I’m suffering for a purpose. That I’m suffering to please this specific and important person.

I’ll finish with a couple of beautiful faces that I’d be happy to try picturing if they felt like inflicting some pain on me.

Famke Janssen
Amber HeardThe first of these is the actress Famke Janssen, who played Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye (in action here and here). She also played Jean Grey in the two X-Men films (the third one only exists in an alternate universe I refuse to be a part of). The second shot is Amber Heard, an actress who was in Zombieland (good), The Rum Diary (bad) and the upcoming Robert Rodriguez movie, Machete Kills (who knows). I found both images via the Dominant Ladies tumblr.

Adding to the stress

After writing yesterday’s post on panic and stress when playing, a further personal observation struck me. This was that it’s not relinquishing control that creates significant stress. I’m happy to release control of my body, and can do quite intense activities, like breathplay or suturing, with no danger of panicking. What dramatically ratchets up the stress level is when I feel that there’s an element that is out of control. Something that we accidentally dropped on the floor when control was passed between us. For example, I’ve no problem with a mistress pulling a plastic bag tight over my head. I won’t be able to breath, but I know that she knows that. A tight hood with a small breathing hole is way more stressful. I fear that the hole will get accidentally blocked, I won’t be able to fix and she won’t know about it. I worry that nobody will be in control, and that uncertainty prays on my mind.

I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way, and so within this observation also lies opportunity. If a dominant wants to increase stress, then they should increase uncertainty. Remove both control and awareness from the submissive. Disconnect them from their surroundings and sense of time. To borrow a term from the software industry, the dominant should strive to create FUD – Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.

Conversely, with a nervous submissive, the dominant should try to eliminate ambiguity. Always be very clear about the transfer of control. Keep physical contact to let the submissive know they are still present and in charge of the situation. Encourage two-way communication and try to balance the competing stresses. For example, before increasing a level of sensory deprivation, decrease the level of bondage or the amount of pain.

Mademoiselle Belle

Given hoods are a good way to do sensory deprivation and create stress, I figure this would be a suitable image to illustrate the post. I like the contrast between his objectified anonymity and her happy smiling face. It features Mademoiselle Belle, a pro-domme based in Madrid. Originally the image comes from her blog site, but I came to it via the darksehnsucht tumblr.

Accumulating stress

Vista published a post recently over at her Sexual Destinies blog that caught me eye. She was writing about stress reactions and her feeling of panic when being blindfolded and gently restrained. I find those kind of reactions fascinating, as they can be simultaneously very intense and yet very illogical. I don’t mean that in a pejorative sense. There’s no right or wrong way to react to these situations. It’s just that in hindsight the strength of the reaction can seem very out of proportion to the specific stimulus that triggered it.

I’ve written about pain in the past, and commented on the fact that it’s not additive. A more intense pain in one location can distract from a mild pain elsewhere. The body has clearly evolved to direct attention to the single point that’s currently experiencing the greatest damage. Stress doesn’t seem to work that way. It is additive, each new stressful element building on the one before and pushing you closer to your panic threshold. This means that the final thing that tips someone over the edge may seem relatively minor when considered on its own.

I experienced this effect in a scene with Lydia a couple of months ago. We were doing some heavy bondage and CBT. She’d started with a rope harness, lashing my arms to my sides and pulling my legs into a frogtie. Over this she’d layered plastic wrap, carefully encasing my limbs and body, mummifying me completely from the neck to my toes. Not content with this level of restriction, she’d then wrapped my entire body in duct tape, creating a thicker encasing shell. The final touch was a duct tape gag and blindfold, rendering me mute and blind. The only thing uncovered was my cock, which she proceeded to slap and beat.

A year or two earlier we’d have never made it that far into the scene. I’d have been freaking out at the degree of restriction. But practice makes perfect and although it was intense, I was breathing through it and getting nicely spacey. Then my right hand started to get a little uncomfortable. It had moved under the wrapping and the wrist was pressing against the top of my hip bone. The absolute level of discomfort was very low, almost trivial, but it just tipped me over the edge. I started to lose perspective of where I was, my breathing became shallow and an overwhelming sense of ‘I need to deal with this now’ pushed aside me attempts to relax into the bondage. Lydia, expert that she is, spotted the change in my body instantly and removed the blindfold and gag. That was enough to bring me back, kill the panic, and let us deal with the situation.

Logically, in terms of possible things to panic about, a little muscle discomfort in my hand should have been well down the list. I was mummified in plastic wrap, had a duct taped head and someone was slapping my cock around with a pointy stick. They all sound like pretty good reasons to panic. Not a hand twinge akin to writers cramp. Yet that was the one thing that pushed me over the line. All the others had done the job of getting me close to it in the first place.

For an image I thought it’d be appropriate to run with something featuring mummification. In this case it’s a Divine Bitches shoot featuring Mistress Madeline and Kade, plus a lot of fabric wrap.

Mistress Madeline and mummified slave

The reality of the fantasy

I used to worry that getting involved in real BDSM – the physical, sweaty, dear God don’t put that in my….oooohhh! – kind, would spoil the fantasy. I enjoyed my rich and somewhat warped fantasy life, and didn’t want to discover that everything my fevered imagination created was really about as much fun as getting hit by a flying brick, and then discovering there’s a courts summons wrapped around it.

Fortunately the reality turned out to be a lot better than the fantasy and actually gave my internal porn producer a whole new set of scripts to work with. However, just now and again I find myself over analyzing an image that catches my eye. For example, I like this shot from the TopGrl site a lot. It’s got elements of bondage, objectification and worship all rolled in together. But now I’ve done suspension scenes I can’t help thinking about how comfortable (or not) the rope harness might be. How long it took to set-up the shot and get all the knots right. How much the submissives neck might ache. It doesn’t spoil the shots for me, but occasionally it does make me second guess them.

All that said, my imagination still keeps itself pretty busy. In this case it’s picturing a second domme at the other end with a cane. Cunnilingus mixed with screams of pain sounds like a wonderful combination.

Suspension I found this on the blouxsterville tumblr.