Ruffles and boots

A moody arty shot for this post. It’s a nice contrast of body position and language. For her it’s a forceful position, her legs open in a confident straddle. For him, with his body twisted and arms and legs folded back, it’s far more submissive. And that’s leaving aside the minor fact that she’s sitting on his face.

I’ve no idea why, but I always find that the black boots and tight white jodhpurs style trousers is a very sexy combination. Obviously they simultaneously emphasize the shape of the leg while concealing it, which pushes certain buttons. But there’s something about that specific color combination that’s particularly effective.

Face Sitting wearing black bootsI found this on the Slaves of the Goddess tumblr site. Thanks to the magic of tineye I also tracked down a color version of it, although personally I prefer the black and white version.

The big O

Emily Nagoski has an interesting post up in relation to this Jezebel article on female pleasure and the emphasis put on the orgasm. The writing is in the context of vanilla sexual relationships rather than kinky ones, but it got me thinking about how the ideas related to more unconventional sexual interactions.

For men, orgasm and pleasure are closely linked. They’re practically the same thing. They can enjoy arousal without orgasm, sure, but basically they can tell if they had a good sexual experience by whether or not they’ve had an orgasm.

And they apply that standard – THEIR standard, the male/masculine standard – to their women partners. As though women are men, and as though to be anything else is to be broken.

So even if a guy wants his female partner to have orgasms because he wants to make her feel good, which is lovely and very nice, why can’t he just MAKE HER FEEL GOOD because he wants to make her feel good, without the performance demands of orgasm?

Orgasm is often slower and more effortful for women than for men; it’s more variable from woman to women, more variable from day to day in an individual woman. Sometimes orgasm just isn’t there for her; she can still experience truckloads of pleasure, though.
Emily Nagoski

It’s tempting at this point to start getting pedantic about the definition of sexual experience. I’ve had some amazingly enjoyable experiences being bound, beaten and burnt that I’d consider as very sexual but that didn’t feature orgasms. However, for the sake of argument lets just consider sexual experiences as they’re more commonly defined, where genitals and stimulation of some sort is involved. In that scenario I think it’s still incorrect to say that an orgasm is necessary for a kinky man to have a good sexual experience. But I do think that the idea of an orgasm is a key part of the experience. Chastity play and tease and denial all concentrate on the removal of the orgasm. Edging is all about repeatedly approaching the point of orgasm without tipping over it. Ruining an orgasm is about spoiling the moment itself. These different type of orgasm control may or may not feature an actual physical orgasm, but they do put the idea of it right at their heart.

In contrast some women (and it’s impossible to avoid stereotyping here as Emily acknowledges) are not wired in that way. Lack of orgasm isn’t necessarily a sign of total failure in bed, in the same way that your partner achieving orgasm doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a fantastic lover. To quote Emily once again – “pleasure is a destination, not a journey; if you feel good, you have already arrived.”

Where I think this gets particularly interesting in the kinky domain is how it relates to lifestyle male chastity arrangements. I have to tread a little carefully here, as I’m not speaking from first hand knowledge of that specific type of play. However, I’ve never let lack of knowledge get in the way of my opinions before, and I don’t see any reason to start now.

I browse and read a variety of kinky blogs (not all of them linked to from here) and one of the subtexts I observe in a lot of male chastity blogs is a type of transference of sexual expectation. It often seems that simple denial or control over the male orgasm isn’t enough. To be truly satisfying their has to be frequent orgasmic sexual experiences for their female keyholder. There are no doubt a lot of complex reasons behind that, but a key factor seems to be avoiding turning a deliberate denial of sexual pleasure into a total absence of sex. From the male perspective sex involves orgasms, and if he’s not having them, then it’s necessary (or at least highly desirable) that she is.

That of course then runs directly into the issues Emily is addressing above. Male expectations around sex and orgasms can’t automatically be projected onto women. And yet long term chastity play seems to encourage that very projection, with the resulting conflicts you’d expect from that.

I’m afraid I have zero answers for how to resolve this issue. Other than perhaps being aware of its existence and using that knowledge to think creatively around the conflict. In the meantime, while I brace myself for a flood of comments from men in chastity telling me I’m full of crap, here’s a nice shot of a steelwerks chastity device. It’s from their blog and was supplied by one of their clients.

Steelwerks Chastity Device

Helping out in the kitchen

Washing and drying dishes is always a very dull task. Endless scraping and rinsing with the constant risk of chipping something expensive. Mindful of this, it looks like Mistress Juri has kindly decided to help out with some distracting torments. It’s unclear just how grateful her slave is for this additional entertainment, but at least she looks like she’s enjoying it.

That second image actually shows one of my favourite activities – a mistress pushing against clips or clamps with her body. There’s something very erotic about taking what should be a simple sensual pleasure, two bodies rubbing against each other, and adding a sharp twist of pain to it. I remember a session where, after a lot of painful torture and the application of many sharp clips, the mistress (Lady Lydia) gently hugged me. At first this was very relaxing and calming, a tender moment after a lot of pain. But then she slowly began to slide against me, dragging the clips along, and I screamed in her arms. I still get happy masochist shivers thinking about that moment. This shot isn’t quite as intense as that was but, then again, I wasn’t dealing with tableware at the time.

Mistress Juri in kitchen with slave

Mistress Juri in kitchen with slave
The images come from Mistress Juri’s blog. I believe she works as a pro-domme out of the Mistress Club in Ginza (although I’m relying on google translate for that). Bizarrely when I look at what I assume is her professional information page via google translate, it appears she’s grouped her interests into “Play fighting”, “Slut play”, “Soft play” and “White men can’t jump.” What is up with that final translation? The first three make sense, but I can’t imagine what the original phrase was that google translate decided was best represented by a Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson movie.

Poking the piñata

Here’s a pretty cool suspension rigging. He’s hanging in a nicely tied bundle, available to be swung back and forth as needed, with a perfectly positioned posterior. Unfortunately he’s not looking too happy about it. In contrast she’s obviously enjoying herself, smiling with just a touch of lip curling sneer mixed in. Her boots aren’t in the more traditional/cliched (strike whichever you prefer) domme style, but they fit this prison like setting nicely. I’m guessing no matter how much she beats on this piñata no candy is going to be falling out, but that’s not going to stop her trying.

Suspension With Strap-OnI found this on the snail meilk site, but it’s obviously originally from the men in pain site.

Paging Marcel Marceau

I don’t really do role playing. Most of my fantasy involve me being helpless while a sadistic woman enjoys tormenting me in creative ways. That pretty much fits with standard kinky play, no extra layer of acting or creativity required. I also dislike having to think too much when I’m playing. I spend most of my life having to think creatively and solve problems. It’s therefore great to simply let go in a session and slip into subspace, where my opinions don’t count for anything.

That said, I do appreciate the idea of role playing, and I like reading about what other creative fantasy’s people manage to come up with. I was therefore very entertained by this post on The Hang, where regular contributor loucabrazzi listed some of his favorite sessions. All the sessions he describes are a little outside the usual cliches of school mistresses, nurses or prison guards. And his number one session is definitely not one you’ll see in the average kinky porn shot.

1) A Mime session with Mistress Tess in which she plays a mannequin and I’m the “Poor Soul” who wishes her to come to life, but it turns out that once she did come to life, she was a sadistic woman. I did a funny dance routine, with my pants falling down, to Frank Sinatra singing, “All I Need Is The Girl” while she was standing completely still. The whole role play was done in mime with neither of us saying a word or making a sound (even when I was thrashed) and the music was fantastic.

Every time I read that it makes me laugh out loud. I think it’s brilliant. Whenever I happen to drive past a known dungeon location I have a secret smile to myself about what exciting hijinks may be taking place inside. I’d never considered that they might include mimed dance routine to Frank Sinatra in front of a domme pretending to be a mannequin. Followed by a silent thrashing. Now I’ve got a great new mental image to carry with me.

Unsurprisingly, it’s pretty hard to come up with any images of femdom mimes or mannequins to go with this post. I did find this weirdly amusing pornographic shot featuring a mime, but it’s pretty much the opposite of femdom. So instead, given loucabrazzi is a corporal punishment fan, I thought I’d go with something a little more old school and traditional. This is Julia Jameson in an Leda shot that I think was published originally in Ma’am magazine.

Julia Jameson spanking from Ma'am magazine

I know why the caged slave sings

It’s because someone is shocking his genitals with an ErosTek unit.

Readers will be happy to know that this is the last of my “What I did on my holidays” posts. That was always the first school essay assigned for the fall term when I was child. In those days it always ended up being about sandcastles and ice-cream on the beach. These days it’s more about whips, electroshock and being pissed on. But I guess spanking and screaming are still common elements, so not everything has changed.

The shots below were taken during my double domme session with Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li. The quality isn’t great, as they were snapped quickly with an iPhone mid-session, but given then inventive nature of the set-up I thought it was worth sharing (click images to enlarge).

Our session space had a narrow free standing cage I was told to climb into. Once the door was locked they started attaching vicious little clips all over my body and tying them off to the cage bars. Very quickly they built up a web of tense twine and painful clamps. The last image on the right shows a good close-up of that. With dozens of clips pulling tightly in all directions it made any slight movement very painful. Swaying forward to reduce the strain on the nipples and cock would pull the clips attached my back and lower legs, and vice-versa. Of course that’s when the ErosTek unit and its remote control fob came into play. It’s quite hard to stand still when your genitals are being shocked with a very large number of volts. And amazingly that wasn’t the worst part. Standing still while Mistress Yuki zapped my cock was tricky, standing still while Mistress Ai-Li tickled the sides of my feet was impossible. That was a sneaky trick and resulted in much screaming.

Caged with clips and electrostim Caged with clips and electrostim Clips on chest

The money shot

Here’s another appealing trio of images. The final one is the money shot, both in the traditional porn movie sense, and in the more specific femdom sense. You can see the original full size version of it over at the Femdom Proper tumblr site.

There’s a lot to like in that final image. Obviously there’s the beauty of a ruined orgasm caught at the critical moment. There’s her hand gripping his balls, squeezing as necessary to blend a little pain into the mix. There’s the comfortable like a cat position she’s adopted, curled up on the chair while he stands naked beside it. And finally, there’s the expression on her face. She looks intrigued, amused and satisfied by the effect she’s achieved.

Ruined Orgasm
Ruined Orgasm
Ruined Orgasm

I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for these images. If anyone knows then leave a comment I’ll update the post appropriately.

A better use for a stripper pole

I’ve seen cock trample boards in numerous movies and images. They’re particular popular for showing via animated gifs, for example this. However, until last week, I’d never personally had chance to try one. It turned out to be quite an experience.

The version I was under didn’t have the stripper pole accessory, as shown in the images below, but was essentially the same design. The submissive lies on the floor, supported by a cushion or two, and his cock goes through the hole in the board. The mistress is then free to trample, stomp and rub with her boots or heels. Or dance the charleston should she prefer.

For such a simple idea it’s amazingly effective. It gives a stable platform for the mistress to stand on, so she has very fine control over how and where she applies pressure. The hard surface provides her with something to press against, allowing her to easily trap tender flesh under her heels. She can also play mind games, alternating stroking with torture, or pretending to stamp down hard while intentionally just missing. From my perspective it was a real rush to be able to look up from that position, gazing up at the heels and long legs of the mistress, and having her stare directly down at me. At first glance it looks like it’d be similar to being trampled, but in reality I found it a lot more intense and enjoyable.

Cock Trample Board
Cock Trample Board
Cock Trample Board
These images are taken from this gallery on the cbtrampling site. They have several galleries and a clips store with numerous videos.

A few bum notes

Looks like this music mistress has got a little fed up with her pupil’s playing. There’s no instrument more painful to listen to than a badly played violin, and clearly she’s decided she shouldn’t be the only one to have to suffer. Although I can’t help thinking that the quality of the sound will not be improved after administering a spanking with the bow. Maybe the pupil should explain that she’s playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order.

I’d love to know the original provenance of this image. I found it on the ‘Stuff I like‘ tumblr site, but with no hint where it was from. It obviously appears to be a period photograph, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be more modern than it looks at first glance.

Music mistress spanking pupil with violin bow

A little slap and tickle

Some dommes seem to naturally project a sadistic aura. I don’t mean that as a necessarily good or bad thing (although I do kind of like it), but simply as an observation on the visual impression they make. Some people, a minority, just naturally throw off a certain vibe. Much as some actors seem born to play certain types of character, some dommes seem to naturally embody certain characteristics, whether it’s playfulness, seriousness, superiority or sadism.

Mistress Simone Kross is one of those dommes who possesses that sadistic aura. I’ve not yet had chance to session with her (unfortunately), so I’ve no idea if my impression aligns with her natural personality. I’m sure like all good dommes she can adapt as necessary, and play in many different ways. But every image I see of her (and she’s featured before on this blog here and here) gives me a pleasant shiver of masochistic delight.

Take the shot below as an example. She just has a few feathers and a little wooden paddle. In any other situation that might look like a prelude to some light spanking and a little sensual tickling. Gentle BDSM foreplay for the kinky beginner perhaps. But somehow, in her hands, it looks like all she’d need to bring the most hardened masochist to his knees.

Simone Kross with paddle and feathersMistress Simone Kross is a professional dominatrix based out of Nashville. Her website contains this contact page should you wish to arrange a session.