The magical, mysterious, mighty member

Just a quick post today. I’m sitting in a San Francisco hotel room looking at a lot of clothes that need to fit into a small carry-on bag by tomorrow. Some rewriting of the laws of time and space may be necessary, Or alternatively, I need to find a BBW to sit on my case.

In the meantime here’s an image I found both appealing and slightly surreal. The surreal part is the way the cock seems to descend from nowhere. Not even a glory hole or table cut-out. Just a magical floating cock. But I do find her expression and appraising finger appealing. It looks like she’s considering her options. Stimulate it? Slap it? Or give it a pull and see if the butler appears?

Floating cock with apprasing dommeI found this on the Cock Ball Torture tumblr site.

Standing to attention

Male arousal is a funny thing. I find it’s often treated as a binary state. Erect=Aroused. Flaccid=Unaroused. But the reality is a little more complex than that. It’s probably a safe bet to say that the gentleman in the shot below is fairly aroused. The positive state is hard to disguise or confuse. The converse situation is a little trickier to interpret. There are many times where my brain and body have been very excited, awash in adrenalin and endorphins, but my cock has decided retreat and concealment is the best course of action. There’s a level of pain that my brain and body finds appealing, which leads to arousal. A pinch to the nipples would be a good case in point. But there’s a further and more intense level of pain that my brain still enjoys, but by body (or at least its arousal and hydraulic system) gives up on. A severe caning is wonderful, but some important bits of my body don’t always seem to agree.

None of this would really matter if this state of affairs was widely understood. But it sometimes seems not to be. In non-kinky sex then it’s probably true that a flaccid man is an unexcited man. Or at least a man in need of little blue pills. But kinky sex requires an entirely different set of rules. Just because everything isn’t standing to attention all the time doesn’t necessarily mean the gentleman isn’t enjoying what’s happening to him.

Standing To AttentionI found this on the domme pics site.

Completing the pair

While I’m on a foot theme, here’s another post to pair with yesterdays. It makes a nice contrast, as I don’t think there can be much question as to its particular kinky slant. This is masochism all the way. It’s not quite the same as being stomped with a boot or a high heel, but I suspect the additional tactile feel of a bare feet allows for a fine degree of sadistic control.

However, I do have to admit that my first thought on seeing this image was not about her or the ball squishing. It was about those white socks. You should always removes your socks before your pants (or trousers for my UK readers). There’s nothing more ridiculous than a naked man wearing only socks.

Ball SquishingI found this via The New Bootblack’s Oubliette (always a go to site for feet related fun). It’s originally from the Extreme Ball Busters site.

Masochist, submissive or foot fetishist?

Feet are complicated things. I’m sure most non-kinky people lump all feet related activity into the single category of fetishizing unusual body parts. But those of us with slightly more discerning (or depraved) palettes know there’s a little more to it than that.

A masochist might love ball busting, trampling or general kicking. He (or she) enjoys feet for the options they give a sadist to inflict serious pain in a very controlled and personal way. Alternatively, a submissive may enjoy the D/s aspects of scent, worship and service. Feet have maintenance requirements (cleaning, massage, nail care, etc.) which make them ideal for submissive rituals. Finally, a foot fetishist loves feet as a thing of beauty in themselves. They enjoy looking at them and caressing them, with no need of a D/s or SM dynamic.

When it comes to pornography involving feet, there’s often an overlap between these categories. The same image can be interpreted in different ways depending on the proclivities of the viewer. I think the shot below is a good case in point, where all three alternatives are feasible. There’s physical proximity for the fetishist, scent and subservience for the submission, and painful pressure for the masochist. Personally I’d say it looks slightly more masochistic than anything else, but beauty (and porn) is in the eye of the beholder.

Feet pressing on slave's faceI found this on the Femdom Style Counsel tumblr site. It’s originally from Princess Kali’s site.

Spot the kink

Many years ago, when I was still a child, there used to be a competition in my local paper called ‘Spot the ball’. They’d take a photograph of a moment in a football match (or soccer match for those of an American disposition) and edit out the ball. The competition was then to mark an X on the photograph on where you thought the ball actually was. The closest to the exact spot won. This image reminds me of that competition. There seems to be something fairly essential to the scene missing.

What is he looking so nervous about? What is she smiling at? Why is he in that posture? He looks like he’s bending over to be beaten, but I don’t see any implements to beat him with. Why are they in a men’s bathroom? Are watersports involved? Has he got to pee into the urinal without splashing anywhere? What particular kink am I looking at here? I feel I should be marking an X on where the missing second domme should stand in order to make the whole scene make sense.

Of course it’s possible she’s simply punishing him by making him go barefoot into a men’s bathroom. Given how disgusting the floors normally are in those, I think that’d be a pretty sadistic act in itself.

Spot The KinkI found this on the LashKisser tumblr site.

Updated: Thanks to Moose I now have a link to the original divine bitches shoot that this is taken from. And the missing X factor turns out not to be another domme, but a guy who’s about to screw the poor unfortunate slave. Which does help explain the look of anguish on his face.

Don’t forget to tip your waiter

Here’s something for fans of the CFNM genre. These images struck me as a little out of the ordinary. Normally in these kind of scenes the men are either being deliberately ignored or ridiculed and humiliated. But in this case the young ladies seem somewhat taken by their naked waiter. They can’t keep their eyes or hands off him.

Checking out the naked waiter

Checking out the naked waiter

I’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution. These come courtesy of the Femdom Proper tumblr site.

Just hanging around

I had a comment on my ‘about’ page recently asking for some electrical play or inverted suspension shots. Now as the saying goes, I don’t normally do requests, but then I stumbled across this image yesterday and thought it was worth sharing. The suspension is via cuffs and a bar rather than a proper rope harness (as shown more clearly in this shot), but it looks like it’d be both interesting and intense to try. I’m also now looking at it and wondering if it’d help out with some of my screwy back issues. It’d certainly help stretch the spine out, although the marks might be tough to explain to a physical therapist.

Lady NatalieThat’s Lady Natalie Black and you can see more of her at her members site.


I’m a little conflicted about this image. There’s a dark undercurrent to it that I find a little disconcerting, although I’m not sure I can put my finger on exactly why that is. Although I’ve posted other images with far more extreme pain and punishment play, this one feels oddly brutal to me.

That said, he’s clearly not too upset about the situation. And I do like the confident way she standing there – naked, aggressive and powerful. She has no need of any fetishist clothing to emphasize her status. The definition of ‘brute’ is of a ‘savage violent person’ and I think that description fits nicely.

BrutalI’m afraid I don’t know the original source for the image. I found it on the Undiscovered Limits tumblr site.

Adding a little realism to medical play

I had an interesting day today, as it featured a minor medical procedure. My back has been giving me grief for a few months now, although nothing painful enough to stop me working or playing. Its just been an ongoing discomfort that’s more annoying than anything else. Physical therapy helped but didn’t fix it, so today I went for a steroid shot into the spine. It’s no big deal, I was in and out in a couple of hours, but it did involve multiple injections, fitting an IV tap into my arm and wearing a silly backless hospital gown. Not to mention being bossed around by multiple nurses (all female) and a doctor (also female) in the hospital surgical unit.

This was the first time I’ve been involved in any kind of medical treatment in years, and the first time I’ve had real injections since I got physically involved in kink. In the last few years I’ve had hundreds of needles shoved into all sorts of tender spots, and documented a few of them on this blog (as listed in this post). I was therefore pretty blasé beforehand about the whole thing. Unfortunately the BDSM experience turned out to be less helpful than I thought. Without the erotic subtext it’s a very different experience. And the added uncertainty around the success (or not) of the whole thing doesn’t help matters. Nothing was particularly painful, but the discomfort level was still how I remember it from before kink.

I did consider trying to fantasize an erotic component to make use of my personal pain relief mechanism. After all my doctor is intelligent, attractive and forceful. Those are all very appealing qualities. Unfortunately those skimpy hospital gowns don’t leave much to the imagination. It seemed like it might be a fine line to walk between just enough fantasy to help out but not so much so as to cause a major talking point for the nurses afterwards. I didn’t fancy trying to explain that I was temporarily immobilized on the surgical table because I’d been imagining the anesthesiologist knocking me out by sitting on my face. I have to think that sexually harassing people in charge of injecting things into your spine is not a good survival trait.

Anyway, in honor of my little excursion today, here’s some medical femdom. A disturbing but strangely attractive image.

Medical FemdomI found this on The Room of a Domme blog (Japanese language).

Combo Deal

Here’s a lucky submissive getting a three for one combo deal, with bondage, hot wax and strap-on play all served up simultaneously. I believe that’s the beautiful Mistress Jayden wielding the wax and sporting the strap-on.

Personally I’ve found hot wax play to be kind of relaxing, a little like a massage treatment. Once I calibrate myself to the initial sharp pain of the drips, the trickling warmth can be soothing. The subsequent scraping it off of hairy skin with a large blunt knife, less so.

Wax play with strap-onThis is from the K is for Kink site.