Don’t tell Health & Safety

I’m guessing this is a scene inspired by Namio Harukawa. He’s illustrated a lot of forniphilia images featuring men as bar stools – for example this one. However, I can see issues with this particular approach. For one thing, it doesn’t put the submissive in close contact with the dominant. I accept that this is a purely subjective view, but if I’m going to be objectified I like it to be a relatively intimate object. Or at least something with a degree of personal contact, even if it’s only feet. While this position may provide an interesting view for the submissive, it seems a little distant. However, more importantly, it seems fairly dangerous for the dominant. That cannot be a stable base for a stool. There’s a lot of pressure on a small area, and a rib cage isn’t what I’d call a smooth even surface. Let’s hope it didn’t end with a minature domme domino rally.

Bar StoolsI found this image on the kazowk88 blog.

He’s gagging for it

Here’s a nice sequence of images featuring a rather novel type of gag or mouth spreader. I’ve enjoyed playing with O-ring gags and Whitehead gags in the past, but never one that looks like this. With sufficient spring force it looks like it’d be quite painful, as it’d pull at the corner of the mouth. Although without any straps to hold it, I do wonder how firmly it’ll stay in place.

Mouth Spreader Gag

Mouth Spreader Gag

Mouth Spreader GagI found these on the Gorean Kajirus tumblr site.

Frozen Moment

I’m not really sure what attracted me to this image initially. I don’t like public play, I don’t have a foot fetish and the CFNM thing isn’t a big deal to me. I’ve been the NM often enough that I’m not really bothered by it at all. Yet it was still an image that caught my attention. It seems nicely balanced and composed, with the shared blanket for the women emphasizing the nakedness of the male. And the falling shoe is a beautiful touch. It emphasizes the idea of a perfect moment in time.

In the past I’d have described this as public humiliation. But a comment from Old Man Equine I think sums it up better.

By the way, the act depicted in the picture is not “public humiliation” to me.
It is an act of “public worship”.

That seems a much nicer way to describe it.

WorshipI don’t have an original attribution for this. I found it on the Slaves of the Goddess tumblr site.

Communication Skills

Being a good submissive masochist is a lot harder than I ever thought it would be. Back in the days when it was all still fantasy I assumed you just did what you were told and cried uncle (or pineapple or your safeword of choice) if it hurt too much. The reality turns out to be a little trickier than that.

One of the skills I’ve slowly acquired over the last few years is figuring out when to step outside a scene to communicate additional information. When I started this always felt like a very bad thing to do. The perfect submissive shouldn’t suffer from cramps, or pinching ropes, or panic attacks. It was a sign of weakness or failure if I did. Fortunately I’ve since learnt and been taught (by some great dommes) that this is a fairly naive point of view. The goal is intentional controlled pain. Not random stuff that the domme doesn’t even know about. To remain focused and to get into the right headspace requires good communication, allowing the domme to remove unintended distractions. A few minutes to adjust a rope or flex a limb can make the world of difference to the overall success of a scene.

Ironically one of things I’ve never needed to do is to stop a scene because it hurt too much. This certainly isn’t due to any great fortitude on my part. Instead it’s a tribute to the skill and judgement of the dommes I’ve played with. The closest I ever got to it was when paying with clover clamps, like the one in the image below. In that case Lady Lydia had dabbed a decent amount of icy/hot onto both clamps before applying them and then tying them off taut. The combination of the chemicals and the clamps was intense, and there was a short period where it almost seemed too much. Fortunately I was so surprised at the idea of actually having to say something that it distracted me long enough for the pain to become manageable. In hindsight it was a little like learning to fly HHGTTG style. I was so surprised at how much it hurt I forgot to actually be hurt. A neat trick when you can pull it off.

Clover ClampI found this image on the Superior Femme tumblr site.

Inspiring a little creativity

There was a study in the news recently that claimed that negative feedback would inspire more creativity than positive feedback. Those given positive feedback during a task felt better at the end of it but created less interesting work as a result.

If that’s the case then the gentleman below better prepare for a burst of creativity. I have a feeling she’s planning to inspire him. Somebody should push a paintbrush into his hand.

Of course it’s quite likely he’s a masochist, and will enjoy it. Which I guess would make him less creative. Hmmm. These things always end up more complicated than you expect.

InterrogationI found this on the Kinky Games tumblr site. The watermark URL doesn’t go anywhere interesting, but I assume it must be something to do with this site originally.


I normally try and pick images that’ll be interesting to a broad range of people. I’m never going to post something I don’t personally like, but my immediate reaction isn’t the single selection criteria I use. There are a lot of images I think are hot but don’t get posted here because there’s nothing striking or distinctive about them.

However, on this occasion I’m afraid you’re going to have to indulge me. I’ve nothing clever to say about this image. I just want to do bad things with her. Or, more specifically, I want her to do very bad things to me. Screaming would be involved.

Beautiful girl with glassesI found this on the Bedroom Fairy Tales tumblr site.

Quirky Smile

This image is entitled ‘Thigh Caning’ which should tell you all you need to know about the reason for her smile. It looks like she’s thinking “Hmmm, he’s making some funny noises. I wonder if I should pull his arms a little higher or try beating him a little harder? Or perhaps both…..”

Although I suspect in that position his knees and feet will be hurting him almost as much as his thighs. Probably the cruelest thing she could do would be to leave him tied in position and simply watch as the pain slowly builds.

Thigh CaningI found the image in this post on the Whipping Mistress blog (written in Japanese). It’s obviously originally from the Captive Male site.

Together and apart

An entertaining hour or so of clueless and confused wondering through Japanese femdom blogs (translation technology has a long way to go) brought me to these unusual bondage images (click to enlarge). It’s rare to see a coupled tied together like this. There’s some beautiful ropework, and a clever hood+scarf combination to pull their heads together. They’re intimately entwined, and yet cannot touch, move or caress each other. Together and yet apart.

Couple in BondageCouple in Bondage

Couple in BondageCouple in Bondage
The woman responsible for this paired bondage is Mistress Juri, shown in the shot below with another of her bondage subjects. She’s got a number of interesting shots on her website, so it’s worth a browse. I particularly liked this image of tightly bound solo male.
Mistress Juri