These are a few of my favorite things

Apologies for the title reference. I blame Ms Marie for making me think musicals. I realize this isn’t exactly ‘Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens’, but when I saw this image it did make me think of some of my favorite things. That’s one lucky oxygen deprived gentleman. I’d love to try and come up with some updated lyrics, but I’m not sure what would rhyme with breathplay, smothering and oral worship. Although the thought of Julie Andrews skipping over the Alps singing about them does make me smile.

Oh, and if you’ve never seen the Sound of Music, my apologies, this must all look like crazy talk to you. You can hear the original version here, although for something a little more my speed, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes also covered it in their inimitable style.

Forced Oral WorshipI found this on the Slave of the Goddess tumblr site.


I find hot wax play a confusing mix of sensations. Which isn’t to say I don’t enjoy it. Just that I find it harder to categorize in my pain/pleasure continuum. The initial splash of wax against the skin is obviously painful. Sharp and searing, it makes me catch my breath and twist away from it. But the warmth as it spreads out and dries is curiously comforting and calming. Once I’ve become attuned to the pain I can almost relax in the warmth and drift away. It’s not an endorphin high, like the type I can get with needles or corporal punishment. It’s much more the kind of muscle relaxing heat that you find in a sauna or with certain types of massage.

Of course when it’s being dripped on delicate parts of the anatomy, as in this image, there’s less relaxing and a lot more squirming. Although at least the gentleman below look like he’ll have a relatively easy clean up task. For me wax is a lot like sand at the beach, in that I find myself picking it out of odd nooks and crannies for days after the event itself.

Hot Wax PlayI found this image on the Intelligent Domination tumblr site.

Suckling Pig

Unfortunately with the apple in his mouth, any suckling on his part is temporarily out of the question.

This looks like a pretty intense situation to be in. Painful hogtie bondage, pulling the head up and feet back. The zipper line of clothes pegs ready to be ripped off. The drip of hot wax. What looks to be some kind of butt plug sticking out. And of course that tantalizing vision and enticing scent just beyond the end of his nose. At least if he gets hungry he can eat the apple they’ve kindly supplied him with. So that’s something.

Suckling pig from Divine BitchesThe image is obviously from the Divine Bitches site, although I’m afraid I don’t know the specific shoot. If anyone can help me out with that, then leave a comment and I’ll update the post accordingly.

That backward glance

The look over the shoulder is what makes this image for me. She looks a little like a kid who is about to prove to her doubting friends that her astonishing story was true all along. Her expression says to me “OK, you’re watching right? Don’t miss this. I’ll show you what I can force him to do.” Of course, her one friend in the shot with the whip had never doubted her word for a moment. She always knew what could be achieved with a naked male and a firm hand. Particularly when the firm hand is holding a bullwhip.

Two asian dommes in a forced toilet sceneImage is taken from the Team Rinryu site. Be aware that their site contains numerous explicit shots of all forms of toilet play, so if that’s something you find disturbing then I’d avoid browsing it.

Hazardous Chemicals

Hazardous that is, if you’re a naked male in the presence of a sadistically inclined female. While the image might show what looks like a random shopping basket from someone visiting the produce and pharmacy aisles in QFE (which in point of fact is where they came from), it also shows the main components of a scene I did a few nights ago. At the back there’s icy hot and crystal hot sauce. The middle row has Bengay, a lime and a lemon. And at the front is wintergreen oil, cinnamon oil and ginger root. I think there was also some chili sauce that didn’t make it onto the photograph. Oh, and the knife? That was for scraping off the hot wax that somehow ended up getting dripped onto my already tender flesh.

Some conclusions that I came to after the scene were:

  1. Be careful what Bengay you buy. Some of them, including this one, have almost no effect.
  2. Icy hot on the other hand can be very intense, particularly if someone very carefully and methodically massages it into your scrotum for several minutes. Or dabs it onto nipple clamps before applying them.
  3. Lemon’s and limes are pretty mild on their own, but when combined with someone stabbing you with a needle to open up the skin, they can get pretty stimulating.
  4. Figging reminds me of bad experiences with hot curries in dodgy late night Indian takeaways. Not so much painful as just burning and uncomfortable.
  5. Crystal hot sauce is mildly painful on sensitive skin, but surprisingly tasty when applied to the mouth. I will be purchasing some to keep in the kitchen.

Oddly enough, after doing all sorts of suspension and impact play scenes in the past without problems, this was the one session that left me injured. I was clenching my muscles so tightly and for so long that I ended up pulling something in my lower back. Ironic really, given we were using a number of products originally designed for relieving muscle strains and pains.

Ingredients from chemical play session

Formative Images

Servitor at his ‘Contemplating the divine‘ blog recently ran a greatest hits post, where he reposted some of his favourite captioned images. In it he mentioned the important role Cruella had played in his sexual development and gave examples of some of favourite Cruella photographs. I share his feelings about the importance of the magazine during my earlier years, and his comment sent me scurrying back through my archives to see if I could track down any of the key images that I remembered.

It’s notable that after 15+ years I can still clearly remember dozens of great individual Cruella images. I don’t think there are any other image creators I can say that about. In the case of the image I’ve selected below I can remember first downloading it (I’m not sure if it was ever in their magazine) and being transfixed by it. I had no idea why, injections were certainly not something I fetishized, but it gripped me all the same. There’s just something about her expression, her stance and that needle that makes it work for me. It’s an image I’ve seen many times over the years, and it still gives me a shiver when I look at it.

Cruella image of mistress with syringe

Domme School

Vice magazine recently posted an article describing several days in the life of a NYC pro-domme. The purported set-up was one of their writers following the domme with a view to becoming a professional herself. But the actual format is much the same as it always is for these type of articles, offering readers a chance to look at someone else’s weird and twisted lifestyle.

I’m in two minds about the article itself. On one hand the writer seemed to enjoy herself, and it’s certainly not written from a negative point of view. Coming from something called ‘Vice magazine‘ that’s probably not unexpected. However, I find it hard to imagine a vanilla but potentially kinky person reading it and thinking “Yes, that sounds like something I want to get involved in.” There’s an undercurrent of sleaziness that comes through to me, although I struggle to put my finger on exactly why that is. Perhaps its comments like this one.

The whole scene makes me feel like I’m an actress in a really bad porno. It’s pretty cool.

Having a session that feels like a bad porno movie definitely doesn’t sound cool to me. And in fact, setting the tone of the article aside, the main thing that stood out for me was how incredibly different my sessions are from the ones described.  I don’t role-play at all, and my interactions with the domme are both lighter (chatting and joking in early parts of the session) and darker (floating in subspace after some intense pain later on). I also tend to involve a lot more equipment and tools, utilizing everything from simple needles and clamps through to custom dungeon furniture. The type of play in the article sound like a kind of sexual community theater. Where I always feel mine are more like a cross between extreme sports and medieval torture.

That contrast led me to two different conclusions. The first was that it’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming most people play in a way at least vaguely similar to your own preferences. I always get annoyed when non-kinky people pigeon-hole BDSM as simply leather, whips and chains, but I’m probably guilty of doing a similar thing at a different level. It’s easy to forget just how big the kink universe really is. The other conclusion was that a good pro-domme must posses an incredibly ability to shift quickly between different head spaces. I tend to think of the domme skill-set as being a highly technical one: How to do a rope suspension; how to wield a single tail; what’s a safe way to do cutting and piercing. I’m very aware of these kind of technical skills in each and every session. What I don’t see is the transition between sessions and the mental gymnastics needed to create new moods and session themes. Offhand it’s hard to think of another job that requires quite that level of versatility.

Feeding the dogImage is taken from page 5 of Vice Magazine article.

The beautiful armpit

When I first saw this image a number of thoughts immediately came to my mind. One was how much I love the scent of a women. Not the perfumed, deodorized and anesthetized scent that the cosmetics industry tries to sell. I mean the real natural earthy scent of an active female body. Another was an appreciation for the expression on his face. That look of relaxed contentment. But I have to admit, the first thought I had was of Stephen Colbert.

Stick with me on this. Weird I know, but I haven’t completely lost it. Earlier this week he did a cutting satirical piece on a new Dove product designed to solve a very serious problem that has plagued women for years – the truly hideous nature of their armpits. If you missed it, the clip is online here. Seeing this image a few days later just reinforced to me how screwed up the cosmetics industry can make people. And watching the Colbert clip again may have just given me a new fetish for licking ice cream from a woman’s armpit (like I need any more weird kinks).

Aeric Meridith Goujon ImageThe image comes from the Aeric Meredith-Goujon photography site, under the erotic portraits section. They have a large collection of really incredibly images. Some of the piercing ones caught my eye in particular. For example, I liked this one a lot.