The more eagle eyed of my regular readers may have spotted a lack of blogroll to the right. Unfortunately, after many months of successful and trouble free web serving, my hosting company appears to have encountered some gremlins. And then fed them after dark. And got them wet. I can only hope their data center isn’t currently hosting an extravagant musical number as I type.
To populate the blogroll I need to be able to pull in RSS feeds to read their latest posts. And right now the hosting service won’t let me make any outgoing connections. Hence, no blogroll. It’ll return just as soon as we figure out what’s going on.
In the meantime here’s a little glimpse of heaven by way of apology. It’s the very beautiful Justine Joli, photographed by Steve Diet Goedde.
Updated : Looks like the gremlins have been zapped and the service has returned to life. Normal blogroll service has been resumed and we apologize for the interruption.