Caught in a web

This elaborate suspension bondage is by Domina Nia (warning – background music), a New York based pro-domme. She famous, or I guess I should say infamous, for being one of more extreme and sadistic dommes currently working. I’ve no personal experience of her, but I do admire and appreciate the skill required to execute this suspension. And it leaves the submissive in a perfect position for torturing.

Bondage and Suspension by Domina Nia

Strap-on reprised

I though this would make a nice companion post to the one below. Both focus on blond mistresses wearing black strap-ons, but the angle and attitude of the shot is nicely reversed in comparison to the previous post. I also like the fact she’s looking down and concentrating on what she’s doing, rather than pulling a face at the camera.

This is actually an image from the same sequence as one I posted several months back when this blog was fairly new. I always find it very mentally satisfying when I spot and connect images from a common sequence that I’ve encountered entirely independently. The original image I found on a tumblr site months ago and this one was (I think) on a chan site a couple of weeks back. It feels a bit like doing a giant pornographic internet jigsaw puzzle in your head. And to be honest, that’s really the only kind of jigsaw puzzle worth doing.


Abstract strap-on art

OK so it’s not really abstract art. But this shot is taken from such an extreme point of view, with such strong exaggerated colors, it struck me as being very surreal. The huge black phallus, the floating teutonic looking head, the rippled contours of the glove. Somebody should really do a coffee table book of abstract porn art.

Close-up of strap-onFound over at the latex thing tumblr site. No original attribution I’m afraid.

Shoe Shine

This is a surprisingly unusual image. I know that sounds a little tautological, unusual things almost by definition should be surprising, but I’m surprised by the fact that it is actually unusual. Foot and boot worship is a very common femdom theme. The New Boot Black’s Oubliette I referenced in my last post is full of it. And shoe shine stands are a common sight in American department stores, subways, airports, etc. But I can’t think of another example of the two being brought together.

If you look in the mirror you can see the guy in chair 5 turning his head to watch what’s going on. I’m guessing he later turned this into a ‘Only in New York….’ anecdote for his buddies.

Boot worship at a shoe shine standThe lady receiving the shine is Mistress Alex, a pro-domme based in Manhattan. Her contact page for sessions is here, and she has a number of galleries available, including one entitled ‘Wall Street’ that the above image is taken from.

Dirty Socks

There are a lot of junky tumblr site’s out there, posting a random mish-mash of unexciting porn images. Normally this forces me to do a lot sieving before I can separate some interesting wheat from the chaff. But occasionally I stumble across a good one and end up suffering a surplus of fine femdom images. One such site is the inventively named – ‘The New Bootblack’s Oubliette‘.

There were any number of images I considered re-posting, including this image, or this image, or even this one. But in the end I went with the option you can see below. It’s a slightly unusual choice for me, as I’m normally not a foot fetish person. I like a good kicking or trampling as much as the next masochistically inclined male, but I don’t feel the need to worship a woman’s feet any more so than the rest of her. I think this images works particularly well because of the disdainful way she’s removing the sock. It’s clearly so dirty and sweaty she only wants to grab the barest edge of it. It makes the threat of what she might do with it next so much more exciting.

Dirty Socks

From this post on the ‘The New Bootblack Oubliette’ tumblr site. Sadly there’s no clue as to the original source for the image.

90’s Flashback (completed)

Underling has an interesting blog post about BDSM pornography in the days before the internet made it widespread and easily available.

….I remember occasional visits to the seedy back rooms of certain London bookshops. There I rubbed shoulders with fellow perverts (perhaps some of you among them!), all of us studiously avoiding eye contact while waiting with barely concealed impatience for access to the spanko shelves…

From Underling’s post entitled ‘In the back room’

I was fortunate, in that the window between me being old enough to actually purchase porn and the internet becoming a ubiquitous presence was only a year or two. But for a short period of time in the early 90’s, during my college years, I did do a bit of furtive shopping of my own. The magazines I purchased in that time were treasured and well thumbed possessions. So when I stumbled across the image below, despite the late of watermark, I instantly recognized it as one from the Cruella family of magazines. Specifically a magazine I’d owned called Goddess number 16.

However, unlike Underling, I had been spared the need to trawl around seedy shops in Soho to acquire it. I was saved by the strangest little shop I have ever encountered. In ’94 I was working in a small British seaside town during my summer break from college. A few hundred yards from my lodgings was an old fashioned newsagents, run by an old Indian gentleman and his extended family. It was a tiny corner shop, square in shape, with just a single counter against one wall, and three magazine racks covering the other walls. It looked like it had been frozen in time since the 1950’s. And yet it carried the largest collection of pornographic magazines, and in particular BDSM and fetish magazines, that I’ve ever seen. Everything was there: Janus, Februs, Kane, Cruella, Goddess, Victoria, Obey, etc. He even carried magazine special editions and spanking novels. For a young and nervous femdom aficionado it was like a little piece of pornographic heaven.*

I’ve no idea if the owner of the shop was actually a fan of kinky porn, or just a fan of the higher profit margins it commanded. But whatever the reason, God bless him for it.

Goddess magazine* Apart from those times when he put his younger daughters to work in the shop. Then it became a place to purchase chewing gum whilst studious avoiding looking at the enormous wall of explicit pornographic material.

90’s Flashback (continued)

Continuing my root through the archives, after the earlier Leda post, I came across this image from Taboo magazine. I don’t post a vast amount of F/f material here, but some images are too good not to share.

Taboo always struck me as an odd magazine. For its time it was fairly extreme, and touched themes rarely seen in other glossy top shelf magazines. It also hired very attractive models, used high end fetish gear, and was edited by Ernest Greene, a well known member of the BDSM community. It looked like it should have every ingredient necessary to produce some great fetish and BDSM pornography. And yet it always seemed to me that they frequently hired photographers who really didn’t get kink. They’d chop and change D/s roles as sequences progressed, have models take off the fetish gear mid-way through, and frequently end scenes with conventional legs spread faked lesbian sex shots.  It was as if they didn’t quite believe they could do a purely kink based photo shoot and still make money. It really wasn’t until post 2000 that we finally saw other companies successfully pull together high end production values and really serious BDSM and fetish play.

Fortunately, some of the Taboo photographers did get it, and the sequence this image was taken from was always a favorite of mine.

Taylor and Goldie from Taboo magazine

90’s Flashback

I expect that anyone who hung around usenet in the 90’s looking for femdom material will instantly recognize this. It’s from leda, one of the great early producers of heavy spanking and corporal punishment films. The production quality of their work looks pretty poor by today’s hi-def standards, but the material itself still packs a real erotic charge. Any lovers of a more traditional style caning and spanking should certainly seek it out.

This image is taken from a short lived magazine they produced called Ma’am. They only had a handful of issues, but once scanned they circulated for years on the spanking newsgroups. I think this particular shot was also associated with a movie series called something like ‘That dreaded box’. I particularly like the contrast between his intense pained expression and the two women standing calmly at the back waiting for their turn with the strap,

Ma'am Magazine

A shiver up the spine

The tag line for this blog is ‘The beauty of dominant women.’ I like to think that I interpret the idea of this beauty in the broadest possible way. It might be an attitude, an action or an emotion that I find beautiful. And when I started this blog I deliberately set out to avoid making each post an endless succession of hot women in exciting fetish gear. However, sometimes a post of straightforward physical perfection is exactly what’s called for.

I know a lot of people will see this and be captivated by the rather tight dress and her impressive chest. Both of which are very nice. But as usual for me, it’s her face, her stare and in particular her eyes that make this image work. Even now, after having looked at it numerous times, it still gives me a frisson, a delicious shiver up my spine.

Image from Fetish Boudoir by Josselin GuichardThis is taken from the Fetish Boudoir site. The model is called Kay and the photographer/designer is Josselin Guichard. The skirt and top are available for purchase, as are signed prints of the photograph.