Head Sitting

You see a lot of face sitting in femdom images, but sitting on the back of the head is rarer. It looks a lot more uncomfortable and far more painful for the submissive. Although it has to be said that the submissive in question here doesn’t look terribly unhappy.

The dominant is the beautiful Mistress Sade, whose blog you can find in my blogroll. I particularly like the way she has the rope attached so she can easily pull his hands higher up his back. I imagine the pressure on his skull and the tension in his upper arms must create an interesting combination of sensations. Before getting involved in BDSM I always thought of bondage as a means of restraint but not punishment. I’ve since come to appreciate the various ways in can be used to inflict suffering. In particular its ability to create a slowly building pain that a submissive can soak into, like a warm bath.

Mistress SadeMistress Sade is a pro-domme based out of New York. Should I ever find myself on the east coast, I will definitely be availing myself of her session request form.

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it…

The beaming smile is great. But I also like the fact that she’s obviously working really hard at this spanking. The bottom (a particularly apt expression in this case) is even having to hold her leg to remain in position.

Perfume companies make a fortune bottling strange substances and selling them to women at inflated prices via ridiculous ad campaigns. They really need to work on bottling the scent of a happy dominant woman after she’s administered a fierce and lusty thrashing.

Happy SpankingI’m afraid I don’t know who the lady in question is. I found the image on the women with whips tumblr site which, like the vast majority of tumblr sites, doesn’t seem to believe in giving content creator attributions. I was even entertained to spot a shot of Ms Marie and sissy there.

Clean-up Crew

This image caught my eye more for the dominant’s outfit than anything else. I always dislike it when a domestic scene is portrayed, and yet the woman looks like she’s spent the last hour being squeezed and buckled it the latest creations from her local leatherwear emporium. Admittedly it’s probably not the most practical get up for doing housework in, but that’s what the naked slave is for. She’s just giving him a few last minute pointers on exactly how shiny the floor should be by the time she returns from her evening out on the town.

Clean-up CrewImage is originally from Woman Worship. From a quick scan of their updates page it looks like they have a lot of material in a similar vein.

My kind of interrogation

After writing my previous post on extreme interrogations, where I happened to mention sadistic secret policewomen, I thought it be fun to find a couple of suitable images. These come courtesy of Domina Yuki’s tumblr blog, and are much more in line with my idea of an entertaining way to extract a bit more information than simply name, rank and serial number. I like the idea of having her equipment laid out on the table, ready for him to see and anticipate once the bag comes off.

Domina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki is a pro-domme operating from San Francisco. Her session request form is here. I’m going to be heading down to S.F. in May, so may well try and find out what being on the end of her tortuous tools is actually like!

Devil and Angel

This image makes me think of fairytale stories. A devilish witch doing bad things to an angelic innocent. Oddly, it also makes me think of cosplayers. Partly because anime and videogames tend to surface the underlying moral traits of characters in their appearance. But mostly because cute girls in wigs and monotone fetishwear is popular in cosplay.

Black And  WhiteSadly I don’t know of the original source for this image. I found it at the latex thing tumblr site.


This looks like a fun piece of equipment. I’m imagining being forced to stand on tip-toes, keeping the tendons and muscles taut, whilst being caned on the back of the legs. The mistress would take it slowly, circling me with the cane in her hand, waiting till fatigue started to set in, waiting till she could see faint tremors rippling down the back of the legs, then ‘whack!’. A sharp red horizontal line joins its companions. That would surely be both an ‘Mmmmm’ and an ‘Arrrghh’ moment.

Cock and ball pilloryIt’s available from the eXtreme Restraints site.

New Story Chapter

I’ve added Chapter 4 to my tale of cuckolding and torture ‘The Loving Wife‘. Where the previous chapter was heavy on the pain and torture, this flips it around and explores the cuckold side of the coin. Feel fee to direct any feedback, compliments or insults in my direction. There’s probably one more chapter to come in the story.

Given the cuckold focus, I thought a suitably captioned image would be an appropriate illustration for this post. I considered several from Servitor’s excellent collection, but ended up with this one from LittlemanRayburn’s galleries.

Chastity / Cuckold Captioned Image

Ideal for light spanking

I know Pulp Fiction spawned the expression “go medieval on your ass”, but I never realized anyone might take it quite so literally. I believe that’s a ball and chain, or more generically a flail, that Lady V is wielding. I’m not exactly sure how you’d incorporate something like that into a scene, but I’d hope the operative expression would be ‘very carefully’.

Lady V with flailLady V is a pro-domme based in Los Angeles. Should you be in that neighborhood and wish to find out in person just how good she is with spiky weapons, her session request form is here.

Tura Satana

I was sad to read of the death of Tura Satana earlier this week. She had roles in a number of TV shows and movies, but she’s most famous for her leading role in Russ Meyer’s movie Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! If you’ve never seen it, the title and tagline – Superwomen! Belted, buckled and booted! – should give you a pretty good idea of what it was all about. She played the role of Varla, a karate chopping go-go dancer, who dominates both the movie and every other character in it. I wouldn’t go as far as John Waters, who described it as “beyond a doubt, the best movie ever made”, but it’s certainly a classic movie that reaches out far beyond it’s exploitation roots. Her brilliance in it created an iconic image of a tough powerful female, and that character has been very influential in pop-culture ever since.

The Guardian published an obituary that gives some more background on her life. Apparently she became a nurse after she retired from acting. That must have made for some interesting medical appointments. I imagine it would have been quite a shock to go in for a routine checkup and find yourself in the hands of Nurse Satana!

Tura SatanaTura Satana

A full bodied vintage

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that two wrongs do not make a right. Well here’s a good example of how two rights can make a wrong.

I certainly appreciate attractive dominant women sticking their feet aggressively into my face. And I’m an avid collector and drinker of wine. But this image is all sorts of wrong. I really hope that’s nothing better than a bottle of two buck chuck.

Later in the sequence, she gives him a chance to sample a far rarer and more exclusive vintage. Although shouldn’t white typically be drunk before red?

Red wine and feetThis is a pair of images from a usenet collection. I’ve posted other examples from the same collection several times in the past.