Nice Marks

I’m always proud of any marks I’m left with after a session. They not only act as a happy reminder for days or even weeks later, but also as a sign of a joint achievement. A collaborative effort that yielded dark rich red and purple stripes. The mistress skillfully laid out the design and I managed to take the entire thing.

Hopefully this gentleman will feel the same way about his impressive set of whip marks.

Whip Marks by Domina LizaThis is taken from the galleries on domina liza’s site. She’s a very striking (no pun intended) professional dominatrix from Derby in England.


Some nice intricate rope cock bondage in this shot. Unusually it looks like he’s being forced to ride some sort of wooden horse. I tend to see that used a lot with female submissives, but it’s rarer with males.

Normally the dominatrix sneer is a terrible cliche, but with her clawed hand this one looks more of a snarl.

Men in pain - Rope cock bondageObviously this has been taken from the men in pain site.

From flesh to plastic

This image caught my eye earlier this week. Not for the strap-on play, which is fairly pedestrian, but for the woman wearing it. Unless I’m mistaken that’s Danielle Foxxx. I recognized her from a series of movies and photoshoots she did several years back as pre-op transsexual. I always thought she was one of the sexiest girls in that particular genre. As support of this bold claim I advance into evidence –  image 1 and image 2.  I’d assumed she’d retired after doing the complete male to female transition a couple of years back. However, a little bit of searching shows she has actually has two sites now, a pre-op one and a post-op one, along with a few words about the transition.

I’m happy that she now has the body she’s obviously always wanted. But I do wonder if the guy in the photograph below doesn’t wish they were shooting the scene a few years earlier and he had something a little warmer in his mouth.


You’re doing it wrong…

I always enjoy needle and piercing play. There’s a beautiful sense of rhythm to it. The pressure as the point slowly presses into the skin. The sharp stab of pain as it breaks the surface. And then the slow sliding sensation as it penetrates. Repeated needle after needle after needle.

There are a lot of places that are fun to pierce. But I’m pretty certain the eye isn’t one of them. I dont’ know where she was taught to do piercing, but she might want to go back and check her notes. And what’s with the smile on his face?

Needle play


I have erosblog to thank for pointing me towards this photograph of this beautiful leather hood. It’s taken from this gallery on the topgrl site.

If you’ve never played with hoods you might be tempted to dismiss them as simply a nice way to depersonalize someone. That was certainly my original naive take on them. They looked fun as way to experiment with objectification, but didn’t seem to offer much as a device of torment or punishment. After all you can still hear (vaguely), talk (or mumble) and breath (just). Could wearing one really be any different to just keeping your eyes closed?

Having now played with various types of hoods (including this one minus the additional outer straps), I can honestly say that nothing raises my pulse rate and stress levels quicker than seeing a hood come out. You can electrocute me, burn me or stick needles in me and I’ll be fine. Noisy, but fine. Hoods, on the other hand, are far more problematic. The sensation of losing control of key senses, coupled with physical restraint, has a major psychological effect. The only way I can normally deal with it is to mentally picture the dominant and project onto her. I try to detach from whatever panic signals my mind and body are throwing at me and focus only on an internal and idealized view of the mistress. Which, of course, is exactly the kind of effect you’re after in D/s play.

Leather HoodAnother photograph in the series shows the mistress raising the stakes with some breath control play. This is obviously a tricky area to play in, and certainly not something to try alone. But if you can find someone experienced enough, and who you absolutely trust to do it, then I’ve found this can be an incredible experience. Nothing gets me into subspace quicker than the combination of bondage, sensory deprivation and somebody toying with my ability to breath. Giving someone else the power over something so fundamental very quickly creates a deeply submissive state.

Leather Hood and Breath Control

Unhappy Slave, Happy Mistress

This photograph made me laugh out loud when I first saw it. The two different expressions are priceless. Her cheeky little smile and his….whatever that expression is. It looks like an odd mix of shock, horror, anger and denial. I’d love to know exactly what she just did or suggested. It might simply be the result of applying that hot cigarette to his nipple, but to me it doesn’t look like a pure expression of pain.

Two ExpressionsThis is another image from the team-rinryu site. And I’ll give the same warning I gave last time. There is a lot of extremely strong femdom on that site, featuring very graphic toilet play of all types. So unless you’re into that, be careful where you click.

Head in the bowl

Continuing the toilet theme from earlier, this image caught my eye. I like it a lot, although I’m not exactly sure what’s supposed to be happening.

The mundane storyline would involve too much alcohol for him and a particularly unsympathetic girlfriend. The more exciting alternative would be a peeping tom getting a good kicking. But my favourite fantasy storyline here would involve him being forced to drink out of the bowl after she’s just relieved herself into it. The fact it’s shot in what looks like a public convenience makes that alternative particularly nasty.

Blonde dominating man in toilet

Scary Stare

I’m not a fan of the stereotypical dominatrix sneer. I always like the dominant to look happy about hurting me. Otherwise the power dynamic gets very confusing.

However, this photograph really caused me to catch my breath and shiver slightly. Her expression is so flat. So emotionless. I can imagine her bending someone over that padded bench and whipping them until they bled. And she’d do it silently, calmly and with the minimum of effort on her part. Just working out some of her minor frustrations by making a man scream and bleed.

Expressionless dominatrix with whipFrom the website.