
Often I find the best images are the ones that use fetish elements sparingly. Like a lot of things in life, it’s the relative change rather than the absolute value that’s important. This image for example has a beautifully composed lady, wearing a light summer dress, sitting in what looks like a normal room, while sporting a giant veiny black strap-on. That’s so much more erotic in my mind that more usual leather, buckles and boots.

Strapon With SundressFound on piotrushka’s tumblr site.

Dirty Work

There’s a fairly unique dynamic invoked by a mistress pulling on a pair of black leather gloves. It’s very different to the mood created by surgical gloves. The tougher, more workmanlike black leather brings to mind nefarious behavior. The need to avoid leaving fingerprints. That it might get messy and she doesn’t want blood on her hands. And that if a physical beating is required, some hand protection would be useful.

Leaving femdom aside for a moment, they make me think of this sequence in the first Dirty Harry movie. Whoever shot that scene knew something about this power dynamic.

I believe I found this on usenet. It’s obviously from a cruella set based on the logo, but I think it’s a very old shot.

Well dressed domme

There’s a lot of fetish clothing cliches in this shot. The boots, the tight pants, the crop tucked under one arm, the authoritarian cap. But somehow it all just works. I think that’s mostly because she looks just so damn smart and composed. The fact she’s not staring into the camera with the quintessential dominatrix camera sneer is also a big plus.

Found originally on the Miss and Pet tumblr site.

Exchanging bodily fluids

The exchange of bodily fluids is one of the key parts of most pornography. But where in US and Europe it’s normally confined to the standard ‘money-shot’, the Japanese tend to get a lot more creative. In the femdom realm anything goes, from spit drinking, through the more graphic toilet functions (for example this kind of thing from the yapoo market series), all the way to the infamous school girl vomit videos (citation and reference definitely not needed).

Of course you can also find those kind of things in the Western market as well if you look hard enough, but it seems far more niche. With respect to Japan, I’m not sure if it’s a specific cultural hot button that gets fetishized, or the result of a generally more creative approach to porn, or just another unintended side effect of their curious censorship laws. But whatever the reason for it, I’m a fan when it results in photographs like this one.

Put your tongue out…

…and start hoping the cigarette she’s holding isn’t too hot.

On the plus side, acting as an ashtray and getting the occasional burn is probably better for your long-term health than a real smoking habit.

I’m not sure where I originally got this from. It has the look of an old cruella image, but I can’t see a watermark or attribution on it anywhere.

Two faces

Despite the obvious nipple torture, this photograph is really all about faces for me. His look of pain and her sideways glance. You can read a lot of different things into that sideways glance.

Is she looking away to fully enjoy and focus on the screams of pain she’s generating? Is she so expert that she doesn’t need to look in order to grind his nipple with her heel? Or does she not care where she ends up stabbing him? It’s going to hurt wherever it goes after all.

Found on the 333 images tumblr blog, but originally from


Leather and latex outfits are all very well, but sometimes it’s nice to see a beautiful dominant woman in something a little more elegant.

This is taken from an old series of images named q00xxxx that used to re-appear on usenet at fairly regular intervals, back in the good old days of the internet and newsgroups (i.e. the 90’s). It was a large image set, and somebody obviously spent many hours scanning hundreds of Japanese femdom magazines. So my thanks go out to that anonymous femdom lover.

Sub Miss

I’m not entirely sure what she’s holding. It looks like a metal rod, perhaps a fireplace poker, rather than a more traditional cane. If so, then it’s really going to hurt when she applies it at speed.

Found on which has a bunch of interesting photographs, including more in this set. Definitely worth checking out.