A Brief Burst of Sense

I had a wonderful time with Troy Orleans this weekend. Much bondage was involved. Pictures were taken, but I don’t have my hands on them just yet, so a proper post about the session will have to wait a couple of days.

In other news, a brief and increasingly rare burst of sanity occurred in the British political system last week – the government dropped their plans for an online porn verification system. Admittedly, feeling good about this is the equivalent of feeling good about being unsuccessfully mugged by an incompetent mugger. Good to get away with, but better if it had never happened at all. However,  I’ll take what I can get right now.

The systems introduction had been repeatedly delayed and they’ve now given up on it entirely. There’s a pretty good twitter thread on why it was a dumb idea here. In the meantime let’s hope the population of the UK will be able to persevere and not be turned into sex crazed rutting beasts by continued exposure to images like this one. This is by the London pro-domme Sir Claire Black (from this tweet).

Swing and a Miss

The kinky segment of my NYC trip hasn’t gotten off to the smoothest of starts sadly. I was due to play with someone new (to me) today, but unfortunately something cropped up and she couldn’t make it. These things happen occasionally, so c’est la vie. Hopefully our paths will cross again in the future and it’ll be my only unexpected hiccup on this trip.

On the plus side, we’re into the fall season (aka Autumn), which is the prime season for wearing boots. That is a look I can totally get behind, and NYC is a great and fashionable place to appreciate it. Here’s Mistress Iris modelling a particularly striking pair (from this tweet).

This is taken in Fernando Boots in Berlin. If you’d like to see more great shots of Mistress Iris, her very regularly updated patreon is here.

Steelwerks Gag

I’ve arrived safely in NYC, despite the winds attempts blow my airplane off course and out into the Atlantic. Good food and much kinky fun hopefully awaits me.

In the meantime, I’ll share a couple of images from Mrs Steelwerks that recently caught me eye. This is one of those kinky devices that pushes my buttons due to the contrasts involved. On one hand there’s the very clinical nature of the device. Steel is hard, cold an impersonal. On the other hand, there’s the warm, wet and intimate nature of its usage. It’s an exciting mixture.

You can see more from this tweet, this tweet, and this tweet.

Packing for a Trip

I’m taking a few days vacation, so posting might be erratic over the coming week or so. Apologies in advance for that. On the plus side – for me at least – there will be some kinky activity during my trip. Possibly even some photographs of said activity. I know how much my readers love photographs of out of shape pasty English guys getting (consensually) abused. You’re all a little weird for liking that so much but hey, I’m not one to judge.

I now have to go and randomly stuff clothes into my case. Hopefully I’ll do a better job than this stock footage guy. She’s clearly not happy about something and I’m not sure adopting the approach of a guilty dog – looking away and pretending it’s nothing to do with you – is going to cut it.

Leaving Her Mark

I’ve mentioned before that if a domme knows that you’re about to jump on an airplane, there’s a near certainty of a cane being produced. Imagining a submissive forced to sit for hours on a sore bottom is just one of those things that seems to amuse the vast majority of dommes. There’s another common impulse related to travelling that tends to kick in before a trip. Namely, if it’s discovered you’ll be seeing a different domme (or two) in a few  days time, they somtimes like to send a ‘message’ via your body.

I should be clear that this normally isn’t a literal message. Nobody is pulling out a sharpie or tattoo needle in order to turn me into a large and slow moving greeted card. It’s typically just a desire to leave some interesting marks for me to explain. Or maybe an obvious tender spot for the next domme to exploit with a smile. That’s the typical dynamic anyway. Ms. Savannah Sly, diabolically creative as she is, likes to do things a little differently.

I’d mentioned I had travel plans coming up, so she got busy with her cupping set. I’ve done cupping a few times before (e..g here and here), but never quite like this. Savannah used the cups like marker pens, repeatedly dragging them across my skin to ‘write’ with stretched lines of bruises. It was fairly painful as they moved. It was considerably more painful to get them moving. That initial pressure to break the local skin attachment while keeping the seal in place was a real attention grabber. You can see the end result in this image of me lying down and this one shot of me standing at the end of the session. I guess I can consider myself lucky she stopped at writing ‘Sly’ and didn’t decide to do a full ‘Savannah Sly was here.’

Personally I find mixing the intimacy of being decorated with the objectification of being a canvas and the pain of the application makes for an amazing session dynamic. Since we played I’ve found myself putting my hand to my chest and smiling to myself. It’s a lovely hidden memento I’ll be carrying with me for a week or more now.

While the cupping was the finale to the session, we also managed to squeeze in a lot of other good stuff before then – spanking, caning, whipping, flogging, strap-on, breath play and ear torture. That last one being surprisingly vicious. It was a fabulous session, and one that I’ll remember for a long time to come.

This was shot by Savannah during our session. I was somewhat distracted at the time, busy being very happy that I couldn’t breathe. You can find more great shots like this of Savannah on her OnlyFans.


I had a fabulous session on Friday night that I wanted to write about and share photographs from. Anyone who follows my twitter feed might have already seen a shot from it pop up already. Unfortunately, this evening has gotten away from me, and I’ve absolutely no time to put a proper post together. So thinks as this rather lovely image as an interlude between more weighty postings.

I’m not exactly sure of the context for this image. A reverse image search tells me it’s probably Yvonne Catterfeld, but nothing about who took the shot or why.

Commenting on Comments

I want to take a brief break from your regularly scheduled femdom, and comment on the comments I get here.

Firstly, I appreciate every comment that gets published. I could do without the ones asking me for a date with the women in the images, or the ones asking how they can find hot dommes in their area, but they get sent to the trash anyway. If it appears as a published comment, then I appreciate the time, effort and thought it took to write.

Secondly, I read every comment I receive. The number of people who comment is a tiny tiny fraction of my total readers. Yet, if it wasn’t for those comments, I’d probably have given up posting here by now. This site functions as an outlet for my kinky thoughts and experiences, but no matter how much I love the sound of my own voice, there’s only so long I’d continue if I felt I was shouting into a void.

Finally, I try and reply to every single comment I get, even if it’s not always the very next day. I sometimes worry that by replying a few days later, it’ll be be missed and the original comment writer will assume I ignored them. That’s almost never the case. Typically I’m busy with work stuff being teased and tortured by leather clad dommes, and just didn’t get chance to sit down and write. If a new post shows up but a comment reply doesn’t, odds are it’s because I had that post already written and queued up ready to go.

So my thanks to everyone who has already commented, or will leave a comment here in future. They are all appreciated. Just as long as you’re not asking me to find you a hot domme in your area.

Here’s a shot of a pretty typical reader of my blog in the process of posting a comment. Either that, or a random picture I found that I have zero attribution for.

Scent of a Woman

There’s a dedicated site for buying used underwear. This is a thing I did not know. It’s called sofiagray and I found it via this article they published on sweat fetish. I’m not surprised that the market exists. I’ve seen enough dommes selling used clothing via twitter to know it must be a money spinner. I’m just surprised I’ve never seen anyone doing it via this site.

I particularly love this missions statement from their front page.

Now, our objectives have changed. We no longer want a to be a platform for used panties, we want to be THE platform for used panties. Our efforts are solely devoted to hosting the most efficient, friendly, and safe used underwear platform for both buyers and sellers alike.

That’s the kind of line that makes a developers resume stand out. Just below ‘Software Architect’ and above ‘Director of Engineering’, I’d love to have the bullet point ‘Built THE platform for used panties.’ You’d never get a boring interview with that on your resume.

This amusingly captioned image is from Contemplating the Divine, and features my favorite kind of caption – turning points. I’m not sure if this is a product that Amazon actually carries, but I have to admit that I’m too scared to check by searching for it. I don’t want to risk adverts for used panties following me around the internet for the next few weeks.


Sit! Good boy.

I’m continuing my theme from yesterday with this image. I’m not sure it strictly counts as a puppy play shot, but I think there’s definitely an ‘obedient dog at my side’ vibe to it. That’s probably helped by the straps on the side of the hood, which give the suggestion of flappy dog ears.

I believe this is NYC based domme Elena De Luca. You can find her professional site here.