Sunday Fantasy

Readers in the London area might want to consider checking out the exhibition entitled Sunday Fantasy by Zoe Williams. It’s not really femdom, but it is about women taking control of and exploring their sexual fantasies. I particularly liked this description of one part of the exhibit…

two women exert themselves energetically to remove the fantasist’s clothes while she does all she can to keep them on. The result is often more pillowfight than catfight, with the women wrestling hard only to collapse periodically in exhausted giggles.

That seems a particularly fun fantasy. I like the contrast in types of desire – clothed and in control versus naked and sexual powerful. Apparently the exhibit also features pee as a linking element and references to 70’s Gothic lesbian horror movies, both of which are very fine things. The exhibition is at Mimosa House and you can read an interview with the artist here.

This image isn’t connected in any way with the exhibit in question. But it does at least feature a woman happy about taking someone’s clothes off. In this case, he doesn’t appear to be resisting all that much.

A Classic 1950’s Look

Here’s a final post in my fashion themed sequence. This is from a 1952 edition of French Vogue.

I find that many of the European fashion shots from that era (for example) seem to have a more authentic fetishistic and femdom vibe than the far more explicit fashion shots from the 90’s and beyond. Possibly that’s just my particular kinky preferences, but I think the tight severe cuts, long dresses and dark colors tend to suggest restraint, control and authority. They also tend to shoot models alone and staring down into the camera, which is obviously a style a lot of femdom photographers use.

Combining Talents

By an odd coincidence, just after my previous post on the failures of fashion and kink, I spotted this tweet from Mistress Iris. Apparently she is in Paris shooting with Ellen Von Unwerth. That should make for a fabulous combination of talents.

I’ve featured Ellen Von Unwerth in previous posts (for example herehere and here). She seems to be one of the few fashion photographers with at least an inkling as to how kink actually works. Similarly Mistress Iris has been featured in the past (for example here, here and here). She’s not only a great domme, but I think she produces some of the most interesting kinky femdom imagery. I can’t wait to see what they’ll end up creating together.

This is Sophia, Ellen Von Unwerth and Mistress Iris. If you’d like to see more of Mistress Iris and her work, she has a patreon here.

Fashionable Kink

I’m always amused by how many fashion shots reference kinky dynamics, but totally fail to understand them.The photographers grasp the aesthetics and taboos of specific elements, but don’t understand how they fit together in a way that makes kinky sense. It’s like they’re trying to write a story in a foreign language with just a translation dictionary. The individual words are correct, but the whole thing is incoherent.  This linked image is a good example of what I mean. There’s obviously a spanking theme in there somewhere, but I’ve no idea what the overall concept is.

The shots that tend to work best are the simplest. When the photographers just have a single concept and a single subject, then it’s much harder to end up with a confused mess of clashing kinks and weird dynamics. This shot of the model Tatjana Patitz by photographer Nathaniel Goldberg is a good example of that. It’s simple but very effective as a fetish image.

This was shot for Allure Magazine in 2007. You can see more photographs from the shoot here.


This is a lovely shot from the Dreams of Spanking site. There’s a lot of humor and fun in those sly smiles. The use of the mirror to capture both his and her expression while keeping a natural feel to the composition is cleverly done. From the look of that red bottom I’d guess this was taken in the middle of a scene.

You can see the larger version of the image, together with other shots from the same scene here. It’s actually a foursome in the full scene shots.

Minty Fresh

I got the Listerine strip treatment tonight. I’ve never tried it before and it was certainly a unique sensation. I’m guessing it’s not an approved usage of the product.

For those with no idea what I’m talking about  – imagine combining a metal urethral sound and a Listerine breath strip. One is wrapped around the other, and then pushed into a very delicate part of the body. It doesn’t do anything for you breath, but you do end up with a minty fresh penis. Albeit, with a fair amount of groaning and thrashing about along the way.

I’ve no idea who invented this devilish technique – I first heard of it via Mistress Matisse –  but I enjoyed tonight’s dose courtesy of Ms. Savannah Sly. Apparently I got off lightly, as the cinnamon flavors are considerably more painful. To make up for that, there was a lot of pinching, slapping and stapling also added into the mix. It was a great session that left me buzzed, aching and just a little tingly.

I’m not sure who this is a photograph of, but she looks well equipped to administer all sorts of strenuous treatments. Breath strips placed in delicate places might be the least of your problems.

As always, if anyone can help me attribute this photograph I’d be grateful. I’ve seen it posted in many places, but never tracked down the original source.


This is (in an obscure way) a follow-up to my previous post on the interaction between fantasy and reality. I like the image below because it stimulates both sides of my brain. The fantasy side loves the bondage and the sense of isolation this pose has. A few years ago, that would have been my only thoughts on this image. Now I simultaneously admire the clever hatch based bondage (hiding the tie points from guests) while also worrying about his knees. Strappado is bad, but knee pain from being on a hard uneven surface is really tough. That’s not the kind of thing you pick up on until you’ve tried it. It’s a very masochistic experience.

A Close Shave

I put up a post on the subject of armpit hair a couple of weeks ago. Today we’re heading lower into the leg region. I know a lot of people find straight razors sexy, but for shaving leg hair? It seems a touch excessive. Of course, thanks to the wonder of the modern age, one can always find a guide to anything. For this topic youtube has videos like this one and this one singing the praises of the straight razor leg shave. It’s certainly a technique that hits an awful lot of fetish hot spots.

Am I a Pervert?

I very much like this video recorded for the BBC by Miss Marilyn. It’s great to see kink positive content being widely shared by a mainstream media source. It’s also good to see them drawing on experts like Miss Marilyn. Too often even nominally positive coverage ends up with journalists trying to awkwardly engage with the topic while personally distancing themselves from it. Plus, Miss Marilyn’s Scottish accent is sexy as hell.

Personally, when it comes to the question posed by the video and post title, I’m with the baby-eating bishop of Bath and Wells. Namely that I am a colossal pervert, and that I’m very happy about it. In modern parlance, I lean in on my perversions.

This image of Miss Marilyn comes from this tweet, which she describes as “straight outta 60’s horror film.” I totally see that, and love it for that reason. It reminds me of the kind of psychological horror movie where I always ended up rooting for the hot, crazy and interesting character over the bland hero.

If you’re interested in seeing more of Miss Marilyn, her twitter feed is here, her professional site here and her clips store here.