Into the Dark

If you’re interested in exploring age play and similar kinks then I’d point you to this online course running this Thursday (20th).  It’s being run by Princess Natasha Strange, who is an experienced player in this area. Here’s a chance to pick up a few tips from her for a small course fee.

This is Princess Natasha Strange pictured in ‘Mother’s Den’ at her Portland play space. I sourced it via her Bluesky feed.

The Uniform of Power

Miss Pearl posed an interesting question in a recent Bluesky post.

It’s very odd that people fetishize all sorts of things, but for dommes I don’t see a lot of people craving the color blocking powerful female politicians and modern royalty do.

It’s an established aesthetic, by this point.

I’d not really thought about it before, but she raises a good point. That is a very established aesthetic, as any quick image search will show. For example, this shot of Congresswomen from 2015 and the image at the top of this article.  But I’ve never seen it referenced or used much in a kinky context.

Is it too recent a trend? Most kinks take hold in a formative years, so perhaps kinksters in coming years will be craving bright red pantsuits. Or maybe political power is too diffuse and abstract to fetishize easily? Law making is messy even at the best of times, and we’re a long from those right now. Perhaps it’s down to how power is acquired. Politicians have to campaign and compromise to get it, which is healthy for society but not sexy.

Some might suggest that it’s because men fetishize the fantasy of women in power, but not the reality. They want it on their terms, not hers. But I’d never be so cynical.

This is Jane Grey, a London based pro-domme, showing off a suit in a particularly bright block of color. It’s probably a bit too daring for a politician, but looks fabulous on Mistress Jane. You can find more at her profession site and on instagram.

Femdom Decadence

If you’re in Southern California in March, enjoy play parties and have disposable income, then you might want to check out the Femdom Decadence Party. It describes itself as a ‘full day femdom immersion and play party in Joshua Tree’ and runs on March 22nd.

On the plus side, the Mistress line-up is a veritable Who’s-Who of LA pro-dommes. I can’t speak for the quality of the party or every domme, but I have had fabulous past sessions with attendees Mistress Damiana Chi, Mistress Inga Larsson, Mistress Kiko Rope and Mistress Lucy Khan.

On the negative side, it is $2,000 for the day per submissive. Which is a decent chunk of change. However, a multi-hour session with any top pro-domme these days can be a thousand dollars or more. So, in that context, it might be seen as bit of a bargain, given the location and dommes involved. Check out their website if it sounds like your kind of thing.

This is the elegant Mistress Kiko Rope, one of the attendees. You can see more at her website here.

All Scratched Up

I was a happy bunny last night. Ms Savannah Sly is in town for a short visit and was kind enough to spare a couple of hours to beat me up. I now have a lovely collection of scratch marks all across my chest and stomach. It looks like I lost an argument with a claw happy pussycat.

This was my first session of 2025 and I can only hope that any subsequent ones are equally as fun. There was needles in the nipples, electricity on the genitals and metal rods in the urethra. The scratch marks were created by these Fearsome Fingers from Scott Paul designs. They don’t look particularly scary, but they’re very sharp and create really intense sensations. Savannah dragging them across delicate areas like my inner thigh or breastbone really grabbed my attention. If you like prickly sensations without that degree of intensity, I’d also recommend his Finger Pin Wheel. That was a lot more interesting than a Wartenberg wheel, but didn’t invoke quite the same amount of owie, owie, owie as the fingers did!

This shot of Savannah wasn’t taken last night – it’s from her Bluesky feed – but I did get to enjoy a very similar view of her gleeful expression. It’s always so much fun to play with her.

Kinky Vacations

Apparently, according to this article, you can find kinky vacation rentals on Airbnb and VRBO. There’s not like a drop down BDSM menu or anything, but they’re findable and not actively being suppressed. Given how puritanical many companies are these days, I’m a little bit surprised.

Of course, not everyone is happy to find a bunch of bondage gear in their rental property. It’s not something you want to be surprised by, particularly if the cleanliness is questionable. However, for kinksters planning a getaway, maybe check out the rental property listings? Could be a good way to try out some BDSM furniture without needing to explain what that strange new ‘exercise’ equipment is in your spare room.

This image of ladies enjoying a vacation comes courtesy of Harper Chase. She was a pro-domme based in NYC, but appears to have retired.

You want me to do what now?

This image made me laugh. I stumbled across it via the Assertive Ladies tumblr and immediately recognized the source as Mistress Iris. Most of her images are stunning and have been featured here with some regularity. While here she remains as elegant as ever, his expression seems like a mixture of confusion and shock. Does he not know how this kind of scene works? Or has he spotted something unpleasant stuck to the bottom of her shoe?

You can find more from Mistress Iris at her site and instagram.

Fetish or Fashion Concluded

The fifth and final entry in our series was undoubtedly the trickiest. Possibly even verging on being a bit unfair. Although, as everyone did so well at guessing the answers for the previous posts, I don’t feel too bad about that.

The artist responsible for the artwork is the finest femdom artist of our age – Sardax. However, the answer to the question is not fetish, but fashion. They were drawings created for the woman’s fashion brand Afira. I actually featured the artwork in a post entitled ‘Fashion, Sardax style‘ back in 2012. I figured at at 10+ years it’d be unlikely anyone would remember the original post. You can see the full series on the Afira site.

Thanks to everyone who commented and left guesses on all the recent posts: Wolf, Prefectdt, Simon, Tom Allen, Downlow, Alex, Servitor, tiedinbluetights, d, C and 11Dutch. It was fun to see all your replies. I think Simon and Downlow probably had the most correct guesses, but when it comes to looking at fun kinky images, it’s really the taking part that counts.

I’ll finish with an image that I almost used in the series. This is Lady Mephista looking very fashionable.

Zentai and Metal

This photograph comes courtesy of Elise Graves over at Bondage Liberation. It’s a very hot combination of metal bondage and a zentai body suit. There’s some leather mittens and a head harness as well, just for extra kinky fun. The pose and the suit is suggestive of an insect – all limbs and thorax.

Zentai is one of those things that’s not really a kink of mine, but I would like to play with it at some future point. Based on my past experience, it’s a lot easier to handle then full face hoods, but still gives a sense of objectification and depersonalization. Not to mention the funky aesthetics of the look.

You can see the original size version of this, plus 3 other photographs from the same scene, over at Elise’s Bluesky post.

Two Sessions with Domina Yuki

As I covered in previous posts, I was down in San Francisco before Thanksgiving and had the opportunity to play with Domina Yuki once again. In past years a week’s vacation would have been an excuse to cram in multiple sessions with multiple different dommes. These days I tend to be more restrained (ahem), playing with people I already know and have history with. Given I first played with Domina Yuki back in 2011, we’ve no shortage of history.

This time we coordinated a couple of sessions, with a rest day in-between. I find that approach works well, as it gives chance to reestablish a connection and make any adjustments between sessions that might be desired. I also love the rest day, as it combines the buzz from the first session with the anticipation of the second.

Domina Yuki was kind enough to snap some pictures, which I thought I’d share links to here.

This set-up has me on the floor, chained to a padded board, with my legs suspended from a pulley system. It’s a position that gives the submissive a lovely view of the domme towering over him. Unfortunately, it also places the soles of the submissive’s feet in a very vulnerable position, which Domina Yuki was quick to take advantage of. I’m not sure what was worse – the tickling she administered or these spiky clamps!

This scene has me in a different type of suspension, with belts around my legs and waist being used used to hold me off the floor. It’s a clever set-up, as its fairly quick to establish but still gives that unique sensation you get from hanging from a hardpoint in the ceiling. It also leaves you very vulnerable and open to whatever the domme might choose to do.

The featured shot below shows a sequence we did on a padded table. Domina Yuki built a lot of layers of sensation here, featuring leather mittens, plastic wrap, chains, needles and a ball crusher. Out of shot there’s also a head stabilizing device, held in place with leather straps. You can see a top down view here. The plastic wrap and the chains are a nice combination. You get tightness and immobility from the first, drama and fun clinking noises from the second. While the needles in the cock look dramatic, it’s the nipple clamps that really hurt here.

Finally, here’s a shot of a bondage scene in a chair. There’s more plastic wrap involved, along with a leather posture collar, blindfold and long bondage gloves. I always love to be sat on in these situations. It’s both sensual and objectifying. Of course, there’s a price to be paid for the sexy bits. That price is the ouchy bits. Which are still sexy in their own special way.

My thanks to Domina Yuki for creating these fabulous sessions and taking the time to record them for posterity. Writing this post triggered many memories of our past play and left with me with a warm happy glow.

Home Again

I’m back in Seattle after a fun few days in San Francisco. In a future post I’ll hopefully have some photos to share from the two sessions I did with Domina Yuki.

While they were great sessions, they were less intense than some of the past play we’ve had together (for example here and here). That was at my request. I’ve found that my pain tolerance varies inversely with my general stress level. If I’m stressed then more of my mental and physical capacity is sucked up by that, leaving less for handling kinky pain or torments. With a crazy job, some interment insomnia and the election fallout I’m definitely not at my mental best. That meant steering clear of heavy corporal play or intense CBT on this trip.

One kinky thing that I do find aligns well with stress is bondage. It’s nice to be able to relax and zone out while getting wrapped up. The shot below is a lovely example. This isn’t from my sessions, but was sourced via Trinity’s Bsky feed. You can find the original post here.