A New Angle

This unusual shot from Mistress Chiaki is all kinds of fun. It takes a moment to orientate yourself to what’s going on. There’s a slave kneeling on the floor by the bed and then two toy bags either side of the bed. I think there’s also a mirror on the right wall, so there’s reflections of reflections.

I’ve played in hotel rooms many times, but I’ve never played in one with a mirrored ceiling. I feel I should add it to my ‘to do’ list, although they seem to be pretty rare in the US these days, even in spots like Las Vegas. Dungeons typically have a lot of mirrors, but I’ve never yet encountered one with a ceiling installation. It seems an odd omission.

You can see more photographs from this particular session at Mistress Chiaki’s blog.

Revisiting an Old Friend

Last night I was lucky enough to revisit an enjoyable but somewhat neglected activity – butterfly boarding. Looking back over my past posts I think the last time I did this was almost eight years ago. I’ve done a lot of play piercing since then, but never in that particular way. I know Ms Savannah Sly is always a fan of sharp pointy things, particularly when they’re going into my delicate bits, so it felt like a perfect opportunity to revisit it with her. Much fun was had by all.

For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, butterfly boarding is a type of CBT where the cock and balls get pinned around their edge to a board. It’s psychologically pretty intense and can create a lot of interesting physical sensations. As the cock expands or contracts then it pulls again the needles, setting up one of those awful/wonderful masochistic feedback loops of pain -> arousal -> more pain. Of course Savannah was also happy to add her own variation on that loop by gently pulling the boards or rocking the needles. Add in electrical stimulus via conducting loops at the base of the cock and I was pretty quickly deep into subspace and flying high. I was a good boy, Savannah was all around me and the rest of the world simply didn’t exist.

For anyone interested in the technique then we did snap some photographs. Obviously, these are close-up shots of pierced genitals, so don’t click the links if you’d rather not see that. Here’s a top shot, front shot, back shot and head shot. In hindsight, I should have shaved beforehand. The random stray pubes don’t really add much to the visual composition. The black cords visible around the base of the cock are for the electrostim device.

I really don’t want to see my viewing numbers plummet to zero, so I’ll not finish the post with a full on shot of my dick. Instead let me share something a lot more visually appealing – this is a shot from Savannah’s twitter feed. You can see more shots like this at her Only Fans Site.

Beautiful Button Pusher

I blogged a few months back that my primary kink wasn’t a specific BDSM activity or look, but a contrast in dynamics. This image from Mistress An Li is one of the best examples I’ve seen of capturing contrasts. There’s his exposed white flesh against the black restraints and her dark outfit. The tenderness of the embrace against the severity of the humbler. The comfort of the bed against the tightness of the single arm. I picture him twisting and quivering while she strokes him gently. His moans against her murmured encouragement. It’s one of the hottest images I’ve stumbled on in a good long while.

This was from Daddy An Li’s twitter feed.

Glee with Savannah

I had a fabulous session with Savannah Sly last night. Much slapping, spanking, pinching and hitting was involved. I particularly enjoyed the play we did with clothespins. I generally don’t find them a particularly fearsome tool, so I was pretty relaxed and unintimidated when Savannah pulled a packet out. It turns out that when you put them in just the right spots – where the flesh is taut and thin – and you grab just a narrow pinch of the skin, they really get your attention fast. It was the right kind of pain to push all my masochistic buttons, particularly when I got called a ‘good boy’ for relaxing into it.

I think at one point Savannah might have done the happy sadist dance, which put a big smile on my face. She’s definitely a very gleeful domme, as this image from her twitter feed shows. This was taken in 2009 at SXSW. It’s a wonderful happy shot, and I can say that ten years on, Savannah has lost absolutely none of that positive energy when playing. You can see a lot more of her imagery, both old and new, on her Only Fans site. If you’re not in a position to see her in person, then it’s well worth checking out.

Replacing Max

One of the oldest discussion forums for femdom, and particularly professional femdom, has been The Hang at Max Fisch. Sadly, these days it seems somewhat neglected and forlorn. Whoever owns it has pretty much left it to rot, and while it still kind of works on a good day, the load times are long, the moderation AWOL and the support pretty much non-existent.

Anyone looking for a working alternative that doesn’t actually look all that different might want to check out The Buzz at domina.ms. They’re using what looks like exactly the same forum software with many of the same forums, but running on decent hardware and with proper moderation and support. It’s not as busy as Max used to be, but as The Hang continues to decline, I’d expect and hope it’d pick up more participants. I just created my account there.

If anyone has any other suggestions for active and well managed femdom forums, then feel free to leave me a comment and I’ll take a look and potentially link to them. Running this site takes up most of my kinky writing energy, so I don’t tend to do a lot of forum participation, but I do enjoy browsing them and linking to interesting posts I find.

One of the more frequent domme posters on The Buzz is Mistress Ayn (594 posts according to her profile). She’s shown here in a beautiful recent portrait by the inimitable Sardax. If you’d like to see her in person, she’s based in Atlanta.

Newton’s Laws

The idea of trampling is hot. The visuals can be fantastic. It works both masochistically and psychologically. Yet somehow, whenever I try it, I struggle with it. I think that’s mostly because I’m afraid a rib is going to crack. I’ve got no natural intuition for the force they can take. It’s tough to relax into the moment when I’m picturing a trip to the ER and explaining why I’ve got heel marks all over my chest.

I suspect my fears are unwarranted when trampling is done properly. This article claims that a force of 3,300 Newtons gives a 25% chance of cracking a rib. That kind of force can be generated by a hard fast punch, but it’s a long way off the force exerted by the resting weight of a human. A 140lb domme would exert just 622 Newtons of force from standing on someone. Of course that’s only true when she’s stationary or when moving carefully. If she jumps then she’ll exert a very large force when she lands and rapidly decelerates. So if your domme wants to try that, I’d suggest telling her that Mr. Newton strongly recommends against it.

This fantastic trampling shot is from the twitter feed of Michelle Lacy. I love both the space she’s in and the bondage/trampling combo. If you’re interested in playing with her, she’s based in South Florida but does travel.

Minty Fresh

I got the Listerine strip treatment tonight. I’ve never tried it before and it was certainly a unique sensation. I’m guessing it’s not an approved usage of the product.

For those with no idea what I’m talking about  – imagine combining a metal urethral sound and a Listerine breath strip. One is wrapped around the other, and then pushed into a very delicate part of the body. It doesn’t do anything for you breath, but you do end up with a minty fresh penis. Albeit, with a fair amount of groaning and thrashing about along the way.

I’ve no idea who invented this devilish technique – I first heard of it via Mistress Matisse –  but I enjoyed tonight’s dose courtesy of Ms. Savannah Sly. Apparently I got off lightly, as the cinnamon flavors are considerably more painful. To make up for that, there was a lot of pinching, slapping and stapling also added into the mix. It was a great session that left me buzzed, aching and just a little tingly.

I’m not sure who this is a photograph of, but she looks well equipped to administer all sorts of strenuous treatments. Breath strips placed in delicate places might be the least of your problems.

As always, if anyone can help me attribute this photograph I’d be grateful. I’ve seen it posted in many places, but never tracked down the original source.

Am I a Pervert?

I very much like this video recorded for the BBC by Miss Marilyn. It’s great to see kink positive content being widely shared by a mainstream media source. It’s also good to see them drawing on experts like Miss Marilyn. Too often even nominally positive coverage ends up with journalists trying to awkwardly engage with the topic while personally distancing themselves from it. Plus, Miss Marilyn’s Scottish accent is sexy as hell.

Personally, when it comes to the question posed by the video and post title, I’m with the baby-eating bishop of Bath and Wells. Namely that I am a colossal pervert, and that I’m very happy about it. In modern parlance, I lean in on my perversions.

This image of Miss Marilyn comes from this tweet, which she describes as “straight outta 60’s horror film.” I totally see that, and love it for that reason. It reminds me of the kind of psychological horror movie where I always ended up rooting for the hot, crazy and interesting character over the bland hero.

If you’re interested in seeing more of Miss Marilyn, her twitter feed is here, her professional site here and her clips store here.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Apologies for the paucity of posts in the last week. I’ve been a bit busy. It was my birthday on the weekend and then a couple of days later I had my US citizenship interview and naturalization ceremony. Both of these had to be celebrated by a drink or three, leaving me lacking in both time and clarity for blogging.

After being in the country almost 19 years, it felt like it was time to become a US citizen, although the current climate here did give me pause. In the end I decided that I shouldn’t let the (relatively) small number of assholes currently running the show in DC and in various state governments cloud my judgement. There’s still a lot to love about the US and the vast majority of the people in it. Plus, this way I get to vote. Taxation without representation is kind of a founding theme here, so given I’m stuck with the former, I should at least enable the latter.

I’ve no idea what image would be suitable for a newly minted US citizen, so instead I’ll grant myself a birthday present of an image. This is Lady Delphine, in a beautiful and very sexy shot.

Lady Delphine is a pro-domme based in Toronto, Canada. Her booking form for professional sessions is available here.

Rope Mummification

This image by Mistress Hinako makes for a nice complement to yesterday’s post. I think if you simply described the setup of the two images to someone they’d assume the wall bondage with straps was the realistic one and the man mummified entirely in rope was the fantasy artwork. Yet with this Mistress Hinako has managed to pull off one of the more spectacular rope bondage scenes I’ve seen in a long while.

Much as I love the aesthetics of this, I’m not sure I’d want to be the submissive. According to the blog post it took about 2 hours to create this set-up. Plastic wrap or bondage tape might not look as cool, but they’re definitely a faster way to mummify someone. I’d rather save my play time for the post bondage torture. But for all the rope sluts out there, this would definitely be an unforgettable scene.

You can see more shots of the rope mummy from Mistress Hinako’s blog post. If you’d like to see movies of her in action, then her clips store is here.