Face Funnel

Regular readers of this blog will know I’m not a big fan of hoods. I have to make an exception in this case however, because this one is just so fucking hot. There’s something incredibly objectifying and utilitarian about it. I’m not sure I could cope with wearing it in reality, but I do love the idea of it.

This is from Mistress Natsumi’s twitter feed.

The Prodigal Pervert

It’s possible that I’m a bad son. I’ve always suspected this might be true, but I think my twitter feed just gave my proof.

I was browsing the aforementioned feed and marveling at how many amazing UK dommes there were on it. It got me thinking seriously about planning a trip back to England to play with some of these fabulous people. Then it struck me that I hadn’t been back to England for many years, and what would it say about me if my primary impetus for a visit wasn’t to see my parents, but to indulge in some kinky shenanigans with ladies in leather? A subsequent rationalization suggested that if I got to broaden my kinky horizons and also see my parents, should I be worry about the whys and the wherefores? Isn’t it the end result that matters? So like I said, probably a bad son.

Note, in case anyone thinks I’m a terrible son rather than simply a bad one, I do pay for my parents to visit the US regularly. And so far, despite temptation, I’ve resisted the urge to sneak off to get my ass beat when either of them has been visiting me.

This is Mistress Silver, one of the UK dommes whose tweets prompted my thought process. She based in Bristol – not a million miles from some of my old stomping grounds.

Taking in the Sights

I thought I’d seen all of the ways it was possible to monetize BDSM, but apparently not. Goddess Justine of Oakland is using Airbnb  to offer tours of dungeon spaces. For $69 (hem hem) you can get a tour of a playspace and I guess an explanation of how some of the more unusual equipment is used.

Given the high cost of maintaining a playspace in the Bay Area, I’m all for anything that brings them some extra money. However, I can’t help feeling there’s a trick being missed here. Some pro-dommes offer the option of a ‘vanilla’ girlfriend to join the session and watch. It’s not really my kink, but I assume it’s either for exhibitionists or submissives who get off on the humiliation aspect of being watched and judged by a non-kinky person. So how about combining the tours with a session? What could be more humiliating than being naked and spanked whilst Mr and Mrs Blenkinstop, a retired couple from Ohio, wander around the space laughing at the buttplugs, posing for pictures in the cage and trying to sit on the Sybian?The submissive gets humiliated, the Blenkinstop’s get a great story to tell and the domme gets paid twice. Win, win, win.

While there are some nice playspaces in the Bay Area, I think Germany is the location where these kind of tours could really take off. As I’ve covered before, they have some amazing spaces. The image below is from Studio Black Fun in Leipzig. Just looking at it slightly unnerves me.

Two Emails

I had a couple of different emails recently. One was sadly all too common, the other sadly all too rare.

The first was someone asking me to set them up with the Goddess of their dreams. Apparently they thought I had hot and cold running Goddesses on tap and I’d be willing to divert a few of them to a random internet person on the basis of a one line email. As emails go, it’s about as effective as emailing Bill Gates with the line ‘Give me the job of my dreams!” and then signing it with a smiley face. On second thoughts, it’s actually less effective than that because, unlike me and the Goddesses, Bill at least has the theoretical ability to actually deliver.

The second email was someone thanking me for running this site and saying that reading it had played a part in them reaching out to a domme to set up their first ever play session. That gave me the warm fuzzies. Even better was the fact that they’d had a great time and they were planning to play more in the future. If there’s one single thing I’d want this site to achieve, it’d be to encourage people to get physically involved in kink. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to a munch, visiting a pro-domme or  exploring something new with a partner. Just venture out there and try it. The only lasting regret I’ve ever had about my kinky experiences is not starting them years earlier. If I can encourage others to avoid that same mistake, I’ll be a happy bunny. Just don’t expect this particular bunny to fix you up with a Goddess. That parts on you.

As for which email is the common one and which the rare one, I’ll leave that for you to guess. Absolutely no prizes for guessing right.

Here’s an example of the kind of kinky fun that’s out there to be explored. I believe this is Lady Hinako and Mistress Kawa with human thing from this tweet. Even better than one happy domme, is two happy dommes.


These shots by Mistress An Li made me happy. Not because it’s a great bondage set-up, although it is that. Not because it looks like something I’d want to try, although it’s also that. Not even because Mistress An Li looks so pleased with her creation, although a smiling domme is one of my favorite scenes. No. It’s because I saw the first shot and went “Oooh, that looks like reclined bound angle pose.” And then I felt all unjustifiably smug and pleased with myself that – after 18 months of regular yoga – I’d finally been able to remember and recognize one pose. Admittedly, that might be because it’s got a kinky sounding name, but I don’t care. I’m officially upgrading myself from yoga idiot to yoga novice.

Mistress An Li is a LA based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and here twitter feed here. She also has a short video shot from this scene tweeted here, with the full video available at her onlyfans site.

Letting Go

I typically don’t like to link to articles that are surfacing via my blogroll. It seems lazy on my part, since they’re already available to anyone who is interested. However, a new post by Ms. Renee Trevi, entitled ‘A Session With No Map‘ is too good not to feature. It describes the kind of intensity I strive for but only occasionally touch.

He is quietly breathing and I read in his eyes that he gave it up entirely. I feel him fully dissolved, like there is nothing left of him, completely disintegrated. There is a sense of deep surrender in his eyes, he is neither scared of pain nor desiring of pleasure. And that’s when we slow down.

There’s sometimes a moment for me, deep in a session, where everything inverts. The pain has been driving me inward, focusing me on my sensations, my emotions. Then I reach a point, not of giving up, but of letting go. The energy turns outwards and it becomes about Her. It’s a sense of acceptance. The pain is still there, but it’s just information, something that I can release to her. I might be experiencing it, but she owns it. We’re in a bubble and everything else is noise.

As I said, I don’t often get there, but when I do, it’s way better than anything as straightforward as an orgasm. I think Ms Renee Trevi’s post captures the intensity of that kind of moment beautifully, and I love how she tackled the open ended nature of the session she describes.

Ms Renee Trevi is a NYC based pro-domme. If you’re interested in experiencing her skills for yourself, her session page is here.

Pooh’s Hole

I stumbled across a post today that made me laugh and feel bad all at the same time. Obviously, in those circumstances, the only logical thing to do is share it with thousands of people – so here you go.

The bad part comes from linking anal sex to beloved childhood classic. As a child I never watched the Disney version of Winnie-the-Pooh, but I loved and read repeatedly the original books that featured illustrations by E. H. Shephard. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to remember this particular chapter in quite the same way again.

On the funny side, I think it does capture some of the varying emotions of anal sex. I’ve had a few dicks in my time, and a lot of more strap-ons, and it can definitely be a roller-coaster of sensations. There are moments of “OMG! This is awesome!” The occasional “Ouch! Jeez. Not like that.” And of course the dreaded “Uh-oh..what just happened down there? I hope that’s lube…”

I’ll leave you with what seems like an appropriate image in the context of the original link. Although I guess this is more appropriate for a Piglet than a Pooh.

There’s no watermark, but I believe this is Mistress Silver, a UK based pro-domme. She has a professional site here and a twitter feed here.

International Sex Worker Day

June 2nd is International Sex Worker Day. In the light of the FOSTA/SESTA bill passed in the US, it takes on even more significance this year. I’m a bit late with this post to encourage people to attend the various marches that have been happening in major cities, but it’s never too late to show your support.

Some of you may be thinking that you’ve never hired a sex worker, so this isn’t your issue. You’d be wrong. Almost all the sexy images and movies on the internet feature sex workers of some sort. All those images that tumblr is packed with and the movies on the various tube sites is created and taken (usually without consent) from sex workers. This blog wouldn’t exist without sex workers. They feature in the majority of the images I post, they’re the sources for a lot of the links I feature and my interactions with them trigger the thoughts I share. They give society so much and in return, they get marginalized, persecuted and prosecuted.

The simplest thing you can do to support sex workers is to purchase their services. If you like porn, then buy it. There’s a ton of independently produced femdom material for sale at places like this or this. If you want something a little more personal, then maybe order a custom clip? A lot of dommes will make them (for example here, herehere and many more). If you’ve ever considered hiring a pro-domme or escort then go for it. Be polite, clean and pay what’s asked and I predict you’ll have a great time. If you can’t meet in person, then consider using something like niteflirt or OnlyFans. Many of the dommes I talk about here use those services (e.g. Domina Yuki, Mistress Tess, Mistress Evilyne, etc.)

Alternatively, if you want to contribute more directly to the broader sex worker community, then you could donate to organizations like SWOP, Lysistrata, Soar Institute and St James. Or, if you want a more general organization to donate to, try the Electronic Frontier Foundation. They seem to have been one of the few privacy and free speech organizations to consistently stand up against SESTA/FOSTA.

The image below is from Mistress Iris. She also put up a couple of very thoughtful and well written instagram posts here and here. Worth checking out and reading. Not to mention its a chance to enjoy how fabulous she looks.

Foot Binding

I find this style of rope sexy as hell when used in bondage. Something about the more natural color gives it a rawer edge. I was initially so caught up by the binding, that I didn’t even notice the domme’s leg jammed into his crotch. There are no fancy outfits or tortuous looking toys involved, but this is a lovely and sexy scene.

This is from a tweet by Elise Graves, who also provided the bondage and the foot to the crotch. The man on the receiving end is Kino Payne and the shot was captured by steelwerks.

Bondage Fun in NYC – Part II

My kinky shenanigans on the East Coast continued today with a session with Mistress Tess. She’s someone I’ve admired from afar for a while now, and I consider myself very lucky to get the opportunity to session with her.

Much like my session earlier in the week with Troy Orleans, we featured a lot of heavy bondage, needles, CBT and electricity. However, that’s where the session similarity ended. With Troy I developed a relaxed and more meditative bondage headspace. With Mistress Tess there was no relaxing or meditating on the agenda. It was full of intense sensations and a constant shift between pain and pleasure. In hindsight the two sessions made a wonderful yin and yang. Similar on the surface, equally valid experiences, but so different in the dynamic.

This was also the closest I’ve ever come to role-playing in a session. I can’t say that I actually did any role playing personally, because my input – when I wasn’t screaming or moaning – was basically ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry mistress’. So zero marks for me on the creative front. Fortunately, Mistress Tess more than made up for my incoherence by spinning some wonderful fantasies that pushed all sorts of buttons for me. It was so much fun it might almost inspire me to relax my previous aversion to roleplay. Most dommes are either quiet during sessions, interrogative or simply comment on what’s happening. I’ve never known anyone who could combine the kind of verbal and physical creativity that Mistress Tess demonstrated.

This is from the website of Mistress Tess. She also has a social media presence on twitter. If you can’t get to NYC to see her in person, then she has a OnlyFans site that you can join.