Cosmo article shocker

Mocking sex articles from Cosmopolitan magazine is no great challenge, although it can be amusing. They have a reputation for coming up with some ridiculous advice. For example, I give you toilet paper bondage.

When I saw an article from them entitled ‘I took my boyfriend to a dominatrix‘ I therefore didn’t have particularly high hopes, but it’s actually not terrible. Admittedly it’s a very short, fluffy throw-away piece. Yet there’s no jaw dropping idiocy in it or horrible factual errors. They were also smart enough to pick a talented and well known domme in the form of Mistress Wynter. I can almost imagine a couple reading the article and being encouraged to try a visit themselves.

I’ve always thought that more people should treat sex workers as an educational resource, particularly when it comes to BDSM. After all very few people would take up a sport or hobby that required specialized skills and used a variety of potentially dangerous equipment and then expect to make it up as they went along. Particularly if said dangerous equipment was in the vicinity of their naked genitals. In that situation smart people either join a local club or hire a professional instructor. BDSM obviously offers the club option, but not everyone wants to mix a social scene into their sexual play. In that case a pro-domme is an excellent alternative for learning new techniques.

Mistress WynterAbove image is of Mistress Wynter with a hooded slave as photographed by Anthelian. She’s a NYC based pro-domme and if you’re interested in utilizing her educational skills her contact info is here.

Happy Thanskgiving

It’s Thanksgiving here in America. I always enjoy the holiday, but as an Englishman it doesn’t have the meaning for me that it does for my American friends. They grew up with the idea of turkey in November, where for me that month always meant fireworks and sausages on Guy Fawkes night.

However, I am keen to support the local traditions. For a femdom blog on Thanksgiving I think that means either a kinky pun on the idea of stuffing or a domestic scene featuring a domme dealing with a naked kitchen slave. This year, courtesy of Femme Fatale Films I’ve gone with a combination of both. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on in the first shot, but it does look like he’s about to get stuffed with something. I can only hope they keep their kitchen pervertibles in a clearly labelled draw and don’t mix them in with other utensils in the dishwasher.

Domestic Discipline with Miss Severity Myers
Domestic Discipline with Miss Severity Myers

The images comes from a shoot called Sticky Fingers. The domestic goddess featured is Miss Severity Myers, a London based pro-domme.

Win, Win, Win

I made it back to a damp and cold Seattle all in one piece. Unfortunately I came down with some stupid bug the day I flew back. I guess it’s better than getting sick on the flight there, but it still sucks to arrive home feeling terrible. Before I head back to my sickbed I want to do a bit of signal boosting for a very worthy blog post.

Mistress T is offering free access to her excellent members site in return for supporting a charitable organization named Kiva that specializes in microfinancing. She’s not asking you to give money – just loan it. You deposit some money with Kiva and pick individuals to receive it. They then repay you over time. In the meantime, as Mistress T describes in her post, she’ll give you access to her top quality femdom porn, with the access period determined by the amount loaned. So you get to help a worthy cause, generate some positive karma, get free porn and get your money back! It’s a win, win, win.

I’ve always been very impressed with Mistress T and the way she conducts herself. Both in her professional and personal life she appears to act with great integrity and thoughtfulness. It’s posts like this one, which’ll clearly cost her time and money to support, that really bring home those qualities. Not to mention that she has a truly beautiful bottom!

Mistress TImage of Mistress T’s beautiful butt comes from this blog post. Should you wish to see a preview of what her members site offers then check it out here.

A happy customer

I spotted this cheerful image on Ms Michelle Lacy’s twitter feed. Based on the ass writing, I’m going to guess the implements she’s brandishing are from the CANE-IAC store. I’ve not ordered from them myself, but she looks pretty happy with what they offer. While we can’t see his expression, I’d hope that a playful domme with a handful of slappy toys would be creating an equally big smile at the other end of her human billboard.

A Happy Domme

Ms Michelle Lacy is a South Florida based pro-domme. You can see more of her, along with her contact information, at her professional site.

Lending a hand

If you’ve browsed femdom porn in the last few years you’ve probably encountered Coral Korrupt. A Fort Lauderdale based pro-domme, she’s shot clips for ClubDom and Femdom Empire. I’ve featured her in a couple of previous posts of my own (here and here).

Sadly she’s been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer which she’s currently battling. Her friend Lexi Sindel (also a well known femdom face) has established a GoFundMe fundraiser to help pay some of her bills. If you’ve ever appreciated her images or enjoyed her clips, this would be a perfect way to give something back. Alternatively, if you’ve just enjoyed a lot of different free femdom porn over the years, think of this as a way to give back to performers and restore some karmic balance.

Coral KorruptImage is of Coral Korrupt from her website gallery. You can donate to her medical fund here.

A refreshing dip

It’s insanely warm in Seattle right now. At least by the local standards. My apartment temperature control claims it’s 83F, and that’s at 2:30 in the morning. So while this image might typically be seen to be an intense type of breathplay, right now to me it looks like a very refreshing dip. I could really use someone shoving my head into an icy tub of water.

Refreshing dip

As the not particularly subtle watermark suggests, this is from Mistress Kawa. She’s a Spanish based Mistress. I found it via the Felm Cyber tumblr.

DomCon LA

Another day, another post, another movie. This one is a little different to the last two, as it’s just a short clip taken at DomCon in LA this year. It’s a time lapse movie showing around 70 dommes assembling for a group photograph, put together by Alice in BondageLand. I thought it was kind of fun, particularly if you know enough faces to play spot the domme.

Dom Con LA 2012I couldn’t locate a good photograph of the 2014 shot, so this this image is actually from the same event in 2012. It again comes courtesy of Mistress Alice in BondageLand

The flip side

Over the last couple of years I’ve written a lot of posts about positive experiences of professional domination. That’s not a matter of selective editing. From my perspective, as a client playing with independent dommes, my experiences have been overwhelmingly positive. However, I think it would be remiss of me to not feature articles that show a less positive side of the profession. One such article is ‘The Commercial Dungeon Experience: Abusive Management And Exploitation‘ hosted by the Tits and Sass site. It features four dommes who experienced some fairly horrendous treatment in commercial houses.

I may post some follow-up thoughts tomorrow, but for now I’ll just offer the link as reading material. If you’re at all involved in sex work (on either side of the transaction) then the Tits and Sass site is generally well worth reading. Although if you’re on the client side of the equation I strongly suggest limiting yourself purely to reading, and not butting into the discussion.

The image below is by the photographer Susan Meiselas and was taken at NYC’s Pandora’s Box in associated with the Nick Broomfield documentary Fetishes. Note that I’ve no idea where the four dommes in the article worked and I’m not implying a connection between the article and that particular house. It just seemed a suitable image to use, given that it’s one of the most well known houses in NYC, and the documentary is one of the most well known representations of a commerical BDSM house. This was from back in 1995.

Image by Susan Meiselas from her book Pandora's Box

Snaps from SF

On my recent trip to San Francisco I was lucky enough to play with both Domina Yuki and Domina Ai-Li. Sadly we were too busy having fun (masochistically speaking) to take a lot of photographs, but Domina Yuki did snap a couple of shots of some CBT play we did. Those not afraid of pictures of naked boy bits can see one shot here and a close-up here.

She managed to create a really interesting set-up. The balls were pulled down and out by clips and twine attached to the chair I was sitting on. Then the nipple clamps were attached to clips on the head of the cock. This put everything into tension and, in a particularly devious touch, that tension changed as my physical arousal changed. The result was a sadistic perpetual motion machine: Softness -> pulled nipples -> pain -> stimulation -> errection -> less tension -> less pain -> softness. It’s an endless masochistic cycle, with the added factor of a talented lady squeezing, slapping and pinching all manner of sensitive body parts. Being caned on my inner thigh in that set-up certainly caught my attention.

I can’t leave a post with only shots of my naked scrawny ass, so here’s a beautiful and striking image from Domina Yuki’s tumblr.

Domina Yuki

Cage for 7 points

I thought I’d finish my sequence of cage related shots with this one. It contains several things I love – dominant women, play scenes, red wine – with one thing I hate, Scrabble. My brain just isn’t wired correctly for that game. I’d certainly be no match for the lady in the photograph, the famous (infamous?) Ms Troy Orleans. A few years ago she actually put up a kinky Scrabble challenge, at which she remained undefeated.

Scrabble with Ms Troy Orleans