I’ve done a poor job of documenting my own sessions in the past months. Either we’ve not remembered to snap photographs, or I’ve not got around to editing and publishing them. For example, I had a magical session with Lydia yesterday evening. Many clips and clamps were applied to a wide variety of body parts. I discovered that clothespins on the earlobe don’t really hurt while they’re on, or even when they come off, but it does hurt like hell if somebody squeezes the earlobe immediately after taking them off. Lydia played me like an odd kind of musical instrument. Remove a clip, then press or squeeze hard, and see what strange sounds emerge. Unfortunately I didn’t think to use a camera or a microphone to record the results for posterity.
Our play from a couple of weeks ago (which I mentioned in this prior post) did result in a few photographs, so I can at least share those. Although everything started very playfully, we eventually segued into some bondage, breathplay and CBT. You can see some good shots of the bondage here, here and here. It was very effective as it not only held me but also hugged me. Sometimes I can almost forget I’m tied up, but not this time. Even in subspace I was very aware of its taut loops around me.
Lydia also grabbed some close up shots of the cock bondage and the nipple clamps. The nipple torture looks more painful, but it was actually the rope loops around the head of the cock that really caught my attention. Nipple clamps tend to hurt going on and coming off, but aren’t too bad in between. With the cock there’s a lot more skin and flesh moving around, getting painfully trapped between rope coils as things expand and contract. Just when I thought I’d adjusted to it, something would move and an entirely new set of nerves would get pulled into the scene. It turns out to be particularly hard not to move when a sadist is pinching your nipples and cutting off the oxygen with plastic wrap.
It’d be a shame to have a post with only shots of my naked ass in it, so here’s a far more attractive one of Lydia. It’s pretty much the exact view I had yesterday, even down to the top she’s wearing. I don’t have a soundtrack to go with it, but imagine moans with an English accent and some gleeful laughter and you’d be most of the way there.

Photograph of Lydia is by Mandy McGee photography.