Site Updates

I’ve managed to find some time this weekend to do a few tweaks to the site. On the blog roll to the right (and on the blog page) I’ve added links to two blogs:

On the Femdom Image page I’ve added a collection of new tumblr links:

On the equipment page I’ve added a link to Strict Leather. And finally, I fixed the artwork entry on Augustine to point at some useful galleries rather than his closed image fap page. I’m still looking for a definitive site for his work if it’s out there.

I’ll leave you with a shot of Mistress Olivia Fitzgerald herself, taken from her commercial site. I found it interesting, as it’s one of those shots that if you described it to someone unseen, the resulting impression would be completely contrary to how it actually comes across. What would sound like scary serious S&M play, actually looks kind of sweet and tender in the image itself.

Mistress Olivia Fitzgerald

Motel Fun

I’m lucky enough to session in some amazing playspaces. I’ve also had the chance to stay in some beautiful hotels. Yet, looking at the picture below, I suddenly have the urge to arrange something freaky in a sleazy motel room. The decor is hideous. The cleanliness no doubt suspect. There’s no fancy equipment. But it just looks like it’d be a hell of a lot of fun.

I find the ambiance of playspace can have a big effect on my feelings in a scene. A professional dungeon makes me happy and excited – so many toys to play with! A bedroom promotes intimacy. A high end hotel makes me feel decadent. And a cheap old fashioned hotel makes me think of illicit assignations. People sneaking away to do socially unacceptable things to each other. Rooms that have seen it all before and hotel staff who pretend to not notice. I kind of like that.

Of course my attraction to the room below might be partly explained by the presence of the beautiful Lexi Sindel. By all accounts she has a very nice studio in LA, so I’m not sure what the background to this shot is but, whatever the reason, I’m glad she published it on her tumbr.

Lexi Sindel in a motel

Me, me, me also …

Mistress T’s blog is always entertaining to read, but her last couple of posts have been particularly intriguing. The first was a list of qualities she looked for in a potential mate and an invitation for any guys who matched up to email her. This struck me as a post likely to attract both attention and a wide range of responses. As Mistress Eleise de Lacy recently wrote and I’ve posted on in the past, the online dating story for dominant women is not a pretty one. I’m sure that it’s only a small fraction of men that ruin it for the rest of us. However, with 3 billion men in the world, even if only 1% are interested in dominant women, and only 1% of those are idiots, that’s still 300,000 socially challenged males to deal with.

I was fully expecting to see a follow-up post where Mistress T tried to inject a little reality into the responses. Something along the lines of – “200 lbs and 5’5″ does not equal fairly fit. Please stop sending me cock shots. A job as drummer for a Winger cover band does not equally financially secure, particularly if you’re still living in your parent’s basement. I am very sure that the act of fucking you will not suddenly turn me monogamous. And seriously, enough with the cock shots.”

Sure enough, there was a follow-up post, which mentioned the record amount of feedback the original post generated. However,what really amazed me was that some guys thought the criteria she laid out was too strict. I’m slightly surprised that anyone would think that, as it’s a very reasonable list of requirements. I’m even more surprised that some guys would be self-critical enough to understand that they didn’t make the bar. After all doesn’t everyone think they’re smart, witty and great in bed? I mean I know I am, but a lot of other guys can be strangely delusional about stuff like that, poor chaps.

Sadly I live in Seattle, which looks close to Vancouver if you use an atlas and squint, but in reality is a few hours away via the joy of Interstate 5. On the plus side, this post does give me an excuse to feature a few pictures of Mistress T. The first two I picked for her very entertaining expressions. The last because she looks wonderful in it and it’s nice to feature something non-explicit or kinky now and again. You can see a lot more of her at her main site.

Oh, and the post title? Taken from this appropriate scene, in one of my favorite movies. Andie Macdowell is a tough woman to please.

Mistress T ruined orgasm shot
Mistress T forced-bi shot
Mistress T in blue jeans

An odd contraption

Here’s an interesting piece of dungeon furniture I’ve not seen before. It has a Victorian steampunk feel to it. All heavy metal, hinges and exposed engineering. I like both the look and the utility of it.

Mistress Aika
Mistress Aika
The owner of this odd but interesting contraption is the beautiful Mistress Aika, a pro-domme based out of London. You can see more of it and her on her preview page.

Femdom image updates

I’ve done some work on the Femdom Image page. Specifically I’ve removed a few dead or dormant sites, and added the following ones:

Hopefully there should be a little bit of something for everyone on those tumblr’s.

The image below comes via the newly added Femdomcore tumblr. There’s no attribution but I believe that’s Mistress Shae, a pro-domme based in Southern California. I’ve never sessioned with her, but she has an excellent reputation as a very skilled domme.

Misttress Shae with male slave

Needles with Inga Larsson

I mentioned in an earlier post that I got to play with two different dommes while I was down in LA. I’ve already talked a little about the session I did with Cynthia Stone. The other session that I was lucky enough to experience was with Inga Larsson.

At this point it would be customary for me to say a little bit about Mistress Larsson. However, in this case I can fall back on a much more reputably source for that than myself, namely Miss Troy Orleans. I noticed she had a few things to say about Inga in a recent post, and I couldn’t agree with her more…

I’m trying not to call her “stunning” or “gorgeous” because every one does and as true as it is, to start there does this talented domme (did I mention she was trained by Simone Justice AND Isabella Sinclaire and has also been studying bondage with me?) a disservice. But, go ahead, be taken in by her beauty…and end up having an extraordinary BDSM experience with one of my favorite up-and-coming dommes.
Troy Orleans, on Inga Larsson

In my case the extraordinary BDSM experience featured nipple/cock/ball torture, spanking, flogging, bondage and needles. We didn’t get any shots of the first few activities, but we did capture some good ones of the play piercings. If you’re not keen on seeing close up shots of needles and genitals then I’d advise not clicking any of the picture links below.

She started with some nipple piercing (picture 1). From a wince inducing perspective this is probably the mildest shot, but in terms of pain was actually the worst. I believe the needles are 18 gauge. From there she moved down to the cock and did a cool needle and rope arrangement to create a corset effect (picture 2 and picture 3). Note that this session took place exactly one day before I played with Mistress Stone, and so the genital shaving I talked about a few days ago had yet to happen. The final step was to use the rope to connect all the piercings together (picture 4 and picture 5). This creates a very interesting tension on the body, pulling the skin taut in unexpected ways. Being tied to your own skin is quite strange, as I’ve written about before (warning more needle images).

It was a great session and my thanks go to Inga both for the sessions itself and for snapping these shots. Tempted though I am to finish the post with a close-up picture of my junk, I’ll spare everyone that, and instead treat you to a couple of pictures of Inga Larsson herself. Should you be in the Los Angeles area and wish to experience her beauty and skill for yourself, then her FAQ and contact information is here.

Inga Larsson of Los Angeles

Inga Larsson of Los Angeles


I’m back in Seattle and feeling a bit prickly. This isn’t slang for a bizarre new sexual practice, or a skin disease I picked up from a dirty airplane toilet, but the result of the last session I did in LA before returning home. It was with Mistress Cynthia Stone, a very beautiful and talented domme. She has an extremely direct, forceful and natural style of play. Some dommes, particularly in a first session with an unknown submissive, can come across as a touch scripted and task orientated. They’ll want to work through the list of agreed activities over the prescribed time. This doesn’t necessarily mean the activities won’t be fun, or the session will be bad, but it can emphasize the artificial aspect of the play. A sense that something is being done to you, rather than with you.

This is never an issue when I play with Lydia in Seattle. She has a very instinctive style, working from a plan but improvising as necessary, adapting to the submissive’s reactions. Mistress Stone seemed to play in a very similar fashion, working around a set of ideas, but in a loose natural way. My prickles are a result of her improvisation, and her momentary annoyance at what she described as ‘the pelt’ around my cock and balls. It was interfering with her desire to shove needles into them, and before I knew it, a razor had been produced. Five minutes later and ‘the boys’ were doing their best Kojak impression. Her piercing play was much enhanced and I’m now left with an interesting rasping noise every time I cross my legs.

The shaving in the image below is happening a few feet higher than mine was, but I think it’s an appropriate image all the same. Sitting back and offering your throat to a straight razor definitely has trust and submission aspects. Not to mention that Mistress Stone threatened to bring her straight razor along for the next time she wants to give me a trim.

Woman shaving man with straight razorI came across this image originally on the Real Dominant Women tumblr.

Schoolgirl fantasies

The comic below is from Nic Buxom’s site. It’s one of those sites that I find and then wonder how I’ve never discovered it before. She’s a professional dominatrix, but also worked as a pro-sub, and has written a large number of amusing and perceptive comics from the inside of the professional BDSM world. I spent a happy couple of hours working forward in time from this, her first comic, to the more recent but equally entertaining examples. Definitely worth checking out her posts, and perhaps also stop by her store or commission pages.

Nix Buxom Comic

On the cusp

The shot below is taken from the gallery on Mistress Alex’s site. She has a lot of great images in that gallery, with many that are far more explicitly BDSM than this. There are cages, naked men, whips, floggers and beat downs. All sorts of good stuff. But this slightly more ambiguous image is the one that really appeals to me. I think it captures a moment of balance, the point where all the possibilities of a session begin to resolve into the actualities.

There’s often a lot of laughter and banter at the start of my sessions with Lydia. Some of that is purely practical. It takes time to get ropes tied and bodies arranged, and it’s more fun to talk than not to. A larger part of it is is the nervous energy and anticipation we’re feeding off of. I don’t quite know what’s about to happen, but I’m looking forward to finding out. The domme has got a good idea what’s about to happen, but until it starts to unfold has (presumably) no idea how her ideas will translate into the energy and dynamic of the scene. I love that point of transition, the shifting balance between us, the changing gears of dominance and submission. Hallways are a natural transition place and this image, with its choice of doors and “I was waiting for you” stance, captures an element of that session moment.

Mistress Alex of NYC

Form over function

Here’s a very visually striking pair of Gaspar gloves being modeled by Mistress Veronique. There’s a bit of a militaristic feel to them thanks to all those metal press studs.

While I think these look great, when it comes to playing rather than simply staring, I actually prefer something far more basic. The kind of short black leather gloves you’d use to protect your hands, or improve your grip, or avoid leaving fingerprints. There’s something sexy about function. These have great form, they don’t look all that practical to wear while working a guy over.

Gaspar Gloves worn by Mistress VeroniqueI found this on the Bits and Pieces tumblr. It was originally shot for the Boot Lovers site.