Wise Words

@heavy, a very experienced bondage bottom, has some wise words on anchoring body parts.

Friendly reminder that when doing bondage, please remember what is anchored. If someone is standing or even kneeling and passes out/ falls and their balls, neck, hair, etc. are locked to something you are seriously going to harm someone. Potentially permanently.

I’d guess a lot of my readers are likely to be bondage bottoms rather than tops, but you should still be aware of what’s going on and willing to speak up if it looks unsafe. After all, it’ll be your delicate bits getting ripped off if the worst happens.

I remember doing a scene many years ago in a sex swing. I was on my back and the domme was tying various bits of me to the surrounding metal frame. However, the swing was a lightweight portable affair, built out of the kind of thin metal tubing you’d expect in a cheap sun lounger. The joints all seemed loosely pushed together, held with friction and I could feel it flexing as I moved. At one point the domme wrapped thin rope around my testicles and tied them to the overhead frame. Looking back now I shudder when I think of it, but at the time I was inexperienced, floating in subspace and nervous about topping from the bottom. So even though it felt dangerous, I didn’t say anything.

These days, if the same thing happened again, I’d speak up and pause the scene. If the swing had broken and I’d fallen then it could have been a very nasty situation. I’m a CBT fan, but getting my nuts ripped off by bondage on a shoddy sex swing is one of my limits. I should also add that the domme in question isn’t someone I’ve written about here or done more scenes with.

I’ll finish with a gorgeous bondage shot featuring Heavy and NYC domme Roxanne Waters, as shot by Natasha Gornick. All experts in their field, you can be sure any scene with them will be managed safely.

You can find Heavy’s twitter feed here and his professional HeavyBondage4Life site here. Roxanne Water’s twitter is here and this is her professional site.

Warmer Days

As an arctic blast of cold air settles across most of North America, here’s a shot to remind us all of warmer, sunnier times. I love the color coordination between her dress and his bondage accouterments. It’s those little touches that really make an image work.

This is Alexis Chantelle, a dominant companion based in NYC. You can find her professional site here. I sourced this image via this tweet.

Happy 2024!

A new year is upon us. I hope all my readers made it out of 2023 in good spirits and have a great 2024.

As far as kink goes, my 2023 wasn’t exactly overflowing with play. I did have some great sessions with Savannah when she visited Seattle and I got to meet up with the fabulous Mistress Miranda in London. Other than that, it was a quiet year. That wasn’t helped by a bunch of scheduled sessions in NYC getting cancelled due to my first dose of COVID.

I’m aiming to fit in more play in through 2024, getting back to my pre-pandemic average. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and a return to NYC should all be on the cards at some point. Given it’s an election year in the US, I’ll definitely need something to distract me from the insanity.

Good luck to any reader who similarly wants to up their kinky game in 2024. And if you’ve never indulged in kink but have been thinking about it, then maybe make it a new year’s resolution? That was pretty much how I ended up doing my first session (as I wrote about here).

I’ll leave you with a shot of someone who is right at the top of my list to play with again – Domina Yuki. She’s an amazing domme and I can’t believe we’ve not played together since my last SF trip back in 2020.

Morning Coffee

That first coffee of the day is always a pleasure. A chance to relax, catch up on the news and see how the slave you tied to the kitchen table is getting on. Really sets you up for the rest of the day.

I found this on some random tumblr. I think, given the style and setting, it’s by Charlotte Douleur. I featured another lovely shot of hers back in September and I’m guessing this is from the same series.

Updated: Thanks to a comment from the creator herself, I can confirm it as a shot from Charlotte Douleur. Although this one is from Bali, where the previous image is from a different series in Italy.

Charlotte Douleur is a London based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her Twitter feed here.

Shock the Cock

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between hardcore kinky shenanigans and new age health treatments. Cross over examples in the past have been vaginal steaming, coffee enemas and drinking pee.  The latest crazy therapy is shockwave treatment for the penis. According to this Guardian article, tech CEO Bryan Johnson ‘invented’ the approach.

“You have a wand and you sit in a chair and then the technician uses the wand and basically shocks your penis,” Johnson explained. He went on to say that the treatment does the same thing exercise does to the rest of the body, where you are creating micro-injuries so that the tissue rebuilds itself stronger than before. He rated the pain of the shocks as seven out of 10, and nine out of 10 at the tip.

I hadn’t realized that all my years of CBT play were actually strengthening my penis. Given the number of shocks I’ve received from leather clad ‘technicians’ by now I should have the ability to crack concrete with a well placed thrust. Admittedly, my shocks were mostly of the electrical kind, where I think Bryan’s technicians are using sound to generate shockwaves, but a micro-injury is a micro-injury however it’s created. Who knew all those kinky sessions were creating the penile equivalent of an Olympic athlete in my pants?

Given the crazy state of US healthcare, I’m guessing the cost of this ‘treatment’ is astronomical. Bryan should try looking up some of his local pro-dommes. I’m sure they’d be happy to inflict any kind of injury based strengthening routine he’d like to try. He could probably get his nipples and butt strengthened as well for no extra change.

This is the NYC based Mistress Sade treating one of her patients. No doubt he’ll emerge fitter and healthier at the end of it. This was sourced via this tweet on Mistress Sade’s Twitter feed.

Bound and Bagged

I’m still fighting off the effects of the seasonal virus I managed to acquire as a special Christmas gift to myself. So I’ll stick to posting hot kinky eye candy to keep things ticking over here while I recover.

This is Mistress Inka with her bound and bagged slave. It’s a very sexy and sensual shot, with a lovely mix of textures. I sourced it via Twitter and you can see more shots from the same scene here and here.

Mistress Inka is an Edinburgh based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her Twitter feed here.

Never Fails

Apologies for the lack of posts in recent days. It’s the Christmas holidays so that can mean only one thing – I get a hefty dose of whatever nasty virus is going around. The last two years it hit me immediately after Christmas. This year it showed up before. Of course, knowing my luck with these bugs, that could mean I’m getting it before and after Christmas this time. Bah. Humbug.

I’m still feeling pretty crappy so I’ll keep this post short. Leave you with a lovely shot that was shared on Twitter by Madame Lule.

Madame Lule is pro-domme based in Paris. You can find her primary professional site here and her Twitter feed here.

Mistress Blunt and Mx Tomie

It must be the season from Femdom interviews. After the last couples of posts featuring Troy Orleans, I have a new link for you featuring Mistress Blunt and Mx Tomie. Both are NYC based pro-dommes and the interview covers such topics as content creation, hypno play, sex work, dark fantasies and lots of similar good stuff.

This is a shot from Mx Tomie . I think it’s one of the cutest shots I’ve seen on a pro-domme’s site. You can find her Twitter here. Mistress Blunt’s professional site is here and her Twitter here.

Objectification Fetish

I was reading back through the interview with Troy Orleans I featured in yesterday’s post and this part stood out to me.

…I have an objectification fetish, and I don’t use the word fetish lightly. Objectifying— even just saying the word makes me feel a little tingle. It’s something that’s really thrilling for me. When I get to put someone in this heavy bondage and have them fully immobilized and anonymized, they become this shape, this physical sculpture that I’ve created now hanging in my salon—that to me is incredibly arousing, erotic, and powerful.

People often talk about the appearance of bondage but reading this made me think about all the different types of bondage aesthetic. The one most people probably think of in that context is Shibari, particularly suspension scenes. However, there’s also smooth parcel like bondage, old fashioned rope bondage, predicament bondage, medical bondage, etc. All have their own particular aesthetic. The kind Troy is referring to – heavy use of leather and metal to control and objectify someone – isn’t a common bondage look in either kink or mainstream worlds, but for me it’s by far the hottest kind.

I remember doing a session with Troy a few years ago and she had me suspended in a bodybag as shown here. When everything was rigged with many ties, locks and layers, she asked if she could cover my face. Not so much for my benefit, but for what she described as the aesthetic effect. She just wanted the scene to look right as she imagined it. I can’t handle heavy hoods but we came up with a lightweight material hood that I could live with. Immobilized anonymization was achieved and I became that physical sculpture hanging in her studio.

Here’s a lovely shot of Troy at work creating another of her pieces of art. This is from her Twitter feed.

On The Road Again

I’m in Vegas for a few days R&R. Unusually I haven’t booked any kinky adventures. I can’t remember the last time I traveled and didn’t plan some sort of hijinks. Maybe I’m getting old.

Another reason for me taking it easy might be the fact that Savannah Sly was in Seattle a week or so ago. We got together for a couple of sessions and my kinky itches were well and truly scratched. Also bitten, slapped, poked and pinched. She left me buzzing for days, with a lovely collection of bruises to admire. Much more satisfying that anything on offer to me right now in Sin City.

This image is from Savannah’s twitter feed. Look out for her in Chicago on Dec 1st. If you’d like to see more of her online, she has an OnlyFans here.