Crypto and Kink

Crypto and findomme are two things I understand the appeal of while, at the same time, they do nothing for me personally. Money is thankfully not connected to my libido, which gets me out of the complexities of findomme. Crypto is trickier, as I do like the idea of a decentralized online currency. Visa and Mastercard should absolutely not be the de facto censors of the internet. Sadly, the current implementations of crypto seem problematic and the culture around it rife with weird politics and scams.

However, if you’re a fan of either or both of these areas, then I’ll point you at this interview with Allie Eve Knox on the decrypt site. She’s a findomme and crypto user and does a nice job of covering all the horribly messed up banking issues that sexworkers can face. I’m not sure I’ll personally be signing up for SpankChain anytime soon, but I love the idea of sex workers innovating in this space. You can read more from Allie on Twitter.


If you’re interested in kink, sex work and podcasts then allow me to point you at #teakink by Eva Oh. She completed Season One recently and while I’m not typically much of a podcast person, I’ve enjoyed this one. It not only covers how she got into sex work and the unique challenges of pro-domination, but also her relationships with her family, adventures in Bali during Covid and what she’s learned about kink, life and herself over her career to date.

I’ve sadly not yet had chance to session with Eva. However, all the dommes I’ve played with who do know her have gushed about what a fabulous person she is. So, should you ever have an opportunity to play or chat with her, I’d definitely suggest taking it.

This image is from Eva Oh’s twitter feed, featuring her and Alessia Jade. You can find Eva’s primary professional site here.

Alpha Inn

I don’t think I’ve ever featured Tokyo’s Alpha Inn before. Which is kind of surprising, given it’s a somewhat famous in kinky circles as the only Love Hotel in Tokyo dedicated to BDSM. It seems to be a go to spot for a lot of pro-dommes who visit Tokyo.

I was reminded of it by this article in Huck magazine. It gives some context on the place itself and the people who play and work there. The photographer for the article is Nathalie Daoust, who spent several months their creating a series called Tokyo Hotel Story. The image below is from that series.

Tech Work To Sex Work

Continuing the theme of NYC domme’s, the image below is Mistress Serafina. She was recently featured in a Mashable article on Tech workers who transitioned into Sex Work. While everyone interviewed seems to be thriving in their new careers, the reasons they moved are sadly all too common for women in tech.

“I really did experience sexism at every turn in my [corporate] career,” shares NYC-based professional dominatrix, Mistress Serafina. “From my first interviews out of college, I was propositioned by my interviewers, then I was propositioned by the principal engineer at my first job. I was repeatedly looked over for opportunities, and told in my performance reviews that my tone was too fiery.”

For someone like myself, who has worked in tech for 20+ years, it’s a depressing story. The whole area needs a major cultural shift. More women in engineering and product development would help, but we’ll never get there is we keep driving talented people like Mistress Serafina out.

This image is from Mistress Serafina’s twitter feed. You can find her professional site here.

Power Broker

Talking of Mistress Iris (as I just was) she has apparently been listed on NY Magazine’s list of The Most Powerful New Yorkers You’ve Never Heard Of (scroll to the end). I say ‘apparently’ because it doesn’t provide a photograph or a link and Mistress Iris isn’t traditionally associated with NYC. She was originally LA based and now seems to mainly be in Europe (with regular trips to Tokyo, London, NYC, LA, etc.). However, I can’t think of another Mistress Iris who’d have the profile to be in this article and also considered as an NYC local. Although based on the title on the list, I guess not having heard of her would be kind of the point.

Wonderful though Mistress Iris is, it seems a shame they didn’t pick an equally high profile domme who has a stronger claim to NYC residency. After all, there is no shortage of them. It’s one of the great cities for kink. Off the top of my head I can think of Troy Orleans, Mistress Tess, Lucy Sweetkill, Mistress Blunt, Lady Harper Chase, Mistrix Sade and many, many more.

Here’s an image courtesy of Mistress Tess who has an amazing NYC studio space. Curse Covid for ruining my chance to enjoy a lengthy session in it earlier this year.

Room Service

One thing I should add to my previous post on Google – their stupidity only applies in you’re actually logged in to their service. Which, given the prevalence of things like android and gmail, is probably true for a lot of people. However, if you’re lucky enough not to have observed the regression in results, that might be why.

Anyway, moving on to a positive note, here’s some visual loveliness to start the week. This is the always amazing Mistress Iris, in an image she shared on Twitter. I’m personally sad I’ve not had chance to play with her since 2019. Based on her social media and her site, she seems to be enjoying a lot of kinky hijinks in some beautiful parts of the world.

Search Stupidity

Google continues to degrade as a useful service. To go with its endless ads and poor relevance we can now add an increasing puritanical streak. I covered similar problems with its image search all the way back in 2012. Now its web search has taken a similar turn.

If you search for a dominatrix in a city – for example the query {la dominatrix} – the default results are a whole heap of junk. I get zero useful pro-domme sites. Instead I get a bunch of books being sold, a few random magazine articles and some obscure music track that has that title.  The top link for {NYC dominatrix} is a New York Post story about domme who tried to poison someone. The rest are random social media nonsense and more garbage stories from sites like The Daily Mail. All of this is with Safe Search off.

Weirdly, to get good results, you need to turn off personalized search. On my web browser that’s buried under “Google Settings->More Settings->Personal Results->Show Personal Results”. In other words, a setting that almost nobody is going to find or change. I say it’s weird, because a correctly personalized results for me should be all pro-domme links! My browser history is full of visits to domme sites, their social media accounts and similarly kinky sources. Yet Google is either stupid enough to miss that or puritanical enough to think I shouldn’t be going there.

Although changing that Google setting fixes the issue, it’s probably best to vote with your clicks and just avoid the site entirely. That change is going to cost a lot of dommes a lot of money, flushing their SEO investment down the drain. The good news is that (so far) similar queries to Bing give me excellent results, no faffing about with settings needed. That’s already my go to search for my PC. I might have to update my other devices now.

Here’s one of the LA dommes whose site is normally in the top 10 results but is entirely absent with the default settings -the fabulous Inga Larsson.

Bridge Variation

I’m not sure if this’d be a good or bad pose for my wonky lower back, but I’d  be willing to give it a shot. My yoga teacher has done a lot of bridge variations with me, but sadly none have featured genital bondage and electroshock therapy.

This was posted by the fabulous Elise Graves. Funnily enough, I remember doing a scene with her in Seattle a few years back where she grabbed my genitals and  pulled hard to ‘encourage’ me into a bridge pose. Clearly it’s a position she enjoys inflicting. I don’t remember getting quite the same back arch as @UtmostRestraint has managed here.

You can see a lot more from Elise on her Bondage Liberation Site.

Swinging in the Desert

Twitter remains a great place to stumble on new and interesting content, despite Elon’s efforts to screw it up. For example, I present the spectacular shots below that were posted by Temptress Pixie.  I love the drama of these. Dramatic setting can often clash or detract from kinky shots, but in these the brutality of the setting complements the scene beautifully. You can see the original full resolution shots, along with additional photographs, in this and this tweet.

Pony Fun

Fans of Pony Play might want to check out the stories of I. Binder, some of which are available on Gagged Utopia. The site seems broken in a bunch of places, but you can see a number of them listed under the PonyPlay tag here. For example, this, this, this and this. Looks like there’s also some on Amazon if you wish to purchase them.

I’m not sure it’d be a kink I’d want to indulge during an actual session. Too old and too many wonky back muscles for pulling people around. However, the fantasy is nice and the I. Binder stories are very well written. They got me interested in a kink that had never really clicked with me before.

I sourced this image from Madam is All tumblr. Reverse image searching didn’t give me any leads, but I believe that’s Mistress Trinity, an NYC based pro-domme.  I previously featured an image that looks to be from the same shoot here.