Happy BDSM

I’ve posted in the past how much I appreciate seeing happy smiling participants enjoying kinky play. For example – here, here and here. Very intense serious sessions can be great, but that kind of interaction is horribly over-represented in porn. I’d guess the majority of kinky play comes from a place of positive energy and joy, but you’d never guess that browsing the average BDSM tumblr or porn site.

I was therefore very pleased to discover (via this Spanking Blog post) a new-ish tumblr called Happy BDSM. It contains exactly what the name implies, all sorts of happy people doing BDSM in all sorts of gender and D/s configurations. I found browsing it actually cheered me up and put a smile on my own face, which isn’t something that can be said for a lot of porn shots.

Two mistresses biting bound slaveImage found on the Happy BDSM tumblr, which has now also been added to my Femdom Image page. Originally it’s from the Devious Domination site, from the clip “Dominatrix Delight.”

Femdom image updates

I’ve done some work on the Femdom Image page. Specifically I’ve removed a few dead or dormant sites, and added the following ones:

Hopefully there should be a little bit of something for everyone on those tumblr’s.

The image below comes via the newly added Femdomcore tumblr. There’s no attribution but I believe that’s Mistress Shae, a pro-domme based in Southern California. I’ve never sessioned with her, but she has an excellent reputation as a very skilled domme.

Misttress Shae with male slave

Needles with Inga Larsson

I mentioned in an earlier post that I got to play with two different dommes while I was down in LA. I’ve already talked a little about the session I did with Cynthia Stone. The other session that I was lucky enough to experience was with Inga Larsson.

At this point it would be customary for me to say a little bit about Mistress Larsson. However, in this case I can fall back on a much more reputably source for that than myself, namely Miss Troy Orleans. I noticed she had a few things to say about Inga in a recent post, and I couldn’t agree with her more…

I’m trying not to call her “stunning” or “gorgeous” because every one does and as true as it is, to start there does this talented domme (did I mention she was trained by Simone Justice AND Isabella Sinclaire and has also been studying bondage with me?) a disservice. But, go ahead, be taken in by her beauty…and end up having an extraordinary BDSM experience with one of my favorite up-and-coming dommes.
Troy Orleans, on Inga Larsson

In my case the extraordinary BDSM experience featured nipple/cock/ball torture, spanking, flogging, bondage and needles. We didn’t get any shots of the first few activities, but we did capture some good ones of the play piercings. If you’re not keen on seeing close up shots of needles and genitals then I’d advise not clicking any of the picture links below.

She started with some nipple piercing (picture 1). From a wince inducing perspective this is probably the mildest shot, but in terms of pain was actually the worst. I believe the needles are 18 gauge. From there she moved down to the cock and did a cool needle and rope arrangement to create a corset effect (picture 2 and picture 3). Note that this session took place exactly one day before I played with Mistress Stone, and so the genital shaving I talked about a few days ago had yet to happen. The final step was to use the rope to connect all the piercings together (picture 4 and picture 5). This creates a very interesting tension on the body, pulling the skin taut in unexpected ways. Being tied to your own skin is quite strange, as I’ve written about before (warning more needle images).

It was a great session and my thanks go to Inga both for the sessions itself and for snapping these shots. Tempted though I am to finish the post with a close-up picture of my junk, I’ll spare everyone that, and instead treat you to a couple of pictures of Inga Larsson herself. Should you be in the Los Angeles area and wish to experience her beauty and skill for yourself, then her FAQ and contact information is here.

Inga Larsson of Los Angeles

Inga Larsson of Los Angeles

The delicate touch

I like this shot for the very delicate way she’s handling the situation. Part of the hotness of chastity play comes from the importance of the cock. It’s not just a piece of meat. It’s the focal point for a male’s sexuality. As Ferns recently wrote when describing chastity play…

he became sensitised in a way he had never been before, his entire way of walking around in the world changed, his view of himself changed, his relationship with his sexuality was emphasised, and I was the owner of all of it.

Often chastity shots emphasize the key or the device, but neglect the erotic and sexual nature of the play. In contrast, this shot really captures those elements for me. The delicacy and sensitivity of the appendage is highlighted, with her focus obviously on the man himself, and not the nuts and bolts of the device.

Mistress attaching chastity deviceI found this on the Volens Datorem tumblr. It’s originally from The Kinky English Lady, Miss Hybrid.

See no evil, speak no evil

Today is sadly the last day of my vacation before returning to Seattle. Fortunately I’ve had a very pleasant trip, enjoyed some kinky fun, and met some interesting new people. I played with two different dommes, and got some nice piercing photographs from a session yesterday that I’ll share in a later post. In the meantime, while I pack, I’ll leave you with a picture I liked from the Thou Shall Love Thy Mistress tumblr.

From a masochist’s point of view this shot is pretty weak sauce. Those clothe pegs don’t look like they’d hurt much at all. Despite that, I like it for the fact she’s clearly getting enjoying his restrained and sensory deprived position. I always love the idea of a sadist getting off on what she’s doing. Pain that comes from anger and other negative emotions never does anything for me.

Mistress enjoying a blindfolded and gagged male slave

Darkly dreaming

Here’s a disturbing and ambiguous image. Which makes it my favorite sort of image.

It reminds me of the show Dexter, although in this case with a female lead. There’s a plastic wrapped room, a bound figure, a trickle of blood and a slightly distant and emotionally neutral figure capturing a trophy of the moment. I found it on the Selina Minx’s Musings tumblr, but I can’t find an original source for it. I’d love to know the initial context for the shot. There’s a real beauty in the symmetry of the figures, spatially and otherwise.

Bound inverted male submissive and female dominant


I’m taking a few days vacation, so posting may be a little more erratic than usual. I’m planning to enjoy some really good food, excellent cocktails and hopefully a decent amount of kinky play. Between all that, I might manage to bash out the odd post or two.

In the meantime I’ll leave you with this shot I found on the Strawberry Mistress tumblr. It features a rather well muscled gentleman and an elegantly poised lady. As the British expression would go, she has a fine set of pins on her. It also taught me that July 24th is International Femdom Day, something I was previously unaware of. I’m looking forward to it already.

Mistress resting legs on slaves back

Spanking the monarch

Here’s a nice piece of femdom fan art by SpankingFemFatale. For those of you who don’t recognize the characters (shame on you!) it’s the evil mastermind known as The Monarch and his partner Dr Girlfriend (later known as Dr. Mrs The Monarch). They’re from the show the Venture Brothers, a post-modern cartoon series which packs a huge number of pop cultures references and allusions into every episode. I always found the smart and competent Dr. Girlfriend very sexy despite, or maybe because of, her deep gravelly voice. For those who have never seen the show, here’s a short clip of her in action.

Spanking The Monarch


At first I thought this was a gentle teasing shot. She’s naked and beautiful, but he can’t see a thing, and only feels what she allows him to. Then I saw that big knife on the windowsill. Now I’m not really sure what to make of it. I still like it a lot, but there’s an interesting ambiguity to it.

Clothed and bound male submissive with naked dominant femaleI found this on Homer’s blog. Which, at the time I’m typing, has this truly fabulous title image.

There is no ‘I’ in domme

I find subtext and subconscious communication fascinating. Picking apart what people say to expose what they really mean has an intellectual and an emotional satisfaction to it. I was therefore particularly interested in this article on the linguistic analysis of function words, the tiny building blocks (I, the, there, this, etc.) that tie sentences together. We don’t pay them much attention, but it turns out they have interesting predictive properties. For example, when two people are attracted to each other they alter their style of speech to harmonize their usage of these words. What was particular interesting in the context of this blog was the following discovery.

…some of his most interesting work has to do with power dynamics. He says that by analyzing language you can easily tell who among two people has power in a relationship, and their relative social status.
“It’s amazingly simple,” Pennebaker says, “Listen to the relative use of the word “I.”
What you find is completely different from what most people would think. The person with the higher status uses the word “I” less.

This is one of those findings that at first seems counter-intuitive, but actually makes a lot of sense in hindsight. In my own experience at work I see that dynamic all the time. Somebody in my organization reporting a problem to me is likely to say “I investigated X. I think it’s broken.” The both claims credit for work done (I made the effort) while simultaneously softening the message (I think this, but you may think differently). My response is likely to be “We need to fix this”, which actually means “You need to fix it.” What I’m unlikely to say is “I think it needs fixing.” That implies a personal opinion, and that potentially some other opinion out there matters and a decision can’t yet be taken. The impersonal or the plural form is actually a far stronger phrasing. Religions have of course known this for years. Jesus didn’t say “I think the meek are blessed. In my opinion they should inherit the earth. Although they may have trouble hanging onto it.” *

I’d be interested to hear from my readers if these observations match the experience of those in ongoing D/s relationships. In the meantime I’ll leave you with an image (courtesy of Geek Domme)  featuring a happy domme and a submissive who doesn’t look to be in a position to make use of any pronouns or function words. Unless ‘Owww!’ or ‘Eeek!’ counts as a function word.

Happy domme with bound submissive

* That last part of the phrasing might be a touch inaccurate. I’m not too up on my biblical quotes.