I really don’t give a fig

There aren’t a lot of kinky physical activities I don’t enjoy. Obviously I haven’t tried everything, should such an accomplishment even be possible, but my strike rate on trying and enjoying new things is pretty high. That doesn’t mean that I love everything equally. I’ll always enjoy a good beating over a more gentle foot worship session, but I’m happy if either comes in my direction.

In all the sessions I’ve done I can only think of one thing that I absolutely disliked and never want to do again. That would be figging. For those that have never tried it, this consists of using a carved ginger root as a butt plug, as shown in the photograph below. The idea is that the ginger creates a stinging burning sensation that is particularly painful if the submissive clenches around the plug. It is sometimes combined with spanking, with the plug used to encourage the submissive to keep his or her muscles relaxed.

Unfortunately when I tried it, the only thing I could think of was curry. Red hot, melt the plastic bag, take-away curry. The kind I used to get in England after consuming many beers on a Friday night out. The kind that tasted so good at the time, but I always knew I’d pay for the next day. At any moment during the figging I expected the taste of stale lager in my mouth and a flock wallpaper flashback. The pain from the ginger wasn’t enough to be masochistically interesting, but it was enough to make me think of churning stomachs, hangovers and hours spent anchored to the porcelain throne.

After over ten years in the States there’s only three things that I still miss about England. My immediate family is one. Proper fish and chips wrapped in newspaper is another. And the final thing would be good Indian take away. Figging is a great way to recreate its exit conditions. Now I just need to find an equivalent for the tasting part.

FiggingI found this image on the Girls Rule, Subs Drool tumblr.

Pillow muncher

I remember the insults ‘pillow muncher’ and ‘pillow biter’ being thrown around the playground when I was at junior school. That’d be around the age of 7 or 8. It took me quite literally years to work out what it meant. It was obviously something to do with being ‘gay’, which was automatically considered bad, but I was a teenager before the penny finally dropped on what exactly was going on. I can even remember the “Ah-ha!” moment, as I was so happy I’d finally solved the riddle. I was never the quickest child on the uptake when it came to sex.

I like both expressions in the shot below. They’re both looks of concentration. His is a pained concentration, biting the pillow as he tries to ease into it and get comfortable. Hers is a look of problem solving concentration, just trying to get everything lined up and pushed home.

Pillow BiterI found this via the Femdom Marriage tumblr. I think it’s originally from the Guys Get Fucked site. You can see more shots from the scene in this gallery.

Inappropriate reactions

I was told tonight that my penis was having ‘an inappropriate reaction to pain.’ That’s not a statement you hear every day of the week, no matter how kinky you are. It was a tongue in cheek comment from Lydia after a lot of tiny but sharp wooden clips affixed to the said appendage had increased my arousal. It was a vicious circle. Quite literally vicious in this case. The more they hurt, the more aroused I got, and the more aroused I got, the more the skin was stretched and the more it hurt. Masochism can be very strange.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your tolerance for scrawny naked English masochists) we didn’t get any photographs. So I was forced to hunt through my image collection and the tumblverse for something appropriate. You’d think that a combination of aroused male and pain inflicting dominant female would be an easy shot to find. After all, that sounds like a pretty fundamental part of femdom porn. It turns out to be far rarer than I’d expected. Lots of aroused guys in gay BDSM porn or solo male shots. A few aroused guys in more soft focus, blindfolds and fuzzy handcuffs type BDSM. Lots of pain and torture shots with a bunch of floppy dicks. But very little combining the two. I realize that as problems go this isn’t one likely to keep people awake at night, but it certainly surprised and temporarily stymied me.

In the end I decided to go with some art from Vernice61. You can always rely on him for a combination of dominant women, aroused males and painful torments. Of course that’s the beauty of artwork. It can always be exactly what the artist wants it to be.

Vernice61 artwork

A cock torture palooza

After yesterday’s slightly off-topic post, I thought we should return to some serious femdom action. And who better to do that with than the talented Mistress Sidonia von Bork from The English Mansion?

Here’s a collection of fun looking CBT shots, along with one of Mistress Sidonia herself (click the images to enlarge them). You might think there’s a whole lot of cock in the shot on the left, but it actually only accounts for 18% of the total in the original blog post. The source photograph is an impressive 5×10 snapshots of heavy CBT torture. Definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for new ways to do horrible things to delicate and sensitive appendages.

Incidentally, does anyone know the name of that wire mesh column device in the shot on the right? I’ve never played with one, but it looks like it might be interesting to try.

CBT from English MansionCBT with Mistress Sidonia von Bork

Searching for a little inspiration

The last few days have found me hunting through my archives of femdom art and erotic fiction in search of a little creative inspiration. I’m trying to carve out time to do some more femdom fiction writing, which for me is an enjoyable but slow process. Normally I just start bashing away at whatever random theme comes to mind, typically without any prepared plan or structure. Occasionally that turns into something worth publishing, but more often than not it bogs down and ends up being left to rot in my unfinished ideas folder. This time I’m trying to be a little more scientific. I’ve been analyzing some of my favorite authors (e.g. Tyjord, drkfetyshnyghts and Anne Gray) to see what parts of their stories really push my buttons. It has been interesting and educational to try and deconstruct why certain passages really grab me. For example, I liked this a lot.

Jason panicked as he felt the tugging on the front of his collar as Victoria pulled the chain through the ring on the ceiling. For a moment he thought they were going to hang him as he choked from both the gag and the pressure on his collar.

Seeing the distress in his eyes, Kristi leaned over his ear and whispered to him, “you can ease off the pressure a bit if you lift yourself up on your toes.” Gratefully he did so, putting all of his weight on the rubber encased balls of his feet. Immediately, Victoria took up the slack in the chain and hooked the taught metal to another ring in the wall near her. Kristi then grabbed another strap and buckled it around his newly exposed instep.
From ‘Jason’s Vacation’ by Tyjord

The apparent concern, the whispered words of apparent comfort and advice, and then the cruel betrayal. That’s hot.

I’m thinking of setting a story inside a medical establishment, so I’ve been browsing artwork along those lines. The piece below is one that particularly grabbed me. I know from personal experience that a little Icy Hot or VapoRub can be pretty painful when applied to delicate tissues. I can’t imagine what it’d be like when slathered on liberally with a painters brush.

It’s not signed but from the style I believe it’s from Tink2001. His work has featured here in the past (for example here, here and here). He has a personal site with a small collection of images located here.

Patient being treated with VapoRubOn an entertaining side note I tried putting this into Google’s image search to see what it would come back with. That’s often a good way to find other sites that have featured particular artists. In this case it came back with “Best guess for this image: 3d animal porn”. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

Fun and hijinks in San Francisco

Today’s post marks the return of one of the less heralded stars of the femdom porn scene. Someone who, despite a fine portfolio of work, has yet to attract the big money bookings. Or any kind of bookings. Yes, it’s that prime specimen of rippling submissive man flesh (stop giggling at the back), your host paltego.

These shots were all taken on my recent trip to San Francisco to see Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li. I mentioned it in a post written while I was there, and you can read my description of a prior visit in this post.

The two shots on the left were taken in my first session with just Mistress Yuki. You can see her reflection in the mirror in the top shot (click to enlarge should you so desire). I always enjoy these custom built bondage chairs, as they’re not particularly uncomfortable to sit in for long periods, but they do make me incredibly vulnerable. Everything is exposed and available for torment. They might not look like much but those plastic clips adorning my chest and genitals were vicious little buggers. Particularly painful when Mistress Yuki chose to grind her knee into them as the bottom left shot shows.

The top right shot was from the double domme session. That’s Mistress Yuki with the camera and Mistress Ai-Li tormenting me in the cage. There was one moment when they were enthusiastically encouraging me to step backwards out the cage, with the only minor drawback being the cords pulling my cock and balls out the front. You can see this from another angle in this image. For a moment or two I was tempted to try the stick plaster approach, and just give it a really good yank to break free. In hindsight I was glad I didn’t, as I might have pulled off a little more than I intended.

The bottom right shot shows me dangling in a harness attached to a powered winch. Like the chair it creates a very exposed position, with both sides of the body as viable targets. It’s particularly ‘interesting’ with two dommes, as they can work you over from front and back simultaneously. Not being able to anticipate where the next blow is coming from creates a very intense and disorientating experience.

We finished off both sessions with some piercing. This shot shows a line of needles created to run down my chest. In the second session the mistresses worked together to create two parallel lines of needles. I always find piercing can be a pleasantly objectifying process, particularly when the decorative aspects of it are emphasized. Having two people talking and working together in a coordinated fashion on my body really helped emphasize that objectifying aspect.

Bound to chair (front view)In the cage with Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li

Bound to chair (top view)Hanging in harness

Shifting focus

I found this image interesting for how it plays with the focus of interest for the three participants – him, her and me.

She’s holding the weighted handcuff, the key part of the image that creates the tension of the moment, but not looking at it. Instead she’s looking up at him, biding her time, watching for his reaction when she lets go. He’s staring out at the viewer, but I think his gaze is really turned inwards. He’s concentrating on his own physical sensations, that internal submissive focus that often builds as pain becomes imminent. I’m looking back at him, but my gaze is actually drawn down to her hand and those dangling weights. My enjoyment of the image is anticipating what she’s about to do and how she’ll take pleasure in that moment.

So I’m looking at her, she’s looking at him and he’s looking inwards. It’s an interesting shift of focus, while still keeping a sense of connection in the image.

Nyomi Banxxx and Lance Hart in a Divine Bitches shoot

The dominant is Nyomi Banxxx, the submissive Lance Hart and the shot is obviously one from the Divine Bitches site.

Uppity Submissives

Here’s a couple of submissives taking charge for once. The text isn’t all that clear, so in case you can’t read it the one of the left is saying “Don’t worry Mistress. We called in sick for you. Today you don’t need to go to work. Instead, we’re gonna have a nice little birthday party.” And the one on the right is saying “That’s right mistress! Now, come on, make a wish!” I’m not entirely sure of the exact backstory, but I’m guessing this is only a temporary rebellion that they may well regret further down the road.

The art comes courtesy of Shiniez from his site on deviant art. You’ll need to register to view anything, which is annoying, but it’s free and well worth it. There are a lot of good artists featured on the deviant art site in general. In this case you can see the original of this image in its original 1600×993 glory, plus a lot of really well drawn F/f and M/f BDSM artwork. Shiniez strikes me as unusual in that he actually tries to develop emotional and nuanced BDSM artwork. This piece is a good example. Note that it’s really big and long, so you may need to right click, select view image and then zoom to see it properly, or see original here. That’s an example from an ongoing series, taken just after a hot play session between the two women. It obviously lacks context when presented alone like this, but it’s also very clearly different to the simple ‘single snapshot of an extreme scene’ that’s so common in BDSM artwork. When was the last time you saw artwork showing a dom/sub couple unwinding and indulging in aftercare?

Happy Birthday to Mistress

Site Updates

I’ve added a number of new sites to the Femdom Images page. These are:

I’ve also added a few new sites to the BDSM Equipment page. These are:

The Madame Pontellier site is fairly unique, in that it offers free videos and then ties them to examples of equipment used in the clips. Typically that’s not how I’d choose to shop, but it might be worth checking out if that concept appeals to you.

The image below comes from one of the new tumblr sites – Girls Rule, Subs Drool. I thought it was cute. I actually have friends who will not even temporarily hold their girlfriends purse or handbag when out in public. To which my usual response, when they start objecting is “Oh for Gods sake, stop complaining and give it here, I’ll hold it for her.” I can’t imagine how they’d react to a request to fix a shoe in situ. Submissive guys really should be more in demand.

Updated: Somehow I forgot to add Spanked 2 Tears in the original list of tumblr updates. Fixed now.

Man kneeling to fix woman's shoe

A study in contrasts

When browsing tumbrs there’s so much pornographic content available that it can begin to blur together. The endless sweaty naked bodies all start to look the same. Occasionally however, something will stop me dead in my browsing tracks. Here’s an image that did exactly that when I came across it on Wonton Art.

There’s the obvious use of color contrast, with the submissive bright, cheerful and fleshy, while the dominant is grey and forbidding. More significantly, there’s also the stylistic contrast. The submissive is male but feminine, lithe and sensuous. He reminds me a little of a Japanese videogame character, something from a role-playing series that features an angst ridden and sensitive male lead. In contrast the dominant is unambiguously female, but imposing and serious. She’s striding away, her point clearly made. If he’s from a modern videogame, then she’s from a Victorian melodrama, possibly featuring orphans and a cruel governess.

ContrastsI’m afraid I don’t know the artist, but I would love to see more works from him or her. Please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.