The joy of cooking

Here’s a continuation of yesterday’s cookery theme, although with a slightly different slant. I believe that’s Mistress January Seraph carelessly misplacing her cookbook on top of her slaves meat and two veg. He better start hoping the recipe she has in mind doesn’t call for a cleaver or a tenderizer.

I really like their expressions, particularly in the first shot. He’s got a pleading look of “Please don’t drop it. (But I know you’re going to).” While she’s a little more quizzical, with a “Really? Don’t? (But you know I”m going to)” expression.

Mistress with naked slave in kitchen
Mistress with naked slave in kitchen

I believe it’s originally from a sequence on the CBT and Ballbusting site.

Updated: It is definitely Mistress January Seraph and taken from the above site. I just find another great shot from the same scene on January Seraph’s tumblr.

The secret ingredient

I’ve been entertaining myself recently by browsing various Japanese BDSM blogs. Since I don’t speak Japanese and online translation tools mostly suck, there’s a fairly large lottery element to the process. I randomly click anything that looks like a link and occasionally I end up somewhere interesting. On the plus side, I think I am slowly learning the Japanese term for ‘Next Page’ ( 次ページ).

One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of Japanese bloggers are far more interested in food than US bloggers. Or at least as far as I can tell just from the images they post. There will be a few posts on bondage and whipping, and then suddenly a picture of what looks like the ingredients for tomorrows dinner. It makes for a diverting if slightly incongruous image sequence.

This photograph manages to neatly combine both topics together. I’m not sure if he’s being punished for a mistake in the kitchen, or if it’s simply a way for her to enjoy herself while dinner cooks. I kind of hope the latter. Maybe he’s being caned until the water comes to a boil. That’d be a fun way to time the various periods in preparing a meal.

Cooking and caningI found this on the 9ruikou blog. I believe it’s written by a Domina Ruiko, a pro-domme based in Tokyo (but I could well be wrong).

I’m eccentric. You’re crazy.

Brooke Magnanti (aka Belle de Jour) recently published a though provoking post over at her blog ‘The Sex Myth‘. It was triggered by the trial of Michael Peacock for violating the obscene publications act. He’s a UK based male escort who distributed gay pornography featuring watersports, fisting and a various BDSM activities. Thankfully he was found not guilty, which is likely to provoke a rethink on what is and isn’t legal to publish in the UK.

It is of course good news that Britain might relax its ridiculous obscenity laws. It has lagged behind both Europe and the United States when it comes to publishing explicit sexual material. I always find it ironic that the country founded by radical Puritans escaping England ended up with far more liberal obscenity laws than England itself. It also makes me happy to think that a randomly selected jury could overcome their natural impulse of ‘Ugh! That’s fucking weird!” and return a verdict of not-guilty. I wonder if the prevalence of the internet, with all it’s multifaceted and easily accessible media, has something to do with that. Twenty years ago you’d have had to go to considerably effort to see anything more than soft core pornography. Now any random friend can email you a link to two girls one cup.

While the not-guilty verdict was welcome, there were a couple of observations about the coverage of the case that were less positive. The first was from Quiet Riot Girl on the media coverage in the Guardian of the case. For those that don’t know it, the Guardian is the largest left-of-center newspaper in the UK. Quiet Riot Girl correctly pointed out that the paper normally takes a very puritanical line on porn, with contributors like Julie Bindel arguing for much stronger censorship and legislation against sex workers (for example idiotic articles like this or like this).  In this case it trumpeted the result as a victory for sexual freedom. So obviously porn is degrading when it features any women, but liberating when it features only men. I like the Guardian, I read it most days, but that’s a spectacularly patronizing and inconsistent point of view.

The other observation was from Brooke herself, and picked up on something that always been a bugbear of mine.

Is there an unwritten rule that when the topic is sex, even supportive and liberal commentators who identify as sex-positive must make it clear exactly where in this case their personal kinky line has been crossed? I lost count of the number of times either on blogs or on Twitter I read some variation of “Of course, I don’t go in for these disgusting practices at all, but I fully support…” etc.

What’s the problem here, you might ask? That of solidarity. You wouldn’t begin a discussion on same-sex marriage with the sentence, “Of course, I am disgusted at the thought of being attracted to the same sex, but I fully support…”, would you? You wouldn’t start an article about trans people with “I am appalled at the idea of changing your born sex, but I fully support…” and so on.
Sexuality is not a hierarchy of extremity, with fisting, urine, and blood at its apex. Sexuality is not a linear progression from missionary-position, procreative, within-marriage, monogamous mating at one end and goatse at the other.
Brooke Magnanti

I completely understand why people do this when it comes to porn. They’re seeking the intellectual higher ground. They don’t want people to think the material  might excite them, because that would appear to weaken their argument. Their motives can no longer be trusted because their baser instincts have been aroused. Better to be a champion of intellectual freedom than a horny person looking for something to get off on.

However, as Brooke argues, sexual acts aren’t graded on some linear curve. The idea of a sexual line in the sand makes no sense. Either you’re in favor of sexual freedom and adults retaining their own power of consent, or you’re not. It shouldn’t be necessary to layout or justify your own personal sexual kinks in order to defend freedom of speech. The pressure should always be on the people trying to censor a particular point of view. Not on the people who enjoy it and want to share their sexual preferences with others. We shouldn’t be simultaneously defending someone while ghettoizing their sexuality.

For an illustrative image I thought I’d run with the fisting theme, since that was apparently one of the triggers for the original prosecution. Here’s a rather attractive young lady wearing some decorative pearls and a slightly more functional latex glove.

Mistress fisting slaveI found this on the Women Supremacy tumblr. It’s originally from the Tyrannized site.

Keeping it in the family

Eric Stanton produced a large amount of high quality femdom artwork over his career. Some of it was a little strange. For example, these drawings are taken from a series entitled ‘Family Affair’ which pits mother and daughter against father and son. As you’d expect given the context, the women win out and beat the hell out of the helpless males. In the drawings below it’s the sister taking charge of her brother with a little helpful advice from her mother. Some people might find the incest storyline a little but squicky, but I think the drawings themselves are classic Stanton, with lots of energy and very physical forceful women. From the introduction page I believe these were drawn in 1974.

Eric Stanton artwork from 'Family Affair'

Eric Stanton artwork from 'Family Affair'

Making his O face

That would be ‘O’ as is in ‘Owww’.

Two great expressions here, caught at just the right moment. She looks very satisfied at the effect of her flogger. For his part, while I’m not sure satisfied is quite the right word, he’s certainly responding very strongly to it.

I’ve never been whipped or beaten while inverted. I have to think it would ratchet up the intensity quite sharply. It’d be very disorientating for one thing. I also think it’d increase the sense of helplessness, hanging so vulnerably with no way to catch yourself if you were to fall. I guess I should add it to my kinky ‘to do’ list.

Inverted bound male being flogged by MistressThe image is obviously from the Men In Pain site.

And on the main stage…

As I’ve posted here before, CFNM doesn’t do a huge amount for me. However, I know there are fans of it amongst my readers, and this struck me as one of the more entertaining examples of the genre I’d seen. I like the expressions on the women’s faces. The one in the middle has a big smile, while the one closest the camera looks like she’s taking it a lot more seriously. I hope he’s got a really good routine lined up to entertain them with, because this looks like it might be a tough crowd.

Naked man in front of audience of clothed womenI found this on the Intellectually Frustrated tumblr by Mistress A.

Love hurts good on a bed of nails

Here’s a very usual item of BDSM furniture – a bed of nails. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these in a dungeon or studio space before. This particularly one is the property of Domina Liza, an English pro-domme. She’s shown in the third photograph below, looking particularly elegant and striking in her black latex catsuit. She also featured in an earlier post, back in 2010.

I’m kind of intrigued to know exactly how this would be used in a scene. I know the theory of a bed of nails is all about spreading the load across many points, ensuring no single one creates enough pressure to break the skin. So I guess it could be used in a type of predicament play. Once the submissive is resting on it start some tease & denial, CBT or NT and watch them try not to squirm. Any excessive movement would presumably create an unbalanced load and increase the pain from the nails. I also image it’s quite psychologically powerful, given how fearsome it looks. Not sure if careful trampling would be possible, but what a headtrip if it was!

Domina Liza's bed of nails
Domina Liza's bed of nails
Domina Liza in latex

If you’d like the chance to try it out for yourself then Domina Liza is based in Derby, England and her contact information is here. It looks like she has a beautiful studio space, and if I still lived in the UK I’d have loved to have the chance to session there with her.

Getting all emotional

I’ve written a lot in the past about the physical sensations of play sessions, but I don’t think I’ve written much about the emotional side of things. This doesn’t seem to be unusual. When I look around blogs and forums I see a lot of talk about the physical (appearance, activities, etc.) and the sensations (pain, pleasure, etc.) but not much about the emotions in a session. What talk there is of emotions tends to focus on the longer term issues, such as the emotional relationship with the domme, dealing with any feelings of guilt or shame, the anticipation or excitement of a upcoming play date, etc. For actual sessions people tend to talk about subspace and leave it at that.

This is probably because these kind of in-the-moment emotions feel very personal. It’s easy to talk about and share common reference points for a particular activity or type of costume. Transitory emotions are both harder to describe and likely to be more unique to the individual. However, I think they’re worth discussing, as they remain a constant source of fascination for me. I should note that I’m talking about emotions in a pro-domme session context. That’s obviously a very different emotional starting point than a non-professional context.

When I session I don’t role-play and I don’t target a specific emotional response. Humiliation and emotional masochism aren’t big button pushers for me. Yet, in the two or three hours of a normal session, I’ll go through a big emotional swing. I can’t think of another situation that’ll manipulate my emotions quite so quickly and effectively.

The starting point, the moment I get naked, is always smiles and jokes, with a little edge of anticipation. There’ll be some prodding of old marks. A little pinching and laughter as I react. I’m certainly not a smart ass masochist, but if there’s ever a time I’ll tease the domme a little, it’s at this point. I’m happy and a little cocky. I know some people find CFNM to be erotically charged and excitingly humiliating, but it just tends to make me smile. There’s something inherently funny about the naked male body (mine anyway), particularly when put next to a beautiful and sensually dressed female one.

As we get deeper into the session the next emotional state for me is normally one of peace and calmness. Obviously it depends on exactly what we’re doing, but typically as bondage is applied and my options shrink, I feel contentment. There’s a sense that all is right with the world. I can relax and let my body and senses belong to someone else.

At the heart of the session is the strangest emotion of all. I don’t have a word for it, but the closest comparison I can make is to an intense feeling of love. It’s clearly not love, as it doesn’t exist prior to the session and it fades the instant we transition out of D/s mode. But in the deepest moments of the best sessions I feel this strong wave of something like love for the domme. It reminds me of the feelings from the first few months of an exciting new relationship. That up-swelling of emotion when you see the person, that sense that they’re the center of your world, and that you want to protect them and care for them.

Along with the love-like emotion there’s also often a strong sense of gratitude. A feeling that I’m deeply in debt to the domme. The domme will do something particularly vicious to me, and I’ll feel a powerful urge to thank her. This isn’t the kind of rote thank-you that some domme’s demand as part of a beating, but a genuine need to acknowledge how I feel inside. In hindsight it seems quite extraordinary. Why suddenly (and temporarily) feel ‘love’ for someone who just deliberately hurt you? Why thank them?  The psychology behind this fascinates me, as it seems so very counter-intuitive.

Finally, at the end of the session, the emotional transition is a return to laughter. The tension and intensity seeps out of the scene and is replaced by smiles. The endorphins are swirling around my brain and I’m buzzed, with an innate sense of well-being. That feeling will last for hours, and for the next few days I’ll feel more positive and energized.

I’d be interested to hear from others as to how their emotional cycle unfolds over a play period. Feel free to leave a comment. I’m also curious as to the difference playing in a relationship makes, as that’s something operating over very different emotional territory.

When it comes to illustrating images for the post, I thought these 3 shots seemed appropriate. They’re from the ‘Men are Slaves‘ site and show an intense whipping followed by a nice emotional moment of care and connection.


Happy New Year!

Hope all my readers out there have a fabulous 2012. I wish you all the kinky fun you can handle for the coming 12 months.

I have no idea what femdom image is suitable for a celebration of the changing of calendar, so here’s just a fun one that was lurking on my hard drive. Hopefully everyone will have as good a time as it looks like these two are.

Bound male being teased by female

Relaxing together on the couch

I love the bondage arrangement they’ve set up here. On an aesthetic level there’s a great symmetry to it, with her dark clad frame resting comfortably in the center, his pale naked body spread before her and then the heavy horizontal white bar of the couch. It also works on a very practical level. She can use him simply as a foot rest, or do a little torture with her heels, or lean forward and turn it into a full blown CBT session. I like the idea that she could be watching TV or reading, and then at odd moments, when she’s a little bored, she could reach out and do something particularly vicious to him.

Male slave bound to couch with Mistress MadelineI believe the domme here is Maitresse Madeline and it’s obviously from a Divine Bitches shoot. I found it on the Herrin Domino and Petrushka (aka BiHappy) tumblr.