This is where I jump from toilet play to Disney in consecutive posts. How’s that for versatility?
I haven’t seen the movie Tangled and, lacking any kids that I need to entertain, I probably never will. However, I did like this shot from it. The film is Disney’s spin on the Rapunzel story, and she’s clearly using her hair for a bit more than a simple escape rope. I think there’s a really nice D/s vibe that comes through the image, with her aggressive stance and his upturned nervous look.
As a child I was always fascinated by fairy tales and in particular by the way evil characters mistreated the good characters. The classic stories are littered with examples of imprisonment, bondage, choking, poisoning, torture and miscellaneous punishments. You know, all the good stuff. They also seem to have a lot of aggressive and sadistic women causing the suffering, from evil queens through vindictive step-moms to beguiling enchantresses. I’m sure sociologists and academic feminists have had a lot to say about that over the years. But from a personal perspective, as a young immature proto-submissive, I found it very erotic, long before I knew there was even such a concept as ‘erotic’.