Images of women teasing men in chastity are fairly common in femdom porn. There are a lot of keys twirled around and dangled in front of humiliated male faces. Suspending the key from a necklace is also a common theme. That not only turns the key of control into a decorative piece of jewelry, but also suspends it in a location that highlights the sexuality and beauty of the woman. So, apart from the attractive smile, this first image is nothing particularly exciting.
However, as the second image shows, Mistress Sophie Dee likes to do a little more than simply tease with a key. It seems our hero is perfectly placed (in an ingenious set of stocks) to watch her enjoy a particularly intimate encounter with another man. The rest of the evening then unfolds pretty much as you might expect.
I have to admit this is one of the occasional situations where I think “That’s really hot.” And then a few seconds later I think “How screwed up is it that I think this is really hot?”
Not, I hasten to add, that I have a problem with that kind of screwed up. I’m a kinky omnivore, and I’m happy to enjoy whatever seems interesting and exciting to my strange brain. But it does fascinate and puzzle me how my neural pathways ended up wired this particular way.

This sequence of images comes from the Divine Bitches site and features Mistress Sophie Dee. There’s a short free video clip from the session at this page, along with the opportunity to purchase the entire picture set and full length video.