Intense Pegging

I’ve no idea how to embed a tumblr video into a blog post, so I’ll just have to provide this lame link to a hot pegging video and rely on you, my treasured reader, to follow it. There are all sorts of ‘intense’ pegging videos online – with dommes sporting enormous dildos and dominating the hell out of their hapless submissives. This isn’t one of those. For me intensity in pegging comes from the sensuality and the connection formed. Two people deep in an intimate moment. This video might be from a porn shot, but it has a lot more of that sensuality and intimacy than I normally see.

Given my lack of embedding mojo, I needed some other eye candy for this post, so here’s a sexy pegging artwork. It’s not the same vibe as the video, but I like it all the same.

I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist for this is.

Update: Thanks to a helpful comment I can now attribute this to the artist Tang. You can find more of their work at this tumblr and their personal site.

Should have used more lube

I had all sorts of serious posts to write today. Yet here I am, featuring this image from CNN. I just couldn’t resist it. Great headline? Or the greatest headline?

I can only assume that Senator Collins was wielding something like the weapon below and was sparing on the lube. Poor Donald. It does of course beg the question – what would his safeword be? Typically you’d pick something you’d never say accidentally. So I guess “Sorry” would work pretty well.

You want it harder, you got it

Here’s a final image to finish this short sequence of pegging artwork posts. I’m afraid I don’t know who are the artist is, but I like how much fun and mutual pleasure they’ve managed to express in this image.

On a personal note, I’m taking some vacation and travelling over the coming week. As is usual with my vacations, kinky shenanigans will feature heavily. Hopefully, I’ll have some interesting experiences to share. I plan to take a laptop with me and keeping blogging, so normal service should continue.

If anyone can help me attribute this image, then please leave a comment with the details.

Pondering the Peg

My previous pegging post got my pondering the peg.  Specifically, why I so rarely request it in a pro-domme session, despite the fact I love the sensations and dynamic it can create. It’s sexy as hell, yet I ask to be whipped, pierced, cut and burnt far more often than I ask to be penetrated.

Partly it’s down to the huge variability in what dommes expect by way of preparation. Some are happy to grab their strap-on at a moments notice, others send a lengthy list of preparations that feature a schedule for enemas and eating. I never know which it’s going to to be, and I never fancy having to deal with the detailed preparation. It’s always worked out just fine for me without it, but I don’t want to have to argue that fact or deal with squirting water up my ass.

Mostly though it’s due to the type of anal play I like. I might be a masochist, but pegging pain is not fun. It’s a red flag, stop the ride, I want to get off, type situation. So the whole pegging porn thing of “I’ll fuck you you up, split you open and ravage your ass with my enormous strap-on” really doesn’t work for me. Penetration is enough in itself. I don’t need to be jack hammered by a knobbly traffic cone to get into the submissive headspace.

I like pegging to be intimate, sexual and pleasurable. And while those things are not always mutually exclusive from professional domination, they’re not typically what  a pro-domme offers. They’re certainly not what I feel comfortable putting on a session request form. So pegging remains an occasional treat to indulge in when the chemistry is right.

I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image.

More bad news from D.C.

This report – US internet firms drop opposition and back bill to fight online sex trafficking – sounds like very bad news for sex workers of all types. On the face of it, with no additional context, it appears to have a laudable aim. After all, who could be in favor of sex trafficking? The problem is that government and law enforcement aren’t good at distinguishing between consensual and non-consensual sex work. And that’s putting the best possible spin on it. A more realistic view would be that they deliberately obfuscate regular sex work with sex trafficking.

The problem for the morality police (literal and figurative) is that sex work is a complex issue for many people. There are a lot of shades of grey and not a big majority for interfering with what consensual adults do in their own time. In contrast, attacking sex trafficking – which is by definition non-consensual – is always going to get a lot of support. So claim that all sex work is inherently trafficking and bingo, instant leverage to impose your morality regardless of reality.

The bill amends the Communications Decency Act to remove protection for online service providers if third parties us them to assist, facilitate or support sex trafficking. You don’t have to be Cassandra to see the chilling effect that might have. Given the tendency of law enforcement to define sex trafficking in the broadest possible terms, and given tech firms tendency to want to avoid any kind of sex related controversy, the pressure will be to remove any and all sex work related content. After all, how is Google to know that the pro-domme whose website they’re linking to hasn’t been trafficked? Or what about that pro-dommes web hosting company? Or how about the sites sex workers advertise on (e.g. Slixa or Eros)? It only needs one case that law enforcement can distort into a trafficking scenario and suddenly they’ll be potentially liable.

As you’d expect the Sex Workers Outreach Project is against it as is the Electronic Frontier Foundation.  If you’re a US citizen I’d encourage you to either contact your state representative about the bill or donate to organizations like SWOP or EFF to fight it.

I’ve no idea what image is appropriate for a piece like this, so I’ll leave you with a shot of a woman doing to a man what politicians do to the electorate. The difference being, he’s actually enjoying it.

This is by the artist Sheggy.

Heavens Above!

I swear a fair amount in daily life. I always find a well placed curse word to be highly satisfying. Typically I never use religious expressions – except when I’m playing. No idea why that is. While I might scatter the odd ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ around my daily screw-ups, bend me over and beat my ass, and suddenly I’m muttering ‘Oh, God’ and “Jesus! That hurt.’

There are probably some deep psychological issue at work here. Possibly having a domme in charge brings the idea of a higher power to mind. In the meantime I should probably avoid playing with committed Christians. They might take offense and beat me even harder, leading to an endless spiral of blasphemy and increasing violence.

This gentleman seems to be invoking an entire pantheon of higher powers. I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for the image.

The sexual power of the penetrating tool

While researching yesterday’s post featuring Mistress Yin, I came across this article by her on the pleasure she takes from anal sex as a top. I think it’s a great piece, and it really captures the aspects of anal play that make it so appealing to her.

I remember chatting to a domme about top space and the various ways she could access it. I was somewhat surprised to learn that she found that wielding a strap-on was one of the most consistent routes in to it. I’d always assumed top space would be tied to more obvious controlling and sadistic activities like bondage, corporal, piercing, etc. Yet for her it was the very intimate level of control and physical manipulation that came from a strap-on that worked most effectively.

This obviously isn’t Mistress Yin. I believe, based on this tweet, it’s Tristan Taormino.

Playing Dead

This image made me laugh. His posture and expression are unusual for this kind of shot. Has he collapsed, exhausted after a vigorous rogering? Did it take her so long to put on all that fancy fetish gear that he dozed off? Or is he playing dead, in the hope that the scary lady with the enormous strap-on will get bored and leave him alone?

This is originally from the StrapOn Dreamer site.