Lydia with whip

I spent a happy but painful few hours earlier this week on the receiving end of Lady Lydia’s whips and canes. So in honor of that, here’s a nice shot of her doing what she does so brilliantly. Despite the watermark text, this is taken from a men in pain session that she filmed for them in 2007.

Lady Lydia with WhipLady Lydia has a session space is Seattle if you want to see her in person, or a good collection of clips if Seattle isn’t in your travel plans anytime soon.

Nice Marks

I’m always proud of any marks I’m left with after a session. They not only act as a happy reminder for days or even weeks later, but also as a sign of a joint achievement. A collaborative effort that yielded dark rich red and purple stripes. The mistress skillfully laid out the design and I managed to take the entire thing.

Hopefully this gentleman will feel the same way about his impressive set of whip marks.

Whip Marks by Domina LizaThis is taken from the galleries on domina liza’s site. She’s a very striking (no pun intended) professional dominatrix from Derby in England.

Scary Stare

I’m not a fan of the stereotypical dominatrix sneer. I always like the dominant to look happy about hurting me. Otherwise the power dynamic gets very confusing.

However, this photograph really caused me to catch my breath and shiver slightly. Her expression is so flat. So emotionless. I can imagine her bending someone over that padded bench and whipping them until they bled. And she’d do it silently, calmly and with the minimum of effort on her part. Just working out some of her minor frustrations by making a man scream and bleed.

Expressionless dominatrix with whipFrom the website.

Kissy Kissy Baby!

This looks like an image from the same artist as this post. I’m still not exactly sure exactly who the artist is, but this particular file was in a rar entitled ‘tink’, so that at least gives me a clue. I just love the labeling on the shoe. That labeling turns a good image into a wonderful image.

Bullwhip, boots and a stare

The bullwhip and the boots are nice, but it’s the stare that really works for me in this photograph.

 Imagine being naked and chained on your knees in the corner of the room in this derelict building. She takes a confident step forward and pivots around, carefully swirling the whip to measuring the distance, before letting fly with a graceful overhand stroke….

Spotted on ‘The Delights Garden’ tumblr site.

Madame Loreen at the OWK

OWK has created a lot of high quality but fairly conventional femdom material over the years. That is if material from a micronation set in a 16th Century Czech Chateau dedicated to the idea of female supremacy can ever be regarded as conventional. Not many femdom sites have their own flag, coat of arms, motto and state hymn.

This image, on the other hand, must rank as one of their less conventional shots. There’s the usual naked slaves, leather outfits and whips. But rather than brandishing a crop and sneering at the camera, Madame Loreen (right) looks like she’s about to break into a spirited rendition of YMCA. And Mistress Christine (left) appears to be contemplating a switch from whipping the slave to whipping some sense into Loreen. Clearly she’s not a fan of that particular form of torture….

Mistress Loreen and Christine at the OWK